Episode 3: The missing shell necklace.

After Leilani was saved and the secret society were apprehended, hei hei and Moana decided to celebrate their victory.

Moana: (to Hei Hei) You know, Hei Hei, I think it's time we celebrated our victory. How about some coconut cake and a sunset view?

Hei Hei: (excitedly) Cluck cluck!

Moana: (laughing) Okay, okay! Let's go!

(Moana and Hei Hei head to the beach, where they enjoy coconut cake and watch the sunset)

Moana: (to Hei Hei) You know, Hei Hei, this is the life. Solving mysteries, helping people, and enjoying the beauty of Motunui.

Hei Hei: (contentedly) Cluck...

Moana: (smiling) Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, Hei Hei.

(Just as they're about to leave, Moana's phone rings)

Moana: (answering) Detective Moana speaking.

Voice on phone: Detective Moana, we have a new case for you. A valuable artifact has gone missing from the Motunui Museum.

Moana: (intrigued) An artifact, you say? What kind of artifact?

Voice on phone: It's a rare and valuable shell necklace. The museum curator is frantic.

Moana: (determined) Don't worry, I'm on it. Hei Hei, it looks like we've got a new case!

Hei Hei: (excitedly) Cluck cluck!

Moana: (laughing) Okay, partner! Let's go solve another mystery!

Moana: (to Hei Hei) Alright, let's head to the museum and talk to the curator. See what we can find out about this missing shell necklace.

Hei Hei: (excitedly) Cluck cluck!

(At the Motunui Museum)

Moana: (to the curator) Hi, I'm Detective Moana. I understand you've had a valuable artifact go missing?

Curator: (frantically) Oh, Detective Moana, thank goodness you're here! Our rare shell necklace has been stolen!

Moana: (calmly) Okay, let's take a deep breath and go through what happened. When did you first notice the necklace was missing?

Curator: (thinking) Let me see... I think it was during the gala event last night. I remember seeing it on display around 9 pm, but when I went to check on it again around 10 pm, it was gone!

Moana: (intrigued) A gala event, you say? That's a good lead. Can you give me a list of everyone who attended the event?

Curator: (nervously) Oh, dear... I'm not sure if I should be sharing that information...

Moana: (reassuringly) Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep the list confidential. I just need to investigate and find out who might have taken the necklace.

Curator: (hesitantly) Okay... I'll give you the list. But please, be discreet.

Moana: (smiling) Don't worry, I'll be careful. Hei Hei, let's take a look at that list and see if we can find any suspects.

Hei Hei: (excitedly) Cluck cluck!

(Moana and Hei Hei begin to investigate the list of gala attendees, searching for any clues that might lead them to the missing shell necklace)

Moana: (to Hei Hei) Okay, let's see... who's on this list? Ah, I see some familiar names. There's Chief Tui, Sina, and even Maui!

Hei Hei: (curiously) Cluck?

Moana: (laughing) Yeah, I know, Hei Hei. Maui's always up to something mischievous. But I don't think he'd steal a valuable artifact... would he?

Hei Hei: (skeptically) Cluck...

Moana: (smiling) Okay, okay. We'll keep an eye on Maui. But let's not jump to conclusions just yet. Who else is on this list?

(Moana continues to scan the list, her eyes widening as she sees a familiar name)

Moana: (excitedly) Ah-ha! Look at this, Hei Hei! Tamatoa's on the list!

Hei Hei: (alarmed) Cluck cluck!

Moana: (determined) That's right, Hei Hei. Tamatoa's got a history of stealing valuable artifacts. I think we might have just found our prime suspect.

Hei Hei: (eagerly) Cluck cluck!

Moana: (smiling) Okay, partner. Let's go pay Tamatoa a visit and see if we can catch him in the act.

(Moana and Hei Hei set off to confront Tamatoa, ready to solve the mystery of the missing shell necklace)

Moana: (to Hei Hei) Alright, Hei Hei. We're approaching Tamatoa's lair. Stay sharp.

Hei Hei: (nervously) Cluck...

Moana: (reassuringly) Don't worry, Hei Hei. I've got a plan. We'll sneak in, gather evidence, and catch Tamatoa off guard.

