In the vast cosmos, where stars dance to ancient mysteries and planets of unimaginable beauty spin in silent harmony, fate was weaving its latest darkest web. It had been six months since Belial , the renegade, was last heard from. Not even a whisper of his whereabouts had crossed the ether, a silence as deep as the void between the stars. Sapphire , bearer of secrets and Belial 's unwilling prisoner , carried with him an embedded chip that, in an act of desperation and cunning, Belial had destroyed to avoid being tracked by the cunning Whittaker family.


Belial , whose designs were as dark as the abyss from which he came, had made Sapphire the canvas for his most nefarious experiments. Conjuring curses and utilizing forgotten arts, he achieved god-like control over the demon residing within Sapphire 's body . But Belial craved more, much more.


It was not enough for him to simply bend wills; his gaze was fixed on the Ætheris Stone , an artifact of immeasurable power, whose light eclipsed even his boundless ambition. He knew well that he could never possess it directly, for the power of the stone was beyond him.

However, Sapphire 's soul , an unexpected resource, became the key to his dark purposes. And so, with the patience of someone playing a game against fate, Belial wove his plan, waiting for the moment when the gem would fall, unnoticed, into his hands.


Meanwhile, on the planet Mirellion , a world of green meadows that stretched out like seas of grass under the blue sky, life went on with an unshakeable serenity. On this idyllic planet, home to no more than a million souls, most of them dedicated to the noble task of cultivating the land, reigned a king whose wisdom and firm hand ensured peace and order. Here, where time seemed to flow with the gentleness of the rivers that crossed its valleys, the subjects worked with the certainty that their effort was recognized and valued, a rare oasis of harmony in an often turbulent universe.


In this setting of contrasts, where darkness lurks in the far reaches and light shines in the hearts of distant worlds, a chapter yet to be written was unfolding, a story of courage, betrayal, and the tireless search for light among the shadows. The saga of Belial and Sapphire , intertwined with the fate of Mirellion , promised to unravel mysteries as old as the cosmos itself.


Here on this planet is where in the depths of the planet was Belial 's secret laboratory where he carried out his experiments without being bothered by any human.


In the stillness of that Thursday morning, when even the stars seemed to hold their breath, Belial 's secret laboratory stood as a monument to unbridled ambition and darkness. There, deep within Mirellion , Belial continued his diabolical experiments, seeking to harness and focus the power of Sapphire 's soul for his own sinister purposes.


—I need more power!— Belial demanded , his voice reverberating with an authority no demon would dare challenge. In response, one of his subjects, a creature of shadow and fire, reached out his spectral hand to a crank, increasing the volts of a nefarious machine designed to drain the very essence of Sapphire . This was not the first time her spirit had been attempted to be broken; Sapphire , however, resisted with steely resolve, holding on to her power even on the threshold of exhaustion, her transparent figure kneeling in the crystal dome that held her soul.


—I will not allow you to use me as your weapon,— Sapphire proclaimed , her voice resolute but tinged with fatigue.

 —You may have taken my darkness, my body, but I will not allow you to use my power against my family, against the universe.— Words of defiance hung in the air as a storm of lightning engulfed him, each flash an echo of his torment, his soul writhing in unspeakable pain. Still, he remained unwavering, determined not to yield his strength to Belial 's machinations .


—That remains to be seen,— Belial replied , his smile laden with irony and contempt. —My boy, you will not hold out much longer. I will gain your power and use it against your kind, and then, total control of the universe will be mine.


In this duel of wills, where every word was a battle and every silence a fragile truce, Sapphire and Belial faced each other not only for the control of an immense power, but for the fate of everything they knew. In the darkness of the laboratory, under the watchful eyes of beings whose loyalties were woven in shadows, a silent war was waged, a confrontation that could alter the course of the universe itself.


Belial ordered in a tone that brooked no reply, addressing his demonic subordinates. —For tonight, I will grant you a respite, boy,— he announced, though his voice held no hint of compassion. —In the meantime, I will dedicate myself to building an even more effective machine to extract your power and use it as I wish.


From her confinement in the glass dome, Sapphire , though kneeling and visibly exhausted, could not contain a weak laugh, tinged with pain. —You should have devoted more time to your studies,— she snapped at Belial in a mocking tone. —From what I see, you are not the scientist you claim to be.—


—We'll see if you continue to find reasons to laugh later,— Belial replied, his patience beginning to wear thin at Sapphire 's insolence. —When I'm finally the one who controls that power of yours.


