Moana: (standing on the edge of the ocean) I feel it calling me, Hei Hei. The wind, the waves, the stars... they're all whispering secrets in my ear.
Hei Hei: (clucking softly) Cluck...
Moana: (smiling) I know, Hei Hei. I'm scared too. But I'm also excited. I've got to follow my heart and see where it takes me.
(As Moana stands there, lost in thought, a magnificent sailing canoe appears on the horizon)
Moana: (gasping) Wow! Look at that, Hei Hei!
Hei Hei: (clucking excitedly) Cluck cluck!
Moana: (smiling) I think that's my ride, Hei Hei. Wish me luck!
Hei Hei: (clucking nervously) Cluck...
Moana: (laughing) Don't worry, Hei Hei. I'll be back soon. And I'll have some amazing stories to tell!
(Moana sets off towards the sailing canoe, feeling a sense of adventure and possibility)
Moana: (boarding the sailing canoe) Wow, this is incredible! The craftsmanship, the design... it's all so beautiful!
Captain: (smiling) Ah, you've got a good eye for detail, young one. This canoe has been in my family for generations. It's been on countless voyages across the seas.
Moana: (impressed) I can imagine! It's got a great spirit about it. What's its name?
Captain: (proudly) Her name is "Te Fiti's Whisper". She's named after the ancient island goddess, Te Fiti.
Moana: (intrigued) Te Fiti? I've heard stories about her. She's the one who created life and islands, right?
Captain: (nodding) That's right! Te Fiti's Whisper is said to carry the spirit of the goddess with her. She's a lucky canoe, and she's got a special connection to the ocean and its secrets.
Moana: (excited) That's amazing! I feel like I'm meant to be on this canoe, sailing to... wherever it is we're going!
Captain: (smiling) Ah, you're a true wayfinder, Moana! You've got the heart of a sailor and the spirit of adventure. Let's set sail and see where the winds take us!
(The crew raises the sails, and Te Fiti's Whisper begins to glide across the water, carrying Moana and her new friends on a journey to unknown islands and untold wonders)