The crew of the Wandering Star descended to the planet with a device in hand, humming and blinking with the promise of finding Ethan.
Marcus, his eyes fixed on the device, announced, —It appears to be in this cave.— His voice echoed against the rock walls.
—Yes, this is it,— Terry confirmed, his voice filled with a confidence that only comes with certainty.
Aiden, one eyebrow raised in curiosity, inquired, —¿How do you know?—
—I feel sorry for him and his fragment,— Terry replied, closing his eyes as if he could visualize Ethan's presence beyond sight.
Rodrick , with a firm gesture toward his dagger, added, —I'm sorry, too.—
Francisco Javier, with a thermal scanner in hand, noted the absence of guards. —It seems there are no guards at the entrance,— he informed the group.
Darius , with a sly smile, proposed, —Better. Let's go in then.
—Let's go in,— Francisco Javier agreed, —carefully. You know where we'll meet up if we split up and find him. You already have the location for the meeting.— With a collective nod, the group entered the cave.
The teams scattered along separate paths, moving in pairs to minimize their visibility. Rodrick and Terry chose a route that led them to the cells. They watched as demons emerged from the cells, their dark figures disappearing into the shadows. Once alone, they began searching each cell for their brother.
Rodrick whispered, nodding forward, inviting Terry to continue the silent search.
—Wait,— Terry whispered, his keen hearing picking up the echo of returning footsteps. —Come, let's get in here,— he said, sliding open a secret door that was barely distinguishable from the cave wall. With a silent click, he closed it just as the demons passed through the hallway, their guttural voices filling the air with an ancient, dark tongue.
Terry, with a finger on his lips, motioned for Rodrick to follow him to the back of the dungeon. With a fluid movement of his hand, Terry conjured a transporter portal, but in a sudden change of plans, he traced a symbol in the air and the portal opened directly in the place where Ethan was imprisoned.
Crossing the magical threshold, they reached the heart of the cave, where a sea of lava bubbled menacingly. There, suspended above the fiery river, was Ethan, imprisoned in a hanging cage.
—There it is,— Terry said, his voice barely a whisper, but filled with relief and urgency.
Rodrick , looking down at the dangerous river of lava below, exclaimed anxiously, —We have to get him out of there!— His determination was palpable, ready to face whatever it took to rescue his brother.
Ethan, his eyes desperate, watched his brothers from the cage. He wanted to scream at them, to warn them of the trap, but the gag in his mouth and the chains on his wrists silenced him. Through the gloom, he saw the figure of Belial sneaking closer. He tried desperately to get his brothers' attention with frantic movements, but they were focused on his rescue.
—Let me try to get him out of there with my power— Terry said, extending his hands towards the cage. Magical gestures flowed from his fingers, creating ripples in the warm air surrounding the suspended prison.
But at that critical moment, Belial emerged from the shadows, lunging at Terry and seizing him by the neck. —¡No!— Rodrick shouted , his voice thundering in the cave. With a powerful gesture, he flung Belial away, where he crashed into the rock with a thud.
Belial , recovering with a wicked smile, sneered, —My, my, I see your power is not like your brother Ethan's, it's stronger, ¿or is it that you have just found your darkness that may be growing stronger?— His laughter echoed, as cold and cruel as the echo of the cave.
—Try to get Ethan out of there,— Rodrick urged , his voice firm and determined. —I will deal with this demon and he will know what true pain is.— He positioned himself between Terry and Belial , his determination as palpable as the dagger he held.
Belial , with a sneer, challenged, —We'll see, lad, if you can take me on. Your brother couldn't, and I doubt you can do much.
Rodrick , staring at his opponent, replied, —We'll see about that.— He got into an attack stance, dagger in hand reflecting his resolve. —Like you, I like the old-fashioned way of finishing off an enemy,— he said, and with a battle cry, he launched himself at Belial .
The demon tried to stop him with a maneuver of his arms, but Rodrick , agile and cunning, broke free and launched a precise blow with his leg, hitting Belial in the stomach. —That's for my brother Ethan!— he exclaimed, while Belial writhed in pain.
—I won't let you do that again,— Belial roared , fury lighting up his eyes as he prepared to counterattack. The battle between light and darkness had just begun.
With a whisper of power, Terry pulled the cage towards him, releasing the locks with a wave of his hands. The metal frame gave way, allowing Ethan to descend to solid ground. Breaking the lock and vanishing the chains, Terry freed his brother from his prison.