With a defiant smile still plastered on her face, Sapphire countered, —With your 'extensive knowledge of physics and chemistry,' I highly doubt it. I now understand what Ætheris said about you; that you have only managed to defeat those who possessed no real power or wisdom. So far, all you have managed to do is exhaust me with your electric shocks.


Sapphire 's cunning and resilience in the face of her adversity, but also the cracks in Belial 's seeming omnipotence . In this game of wits and power, every word was a blow, and every silence a battlefield preparing for the next offensive.


In the vast and mysterious universe they both inhabited, a heavy silence hung over the scene, marked by a confrontation of wills. Belial , whose countenance usually remained impassive, found himself surprised by a moment of doubt, a rarity in his existence.


Sapphire 's words, which, though laden with truth, revealed to him a gap in his knowledge, a flaw forged by the haste of his own anger that cut off the wisdom of its creators before its time. Yet the seed of a dark idea began to germinate in his mind, fertilized by the possibility of a universe where he could obtain that lost knowledge, whether by theft or coercion.


Sapphire, for her part, watched Belial with an intensity that bordered on the supernatural. It was as if she could see the wheels turning in Belial 's mind , anticipating with growing dread the gathering storm. A chill ran down her spine as she imagined what Belial might be up to. With a hint of regret for having spoken words that might have been better kept to herself, Sapphire silently cursed herself.


—Don't even think about it, Belial, — he warned in a firm voice, hitting the glass of the dome that separated them in frustration.


—And, ¿what do you think could have happened to me, boy?— Belial replied , a smile playing on his lips, amused by the challenge.


—I know what you're thinking,— Safiro continued, her tone full of pleading. —Please don't do this.


Ignoring the plea, Belial stepped even closer to the dome. His eyes, two bottomless pools of blue ice, stared at Sapphire with a gaze that could chill the most ardent soul.


—You'll soon see what I'm capable of. This lab could become a lot more... —interesting— for you, maybe you're not as alone as you think —he threatened in a tone that hinted at the dark possibilities of his words.


—Leave my uncle alone, you beast!— Sapphire screamed , pounding on the glass in desperation. She knew her efforts were in vain; the glass, designed to withstand the most extreme of forces, remained unmoved by her fury. If only she could use her physical body—but she was now just a disembodied soul, she thought—things would be different.


—I won't hurt him… unless he refuses to cooperate. In that case, I'll have to persuade him in another way,— Belial said , his voice low and dangerous.


Sapphire 's scream echoed with a mixture of anguish and determination, but it was too late. Belial walked away, leaving behind an echo of sinister laughter that faded into the distance of the laboratory.


The promise of an impending showdown hung in the air, a challenge thrown down and accepted, as Sapphire stood alone, staring into the void where Belial had once been, struggling with helplessness and the hope of finding a way to protect her uncle and thwart Belial 's plans before it was too late.


Amidst the anxiety that enveloped him, Safiro knew he had to try something, anything, to alert his uncle or, failing that, communicate with his father. Trapped in that place, desperation began to weave its shadows in his heart. —Maybe I can't get out of here, but I'll do everything possible to contact them telepathically, or at least someone in my family,— he said to himself in a barely audible murmur, as if by saying it out loud, his words would gain the strength necessary to become reality.


The idea of infiltrating dreams to send a warning message sprang to her mind. She then remembered the lessons of Elian Varix , her father's close friend and mentor in the magical and spiritual arts. On one occasion, Elian had shown her a special exercise, a technique designed to communicate through dreams in critical situations. Sapphire never imagined she would ever need such a skill, but now, separated from her physical body and possibly endowed with greater abilities, she believed it was time to put that learning to the test.


With determination, he assumed the lotus position, closed his eyes, and sank into deep meditation, attempting to reach the consciousness of some member of his family who might be more open to receiving his urgent message. However, his effort to transmit a telepathic wave collided with the barriers of the dome

 that held him. Not only did the physical structure impede his ethereal escape, but the Pulsarix gems, embedded in the walls to sustain and nourish his soul, refracted and amplified his attempt at communication, causing him unbearable pain, as if his very essence were about to disintegrate.


The cruel reality of his confinement became more palpable than ever. Trapped without hope of help or escape, Sapphire felt overwhelmed by a freezing loneliness, a feeling that penetrated to the very core of his being. With a gesture of defeat, he lay down on the cold floor of the dome, hugging himself in search of a comfort that he knew would not come. Memories of his childhood, those days filled with the protective presence of his father, flooded his mind, bringing with them a torrent of tears born of desperation and longing for those simpler times, when safety and love surrounded him. In that moment of vulnerability, Sapphire wished with all his being that he could turn back time, be stronger, have avoided capture and not be plunged into the depths of his current helplessness.