In the modernised heart of the castle, where the past is intertwined with the present through LED lights and contemporary furnishings, the family gathered in the spacious main hall. The ceiling tiles bathed the room in a warm, soft light, casting gentle shadows on their faces as they prepared to unravel the mystery that had brought them together.
Darius , his brows furrowed in a mix of shock and confusion, broke the tense silence. —Wait, let me make sure I'm understanding correctly,— he began, his voice tinged with disbelief. —¿ telling me that they extracted the demon from Sapphire , then took her soul out to seal it in a bottle, and then for some reason, reintroduced that demon back into Sapphire ?
Rodrick , leaning against the back of a minimalist sofa, nodded slowly. —Yes, that is one way to describe what happened,— he admitted with a serenity that seemed to defy the very nature of the revelation. —That is exactly what happened.
Curiosity was palpable when Aiden, from the other end of the room, decorated with touches of modernity and elegance, raised his hand as if he were in a class. —Excuse me, ¿but could someone explain to me what a demon is?— His question, full of genuine interest, found an echo in the others.
Marcus, leaning back in an ergonomic chair that seemed to hug his form, added with an interested tone: —I join in the request. We are sailing in uncharted waters here, and any explanation would be more than welcome.
Before silence could reign again, Elian opened his mouth to speak, but Julian, with a dramatic gesture that captured everyone's attention, stepped forward. —Let me enlighten you,— he said, his voice brimming with confidence. —Demons are more than just nightmare figures. They are entities generated by our own negative energies: anger, fear, frustration… the list goes on. They feed on these emotions, growing in power.
With a theatrical pause, he allowed his words to echo through the room, now illuminated not only by the artificial lights but also by the glint of curiosity and concern in the eyes of his audience. —We, as high priests, face these challenges, combating the darknesses of our own making.
The modernity of the surroundings contrasted vividly with the antiquity of the subject under discussion, creating a fascinating bridge between the old and the new.
The family, united by the light of understanding and the desire to protect Sapphire , was now on a path of discovery, armed with the knowledge shared in that room illuminated not only by technology but also by wisdom.
In the castle's modern hall, where tradition effortlessly fused with innovation, Julian took center stage, illuminated not only by the sophisticated lighting system but also by the captured attention of his audience. His explanation of egregors —or demons, as they were known in more colloquial terms—resonated in the air, sowing a mix of wonder and understanding among those present.
—These egregors , which most people know as demons, are created by ourselves from the energy of our negative emotions. They are internal, part of our very essence, but if we allow those emotions to intensify without control, they can manifest themselves externally. In doing so, they transform the person into what we commonly call a demon, allowing themselves to be completely dominated by this dark entity— explained Julian, his words flowing with a clarity that cleared the mist of mystery.
— However, not everything is a dead end. If the affected person deeply desires to free themselves and master this egregore , it is possible. There are those who manage to control these inner demons, merging with them. In doing so, they not only avoid harming their surroundings, but also empower themselves, working together towards mutual well-being — he continued, painting a picture of internal struggle and possible triumph over one's darkest shadows.
Marcus and Aiden, moved by a common understanding, exclaimed in unison, — Ahhh,— a sound that reflected both their surprise and their new understanding.
—I'm glad to have cleared up your doubts,— Julian said with a smile, his gaze sweeping the room, meeting the eyes of several family members, including the military, whose posture revealed a particular interest in the subject.
It was then that Ethan, with curiosity piqued in his mind, raised the following question: —If I understood the demon thing correctly, ¿how did Sapphire end up obtaining or creating one?
The answer came from Terry, who shared in a calm voice, —That happened when he was just a kid and got lost in the city, or at least that's what Zahori and I think happened.
The conversation had turned from the dark corners of the human psyche to the circumstances that can give rise to such internal storms. In this room illuminated by both technology and the spirit of cooperation, the family now found themselves sailing together through previously uncharted waters, armed with new knowledge and a deeper understanding of the challenges and potentialities that lie at the heart of their being.
In the charged atmosphere of the room, where each word added weight to the reality they faced, Francisco Javier broke a brief silence. —Of course, that time when Safiro disappeared,— he recalled, his voice echoing with a mix of nostalgia and concern. —She got lost in Omegara.
Zahori , wrapped in a blanket of guilt, added softly, —Maybe we should have considered a therapist for him. I had no idea the trauma had run so deep.— Her admission, vulnerable and honest, struck a chord with everyone present.
Helena stepped in, her tone firm but understanding, —If that happened, it's not just your fault, Zahori . We all noticed the change in his personality and wrongly attributed it to his growth, not the trauma he had suffered. That mistake belongs to us as well.
Marcus, with unwavering resolve in his voice, redirected the course of the conversation. —Now, blaming us won't help Safiro . We must concentrate on how to free him.
Safiro 's soul . If we recover her body without her soul, we would only have her demon, but not him. Both of them must be reunited so they can be one again. If that demon is as powerful as they say, the only one who can control it is Safiro , the creator of it.
—That's true,— Julian confirmed, —having just her body isn't enough. If Belial locked her soul essence in a bottle, that means we need to place it in a suitable container to keep her alive.—
Elian nodded. —It has to be a container large enough to allow it to live, and it must also have enough energy to feed the soul or at least keep it alive.
Julian, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, revealed, —The only way would be with the Pulsarix . These gems have the ability to feed a soul and enhance its life energy simultaneously.—
Aiden , driven by curiosity and the urgency of the moment, asked, —¿And those gems can feed and contain a soul at the same time?
—Exactly, those gems are ideal for that function— Elian confirmed, his statement injecting new vigor into the room.
Thus, between the shadows of doubt and the rays of hope, the family found a direction in which to move forward. With the revelation of the Pulsarix , a path to Safiro 's salvation opened up , a path that would require their unity, courage and, above all, their unwavering determination to face the unknown darkness that loomed over them.