Hei Hei: (bravely) Cluck cluck!

(Moana and Hei Hei sneak into Tamatoa's lair, trying not to be seen)

Moana: (whispering) Okay, Hei Hei. We're inside. Let's find that shell necklace.

Hei Hei: (whispering) Cluck...

(They search the lair, avoiding Tamatoa's guards and traps)

Moana: (excitedly) Ah-ha! Look, Hei Hei! There it is! The shell necklace!

Hei Hei: (triumphantly) Cluck cluck!

(Just as they're about to retrieve the necklace, Tamatoa appears, his eyes gleaming with malice)

Tamatoa: (sneering) Ah, Moana. I've been expecting you. You'll never leave this lair alive!

Moana: (confidently) Oh, Tamatoa. You're not as clever as you think you are. We have evidence, and we're taking you down.

Tamatoa: (enraged) You'll never take me alive! (he summons his guards)

Moana: (to Hei Hei) Time to get out of here, Hei Hei! Climb on!

(Hei Hei climbs onto Moana's shoulders as she prepares to face Tamatoa's guards)

Moana: (bravely) Bring it on, Tamatoa! We're not going down without a fight!

Moana: (determined) We're not going to let you get away with this, Tamatoa!

Tamatoa: (sneering) Oh, I'm shaking in my boots, Moana. You think you can take on me and my guards?

Moana: (confidently) I don't just think I can, Tamatoa. I know I can.

(Moana charges forward, using her quick reflexes and agility to dodge the guards' attacks)

Hei Hei: (cheering) Cluck cluck!

Tamatoa: (enraged) No! You'll never defeat me!

(Tamatoa joins the fight, using his powerful claws and strength to try and overpower Moana)

Moana: (gritting her teeth) I'm not going to let you win, Tamatoa!

(Moana uses all her skills and training to fight back against Tamatoa, determined to bring him to justice)

Hei Hei: (squawking) Cluck cluck!

(Just when it seems like Moana is gaining the upper hand, Tamatoa lands a lucky blow, sending Moana flying across the room)

Tamatoa: (triumphantly) Ha! You'll never defeat me, Moana!

(Moana struggles to get back to her feet, but Tamatoa is too powerful. Just when all hope seems lost, Hei Hei intervenes)

Hei Hei: (bravely) Cluck cluck!

(Hei Hei distracts Tamatoa long enough for Moana to recover and launch a final attack)

Moana: (determined) It's over, Tamatoa!

(Moana delivers a decisive blow, defeating Tamatoa and shattering his defenses)

Tamatoa: (defeated) No... it can't be...

Moana: (triumphantly) It's over, Tamatoa. You've been brought to justice.

Hei Hei: (cheering) Cluck cluck!

(Moana stands victorious, the shell necklace safely in her possession. She turns to Hei Hei, who looks up at her with pride and admiration)

Moana: (smiling) Thanks, Hei Hei. I couldn't have done it without you.

Hei Hei: (proudly) Cluck.

Moana: (to Hei Hei) Now, let's get back to the museum and return the shell necklace to its rightful place.

Hei Hei: (excitedly) Cluck cluck!

(They make their way back to the museum, where they are greeted as heroes)

Curator: (gratefully) Oh, Moana! Thank you so much for recovering the shell necklace! We're so grateful to have it back.

Moana: (smiling) It was my pleasure. I'm just glad we were able to solve the case and bring Tamatoa to justice.

Chief Tui: (proudly) Moana, you've done it again! You're a true hero of Motunui.

Moana: (blushing) Thanks, Chief. But I couldn't have done it without Hei Hei's help.

Hei Hei: (proudly) Cluck!

(The crowd cheers and chants Moana's name as she and Hei Hei bask in the praise)

Moana: (to Hei Hei) You know, Hei Hei, being a detective is the best job in the world. I get to solve mysteries, help people, and spend time with my best friend.

Hei Hei: (contentedly) Cluck...

Moana: (smiling) Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, Hei Hei. We make a pretty great team.

(The scene fades to black as Moana and Hei Hei walk off into the sunset, ready for their next adventure)