In a bullet-blasted spacious room: amber-lit, scattered exquisitely carved polished furnishings, on a blood-drenched body piled yellow carpet, and surrounded by blood-splattered copper-colored walls. Men were firing at one another, bodies were dropping, screams were echoing, and blood was spraying from body parts.

Nancy– a girl, looking like she is just about to enter adulthood, with disheveled shoulder-length black hair, fitting her small oval face, wearing a knee-length flower-printed dress, jumped under a huge broken table.

The barrage of bullets echoed with screeching curses, causing her to cover her ears as squirts of blood sprayed onto her, causing her to fold herself up, shivering with tears flooding out of her eyes. This went on for some time before, the whole room was then quiet.

Nancy was still reacting the same way despite the silence, footsteps could be heard getting closer to her.

"Please, please leave us alone!" She screamed, her voice crackled.

The footsteps didn't falter, getting closer.

Nancy crawled out from the table.

"If you move one more inch, I will put a lot of metal into you." A man's deep voice made Nancy froze on the spot.

She turned her head to stare at the man. He was skinny, looking to be in his 50s, with bloody wavy brown hair, and a bushy beard, his face hard to be defined through the blood on it along with his blue shirt and jeans as he pointed an automatic at her.

The surroundings were thick with the smell of blood and decomposing bodies, causing her to have to breathe harder. Everywhere was dyed red, her eyes twitching at the sight, her dress soaking up fluids. Her face trembled, tears now raining faster.

"Your father had it coming. Nancy." The man said, coughing out a gulp of blood, he pulled the trigger. Nothing came out, he giggled before falling to his knees, causing her to jump back, and then he went down flat. He never moved after. Nancy breathed out in relief.

The door opened. Nancy yelped at the door opening, it was M– a slim man in his 30s and had bushy facial features. He was wielding an automatic. Nancy's face trembled more. She started gasping with her hands up, rapping out gibberish.

"How are you still alive?" He inquired. His face was puffed up.

"Please, don't do anything to me." M's face remained statue-like, eyes scanning her.

"What happened here?" He asked in a composed voice.

"Some men came to meet my father. One of them called himself Edward. They talked, and laughed. Edward then made a joke about me making a good maid, when I came to serve drinks, in someone's house. I can't remember the name. They all laughed but my father then said something about not getting some product from him, as it is defective. I don't know what it is, please believe me. During the discussion, Edward, I don't know why, asked in what way am I his daughter. He asked creepier questions about me, getting more uncomfortable. It's like he wanted to get a reaction from my father. My father unloaded onto him when he said sorry. Everything went red as the security in my house and Edward's men let loose." Nancy answered.

M frowned, "Edward? That man is not an idiot that will tease someone's daughter like that. So you better start speaking or I will put a lot of bullets in you, I will still make sure you bleed to death. So you better tell me what happened." His gun was now pointed at her after talking.

Nancy started whispering please repeatedly. M stared at her, remaining inanimate.

"I will count from 5. You better start talking now. What happened Nancy, I know your name, your stupid father wanted to make a deal for you. Who do you think you are defending?"

Nancy shifted her body from him, he pulled the trigger, a short burst of bangs sounded, and she curled herself up screaming. She checked herself and looked around to see some holes not so far from her head.

"Talk now, I am feeling sick from this stupid smell. Answer me now!" M screamed out.

Nancy remained the same, crying and shivering even more.

"You want to know what your father made a deal with you for. The man wanted to save his skin, Nancy, you were going to follow them to be the product. You should understand what the product we move around the world to good people is. He wanted to give you out so we didn't get to kill him, as he owes a good debt of other products. The way you are looking at me. The products are your age-mates, your father was a seller."

Nancy shook her head.

"No! You are lying." She exclaimed.

M coughed and kicked her after. She groaned in pain.

"You would shoot me anyway. Truth or not, what happened is none of your business. You will never know what happened, leave me alone." She spat at him.

M turned to see Edward's busted-up body slumped across the wall. M cursed again and kicked her, causing her to wail.

"Your father wanted to make you a premium maid at some foreign hotel, so you better stop deceiving yourself about him," M exclaimed.

"I don't believe you!" Nancy responded.

"I don't care, you are in 3 months from now, going to be on the bed of…" M paused and calmed himself down.

"How am I going to explain this? Oh, how am I going to explain this stuff to them." M whispered as he looked around.

"Killing you isn't going to make me sleep well, you are following me out of here. They paid for you already, three months ago actually. Listen, I don't want to mess with these people. I am already in trouble for this carnage." M stated.

"You better shoot me. No wait, I didn't mean that, but if you are going to carry me somewhere to be put in a room of some strange man. I am going to fight you, as stupid as that sounds, I am not following you." Nancy coughed out blood after talking.

M looked at her with raised eyebrows. He ran at her, stabbing the body of the gun at her. She dodged it, jumped out of the way, she crawled to the door but the man hugged her legs and dragged her up, he bit his lips as she hit his legs with her arms, twisting her body from left to right.

He kicked her face, dropped her stunned body, and banged her head with the gun. She thrashed her arms, kicking about. Another bang, she was motionless. He cursed out, checking his leg.

Her body jolted up, and she dashed for the door, he flung the gun, and it slammed against her head as she grabbed the handle. She fell, face slamming across the door, slumping down.

He sat down on the carpet, he crawled to her. He dragged her up, both of them soaked in blood from the bodies around.