—Come on,— Terry urged, offering his shoulder for support. Ethan, his voice choked with urgency, warned, —We can't let Rodrick have him, he wants his shard and that's why he brought us here.
Terry nodded determinedly. —We know. Don't worry, Rodrick can handle it. You're our priority, that's why we came.— In a tone that brooked no reply, he ordered. —So walk.
As they moved forward, Terry avoided touching Ethan's wounds, marks of recent torment. —When we get to the ship, you'll be healed, brother,— he promised. Ethan, lost in silence, did not respond. Terry understood then that Ethan's pain went beyond the physical; it was the torment of humiliation and helplessness that weighed on him most. And he knew that only time and brotherly love could heal the scars left by Belial.
As they cautiously advanced, Terry and Ethan encountered patrols of demons. They nimbly hid in the shadows, avoiding detection. Terry, with the skill of an arcane master, wove portals in the air, creating passages that twisted and turned to freedom. One by one, they passed through these magical thresholds, until finally, they emerged outside, breathing the fresh air of freedom. They made their way to the prearranged meeting point, confident that the others had found their way there as well.
Rodrick faced his own hell in a fierce battle against Belial . Rodrick, with the fury of a warrior whose brother had been wounded, moved with deadly precision. Every blow he threw was imbued with the promise of vengeance. —¿Don't you like pain, Belial ?— Rodrick snapped , his voice a roar of suppressed rage. —I'll give you all the pain you want here. What you've done to my brother I'll pay you dearly for.
Belial, whose laughter was as dark as the cavern that surrounded them, found in Rodrick a worthy opponent. Despite the well-aimed blows he received, the demon did not relent, returning each attack with brutal force. The fight was a whirlwind of fury and fire, a duel that would echo in the depths of the cave long after the battle was over.
In the heat of battle, Rodrick and Belial were two forces of nature clashing relentlessly, each determined to be the last one standing.
Terry guided Ethan over to a rock, offering him a seat as he carefully examined the wounds marring his back. With shaking hands, he pulled cotton and alcohol, among other supplies, from his first aid kit, preparing to clean the lacerations. Although they knew that on the ship the CRRA could completely heal Ethan's back, right now, Terry's priority was to prevent any infection.
— Brother, this will hurt, but try to hold on a little— Terry warned, his voice soft but firm.
—Just do it,— Ethan replied, his determination cracked by pain. —It won't hurt as much as what I've already suffered.
With a loving gesture, Terry placed a kiss on Ethan's forehead and wiped away the tears that were running down his face. He began to disinfect the wounds gently, but each touch of the cotton soaked in alcohol made Ethan arch in pain, the wounds were deeper than they seemed.
—Stop it,— Ethan pleaded, the pain was unbearable, as if it penetrated to the bone.
—Ok,— Terry conceded, searching for some way to ease his brother's suffering.
It was then that Ætheris made her appearance. —I will heal him,— she announced, and with a healing touch, she landed on Ethan's back. The wounds closed as if by magic, leaving the skin without a trace of the lashes, completely healed. Ætheris not only healed his body, but also restored his military uniform to perfection and cleaned his face and hair, leaving him flawless and renewed.
Ethan, with a look of gratitude, murmured a sincere —Thank you— to Ætheris , who responded with a reassuring smile. —It's nothing,— he assured, but his smile faded in the face of concern for Rodrick . —Where is Rodrick ?— he asked, his voice tinged with urgency.
—He must still be inside the cave, facing Belial ,— Terry replied, his brow creased with worry. —But ¿where have you gone? ¿Why didn't you answer when I called you?
—I was… busy,— Ætheris said , her tone noncommittal. —I wasn't in this universe. I leave you for a few days and now I find everything is upside down.— Her reproach was light, but her concern was palpable. —I'll go find your brother. Don't move from here.
The brothers exchanged confused glances as Ætheris disappeared in a flash of light.
In the cave, Ætheris found Rodrick , whose determination was reflected in every blow he exchanged with Belial . With a gesture of power, Ætheris pushed Rodrick aside , sending him crashing into the rock. Belial , with a sadistic smile and a trickle of blood on his lips, sneered, —You've finally arrived. ¿Are you bored of hiding?
— I have never feared you,— Ætheris replied firmly. —You are a being of energy, like me, but your essence is corrupted, while mine… is pure. And you will never be able to possess me as you wish.
