A large TV mounted onto a yellow wall was showing an all-capital letter title: Crimson News With Martin Hughes, the title dissolved to pitch black before a relaxed drum and guitar combo was heard.

The screen cut to a handsome man looking to be in his 50s: gelled brown hair, a trimmed bushy mustache, and a deep red suit were notable. He lay on a rose-colored couch that was surrounded by blurred-out multicolored objects, he was taking a sip from a transparent glass bottle of cobalt liquid.

He dropped the bottle onto a long glass table consisting: of a big bowl of chocolate balls, multiple-sized transparent glass cups, and a three-legged snoozing dim yellow kitten resting on a puffy purple cotton mat.

"Good morning lovely people, hope you all had a night not feeble, welcome to another episode of the Crimson News, my name is Martin Hughes." The man said composed, stretching his hand to stroke the still-snoozing kitten with a smile.

"As you can see this is my cat, and his name is Gujarat. In an R-rated event, he had to get one of his limbs amputated. The event was caused by a person called Evan Mcpherson, well Mister Gujarat is alive. He still is a source of uplifting vibe, now for news that is a crazy ride." Hughes said, grabbing a chocolate ball, and tossing it in his mouth with a smile.

"For this news, put yourself in the person's shoes, in an abuse of a metaphoric sheep by wolves. A human trafficking ring was violently uncovered by the police, which saw areas devoid of peace." Hughes said, not smiling but with the same composed voice.

"A manhunt was made for the traffickers that are alive, I said alive 'cause there were dangerous encounters with the rest which led to all of them having to die," Hughes said, pouring the cobalt liquid into the smallest glass cup.

"For now, I have to fire this one without rhyming. Please take this kindly, officers were killed off during this event, and some were hospitalized with others still out there, trying to bring justice." Hughes downed the whole drink after talking.

"Now, the result of the manhunt has been out. The traffickers, two mind you, have been captured by police, or rather they gave themselves in. I must say, quite good showmanship." Hughes said, picking up a chocolate ball and tossing it in his mouth with a slight grin.

"Another big one, a big shootout in the early hours of today. Boom, bang, and screams were heard. The event happened in the now-destroyed house of a retired officer, Misses Eve Megan who is in the already filled-up hospital, she was shot and badly injured. Now before you scream at me for the relaxed tone, like Gujarat here. Miss Eve is alive, and doing well with treatment, even cursing at one of the nurses for asking about her condition repeatedly." Hughes said, chuckling after.

"The real program with me diving deep into each topic and more starts in ten minutes but I want to do more. Today hasn't been smooth, and some of us are having it worse. I will be honest, life is not bad. Take it as a cinema, a scene comes and goes. You are having a good time, it is not going to last. Having a bad time, it is not going to last. Moments come, they will go. Bad things will come, you will be hurt. Good things will come, it will run away. Please in whatever you do, have people around you. Make positive friends not to have a good time only, but to endure the terrible times when they come. For the next… so minutes, let us enjoy this background music which I will increase for us to just listen and relax. And finally, if you are alone. Remember that if no one else loves you, wherever you are. Martin Hughes loves you, and always will." Hughes said, clapping his hands and the background music increased its volume.

Hughes carried Gujarat and placed him on his chest as they both now relaxed.

In the room of where James and Rick were hiding, Rick's wife, in a light yellow robe, was lying against a sofa. Nobody was there as the TV played the background music.

Her eyes were closed, she poked her eyes to stem the flowing tears, her chin quivered, face twitched, she started gulping as more tears flooded her face, she wiped the tears with the back of her hand as she gulped a cobalt liquid from a big transparent bowl.

She screamed and flung the bowl at the wall, it broke apart. She took long breaths with her mouth. She stood up, staggering during the process before diving onto the sofa, she looked at the TV as she adjusted her pose. It was a replica of Hughes', she looked at the ceiling.

Her face was bland with expression as she blew her nose onto her hand. She closed her eyes, relaxing her body. A snore came out of her.