Ep 3: Chapter 1.2

Liu Manchu and Bai Daiyu, two cultivators of the 3rd realm of qi condensation, had finally left their sect. Having been pampered all their lives in good families, and then, before they had a chance to explore the world, immediately sent off to a large sect to cultivate immortality, these two were very down and out, before they found a sect mission that was to simply kill off some low level beasts in a small town a week out. Seeing it as a great opportunity to see the world, the two, and two others: Hu Fang, 5th realm of qi condensation and Du Song, at the 6th ream of qi condensation. Du Song, as the eldest, was leading the team, and Hu Fang was well known for his experience in the area, and so he'd been brought along as the guide. Liu Manchu and Bai Daiyu however, just hopped onto the ship with the excuse of 'experience' and since everyone else found the job troublesome, they had no problem getting it. 

However, the past few days had been miserable, staying in small inns, in beds that would better serve a goat, they'd finally arrived in a decent town, and Liu Manchu was very much looking forward to sleeping and eating well tonight.

However, before they could go very far in, his ears immediately caught the sound of a crying child. Du Song didn't even give it a glance, also grabbing Hu Fang to help him find a place to stay and pushed on ahead, but Bai Daiyu couldn't help but stop as well.

"Is she okay? Should we help her?" Questioned Liu Manchu to his friend. Bai Daiyu shook her head.

"I think it wouldn't be right to leave a crying kid alone on a street like this, but hold on to your purse, to make sure nothing goes missing."

Liu Manchu directly handed all his valuables over for Bai Daiyu to carry, which made her frown at having to carry so much, but she let him approach the little girl, curiosity keeping her two steps behind him. Plus, the kid looked oh, so miserable.

Liu Manchu crouched down to the three year-old's level.

"What's the matter, little girl? Are you okay? Do you need help?"

The little girl saw him and just cried harder. "I'm so scared! I lost my mommy!"

Liu Manchu felt a little awkward, but immediately wanted to help the little girl and reached out his hand to pat her head. "There , there, little girl. I'll help you find your mum!"

"Yes! We're very good at finding people!" Chirped in Bai Daiyu from the side, unwilling to be left out of the fun.

The little girl finally stopped crying, looking up to them with big doe-like eyes that made you want to cuddle up and protect her, despite all the grim and ugliness of her hair and clothes "Really?" She reached out to grip the hand on her head, leaning into it, and putting on a cute face, she'd cleaned her face just a little bit for things like this.

"Of course!" Liu Manchu immediately assured her, coming over to scoop her up into his arms, and carry her down the street. "See how high you are! Keep a lookout from there, and see if you can spot your mama!"

Hui wasn't sure how to feel at this point. This was probably the first time someone had actually picked her up in this life, and it brought back memories. Fond memories, actually, of her own father who would scoop her up into his arms, and fling her around his shoulders and throw her into the air and catch her. Back then, she'd loved being a girl, being the apple of her father's eye. Back then, she wasn't grown up, she didn't know that her father had no expectations of her and didn't care if she made anything of herself in the world. She was his little prize, and that was all. Back then, she enjoyed being carried by a man, but now, it just made her feel light and easily blown over, as if she had no control over her own fate. How strange, how things change, how a few bad memories can wipe out all the good ones, and never let new ones replace them. But she also knew it was her obsession with control that made her unable to enjoy being carried anymore. However, would anyone want to be light enough to be carried? Wouldn't that mean they weren't heavy enough to take any heavy blows thrown their way?

Hui pushed all these worries to the back of her mind and focused on the present, which was currently braiding the medium length hair on Liu Manchu's head.

Meanwhile, Liu Manchu was having the time of his life, talking to the little girl on his shoulders.

"My name's Liu Manchu! You can call me brother Chu! What's your name?"


"Hui? As in, Intelligent, wise?"

"No, just dust."

"You're mom has a funny naming sense!"

"Yep. My brothers are sticks and stones."

"?" Liu Manchu decided to change the subject. "Have you seen your mom yet?"

"Nope. But I'm hungry!"

Bai Daiyu, tired of carrying everything, immediately cut in. "Let's sit down and get some dumplings at the shop over there!"

"Alright!" agreed Liu Manchu, and they immediately sat themselves down at a small table outside an even smaller shop. However, the dumplings turned out to be very good and soon all of them were having their fill, especially Hui, who had made sure to grab twice as much as her body could hold. Smiling as widely as she could, "Thank you for the meal, brother Chu!" However, after eating and chatting some more, suddenly Hui noticed something in the crowd, and immediately shouted out, "Mommy!" And ran into the thickening crowd of the evening, disappearing from sight amongst all the people.

"She left so quickly!" Complained Liu Manchu. "I would've wanted to see the little cutie's mom!"

However, Bai Daiyu wasn't quite so delighted at her departure. "Senior brother Chu."

"Yeah?" Liu Manchu turned his head to look over, only to see Bai Daiyu's face turn ashen.

"We've been had, senior brother Chu."

They both looked down at their things, only to find their money pouches and everything valuable gone along with them. The shopkeeper immediately noticed their dilemma and walked over to ask for payment before they ran.

Liu Manchu sighed and went to use his spacial ring. They'd only carried money around to draw less attention, the majority of their wealth was actually in their spacial rings they carried on their hands. However, to his dismay, his fingers were all completely bare. "Since when…" Bai Daiyu looked at her own, sighing in relief when she saw that at least one of them remained.

She stared at Liu Manchu. "Let's agree to not help any other crying toddlers find their mommas on this trip."

"Agreed." Replied Liu Manchu. 

They Both meandered their way, now extremely depressed, all the way to the inn that Du Song had sent them directions for.