Belial , with a smile that dripped with evil, promised, —I will have you and destroy this family you have created. Afterwards, we will be together forever.
Ætheris challenged , his stance defiant, —If you want, try it now.
Rodrick , with a desperate cry, tried to intervene. —No, Ætheris , don't!— But Ætheris gestured for him to remain silent. As Belial deployed his technique to seize Ætheris ' power , she, with a graceful movement of her hand, stopped him in his tracks. Belial 's energy turned against him, throwing him against the wall, where he remained immobilized, unable to move. The battle had reached its climax, and the fate of all hung in the balance.
At the beating heart of a universe where the stars flicker to the rhythm of ancient secrets, the epic battle between two cosmic titans reached its climax. Belial , whose name echoed through the stellar voids like an omen of darkness, faced Ætheris , ethereal guardian of cosmic mysteries, in a duel that would define the fate of creation.
—Curse you— Belial roared in a voice that split comets and tore through nebulas—what have you done to me? His figure, imposing and charged with immense power, writhed in agony, enveloped in the flames of his own reflected power.
Ætheris replied , his calm at odds with the storm of energy around him, —nothing that you have not inflicted on yourself. I have been only the mirror that has turned your own gale back upon you. You are not as invincible as you think yourself, Belial . I have danced with the aeons long before your essence was even a whisper in the darkness. You were forged in a dawn far more recent than mine; you could never match me in power or wisdom.—
Ætheris 's words , filled with ancient authority, flowed like rivers of stars, serene yet unrelenting. —This universe is in my keeping, and it shall never fall into your clutches. You have delighted in defeating those whose brilliance barely touched your shadow, facing gems whose glow was dim before your darkness, and architects who, in their innocence, were mere children before your antiquity. Did you truly believe that you could challenge those who have woven the fabric of this cosmos since time immemorial? The architects of this universe carry the wisdom of eons, knowledge that eclipses all you think you understand. ¿Did you think, perhaps, that you were destined to usurp this celestial realm and its power?
In the silence that followed, only the whisper of shifting galaxies dared to break the tension. Belial , confronted with the immensity of his arrogance, was lost in a sea of reflection, while Ætheris remained unwavering, a figure of eternal light defending the cosmos against the shadow of unbridled ambition. The battle between them was more than a clash of forces; it was the clash between the lust for domination and the determination to protect the infinite wonder of the universe.
In an instant of defiance that cut through the tension like lightning through the darkness of space, Belial , his pride intact but his body marked by confrontation, muttered his words as if they were distilled poison. —It doesn't matter what you believe,— he spat in a tone that mixed disdain and determination. —I will take over this universe and your power, as I always have.— Without further ado, with a theatrical gesture loaded with ancient magic, he dissolved into the air, leaving behind an echo of his threat.
The scene suddenly changed, and we found ourselves with Rodrick , whose confusion was palpable in the air charged with residual energy. —How did you do it?— he asked, trying to understand the feat he had just witnessed.
Ætheris , with the patience of the stars and the wisdom of the heavens, explained to him, —Just as you faced Belial with your own hands and without resorting to your magic. Within you lies a formidable power, Rodrick . You must only learn not to let anger dominate you. I know that you acted out of pain at seeing your brother hurt, but that is precisely the trap. Belial wishes to see you lose your center, succumb to the shadows born of suffering, pain and anger. When you fight, you must free yourself from those chains and concentrate on the noble purpose of your fight. Only in this way, by remaining pure in the face of the temptation of dark power, will you prevail.—
—From this moment on, I will do so,— Rodrick promised , a new determination shining in his eyes.
It was time to leave, and with a fluid and precise gesture, Ætheris called upon the power to transport them to the —Wandering Star—, his ship and refuge. There, the reunion with his clan was a balm for the soul. Darius , with the warmth of an uncle, greeted Rodrick with a gesture of camaraderie.
—¿Where's Ethan?— Rodrick asked , his concern still palpable.
—She's in her room with Terry. I'm sure they're waiting for you,— Darius said , his voice filled with unspoken comfort.
Finding Ethan, the sight of his brother, unharmed and immaculately dressed, brought immense relief to Rodrick . Ætheris 's handiwork , no doubt. The embrace they shared was a moment of deep connection, an anchor in the storm they had faced.
Rodrick asked , every word tinged with brotherly concern.
—I'm fine,— Ethan replied, his smile a sun in the middle of the night, dispelling shadows.
The ensuing conversation revealed not only Ethan's bravery but also the recklessness of his confrontation with Belial . Rodrick , in a tone of reproach mixed with love, expressed his concern, only to be interrupted by Terry, whose protective instinct toward Ethan manifested itself in a passionate defense.
Ethan, in a gesture of maturity and understanding, softened the moment with words that sought to reconcile, not divide. In this exchange, the complexity of their ties as family and battle companions was revealed, showing that beyond strategies and powers, what truly sustained them was their unbreakable union.
In that moment of vulnerability, his voice breaking with emotion and his eyes fighting back tears, Ethan bared his soul to his brothers. —I was a fool, I let myself be carried away by rage and in the end I lost out. I made Belial use me to harm you. If it weren't for Rodrick being strong and Ætheris arriving , we would surely all have died,— he confessed, each word imbued with remorse and deep self-criticism.
Terry, with the empathy and unconditional love that only a brother can offer, wrapped him in a comforting hug. —Brother, you didn't decide this. We all chose to come rescue you. Did you think we were going to leave you alone?— he asked, his voice a beacon of support and solidarity amidst the stormy sea of emotions Ethan was facing.
Rodrick , for his part, approached them, his presence that of a pillar of strength and protection. He placed his hand on Ethan's shoulder, a sign of undeniable brotherly support. —Look, brother, I don't know what Belial has done to you , but I assure you that I made him pay dearly for everything he hurt you. If he tries to come back, he will think twice. Besides, although physical strength is not your thing, you have something that Belial doesn't have and that I also lack sometimes: you are a strategist, the best I have ever met. You have even beaten me, and that, in a battle, is worth a thousand times more,— he said, infusing him with courage and recognizing his unique abilities.
As he dried Ethan's tears, he reaffirmed his brother's invaluable value, not only as a strategist but as an indispensable loved one — that's much better, plus I want my brother back, the one who always bothers me by telling me things I don't understand — the laughter shared by the three brothers, in that moment, was a balm for the fresh wounds, a silent promise that, no matter the adversities, their bond would remain unbreakable.
Just at that moment of brotherly bonding, Ætheris made his appearance, his voice serene and his figure exuding a comforting calm. —I see the three of you are well and together again,— he observed, satisfaction evident in his tone.
Terry, driven by curiosity and perhaps a spark of concern, couldn't help but ask, —Where have you been?— The question, though simple, carried with it the weight of everything they had faced, and the certainty that Ætheris , in her wisdom and power, had been key not only to their survival but to the reaffirmation of their unity and strength as a family.
Ætheris , with a solemnity that reflected the gravity of the situation, admitted his brief absence. —I had to leave to find information. I didn't tell you because I thought you'd be fine, but apparently I was wrong,— he revealed, his tone carrying a shadow of guilt for having left them alone, even for a moment.
Curiosity and the need to understand the power Ætheris had unleashed against Belial drove Rodrick to probe further. —I want to know how you were able to do what you did in the cave. If you have that power, then Belial will never be able to obtain this universe,— he said, his voice tinged with wonder and hope.
The revelation of a direct confrontation between Ætheris and Belial surprised Terry and Ethan, who asked in unison about the details. Rodrick , with admiration and respect, described how Ætheris , with supernatural prowess, had blocked and diverted Belial 's power , leaving him virtually incapacitated.
Ætheris , reflecting on this new information, concluded that despite Belial 's physical strength , his magic and power were actually mediocre. —If that man likes pain, humiliation, and suffering, but his magic is not powerful, you have to become much stronger. You can do it, and I will continue training you so that you can humiliate him,— Ætheris assured, promising to continue his preparation.
The responsibility of strengthening their bodies fell to Rodrick , who accepted the challenge with determination. —You make them powerful, and I'll make sure their bodies are strong,— he said, ready to complement the magical training with physical preparation.
The need to discuss next steps and strategies prompted Ætheris to call a meeting on Zephyra . —You are all to gather in the meeting room; I must speak to all of you when we reach Zephyra,— he instructed, stressing the importance of carefully planning his next move.
With a simple nod, Terry took charge of communicating the summons, while Ætheris , with a farewell as mysterious as her arrival, disappeared in a spark of light, leaving behind an air of expectation and determination.
This exchange not only reaffirmed their unity and common purpose, but also outlined the path forward: a path that would require fortitude, strategy, and the unwavering will to overcome a formidable enemy.