Deep within the clandestine depths of the planet Mirellion , Belial 's lair seethed with the chaotic energy of the forbidden. Suddenly, a horizontal portal tore through the air like an old canvas, ripping under the pressure of the unknown. From the void emerged the daemons of Belial , falling in a melee to the ground. Amidst the chaos, Ashtar lunged to the side, his heart beating in rhythm with danger, narrowly avoiding the onslaught of bodies that threatened to engulf him as the portal closed behind them like a weary eyelid.
The demons, with agility that defied their grotesque forms, rose to their feet, shaking the essence of other dimensions from their wings. Belial appeared through another portal, his entrance less dramatic but equally imposing. A demon, with a crooked smile that revealed teeth sharp as freshly forged knives, rushed to lift Ashtar from the ground with a strength that brooked no resistance.
—Here we have the prisoner, boss,— the demon announced in a tone that echoed like the cracking of bones in the night. —Safe and sound, without a scratch.
— So I see — Belial replied in a voice that made the air around him tremble. — You have done an exceptional job, my faithful minions. Now, let us take our precious cargo to the laboratory — His orders were like the blow of a hammer on an anvil, and Ashtar, although gagged, did not miss a detail of his surroundings, his eyes scanning every shadow, every corner, recording the labyrinth of the fortress in his memory for an eventual and uncertain escape.
The laboratory was a cathedral of unholy science, with computer equipment that hummed like swarms of cybernetic insects, and medical devices so advanced they seemed to border on alchemy. There were also machines of unfathomable purpose, their looming silhouettes like altars to forgotten gods.
And there, at the center of that sanctuary of dark lore, stood the dome that contained Sapphire - or rather, her essence. Her transparent soul was projected into a complete image, fueled by the faint glow of the Pulsarix gems that radiated a ghostly light. Sapphire sat on the floor of the dome, like a prince trapped in his crystal palace. He was in a closed, downcast posture, with his legs bent and his arms wrapped around his knees, while his head rested on them, hiding his face from the outside world.
His hunched body reflected the weight of the internal struggle that consumed him, a figure trapped not only physically, but spiritually. It was as if his very essence was trying to protect or isolate itself from the torment that surrounded him. The scene projected a sense of vulnerability, where the crystal prince seemed to be trying to contain the suffering in the solitude of that bright, but cold and empty dome.
—Wake up, boy,— Belial ordered , his command falling upon Sapphire like a sentence. With a movement that seemed to consume what remained of her will, Sapphire lifted her head slightly, as if the weight of the world resting on her shoulders had been, for a moment, lightened by the commanding presence of her captor.
Sapphire asked , her voice filled with a trembling challenge, like a defiant flame in the midst of a storm.
Belial replied with a smile that was anything but friendly, his lips curving with the promise of evil that only a true master of darkness could conjure.
Sapphire turned his head to the right, forcing his eyes to focus. What he saw brought him to his feet so fast that the dome seemed to sing with his movement. There stood his uncle Ashtar, bound and gagged, a noble warrior reduced to a pawn in Belial 's wicked game.
— ¿What have you done, monster? — the surprise in Safiro 's voice was like a naked blade, sharp and full of urgency.
—Calm down, boy,— Belial replied with a calm that was as intimidating as a scythe's edge in the mist. —I warned you that I would find my own means to absorb your powers. And here I have the perfect candidate.— His gaze locked on Ashtar, who stared back with mute fury, his eyes saying what his gagged mouth could not.
—Oh, I understand what you are trying to communicate,— Belial continued, reading the determination on Ashtar's face. —You say you will not cooperate, but I assure you that you will. And if it is not of your own free will, I will force you. It will be far worse if you resist.— The threat hung in the air, a looming spectre that made Ashtar tremble to the bone, knowing the depths of cruelty to which Belial could descend.
—Leave him alone,— Sapphire screamed , her desperation coloring the air, a plea tinged with an anguish that echoed off the laboratory walls.
Belial simply stared at him, his eyes dark as the bottomless abyss. —You leave me no choice,— he whispered, and his voice echoed with darkness that foretold torment and desolation.
— It's okay,— Safiro whispered , his resistance crumbling like a house of cards in a gale. He dropped to his knees, defeat hanging in his hunched posture. His fists, clenched on his legs, were the last vestige of the fight that still burned within him. —Set him free. In exchange, my life is yours. I will tell you how to build a machine so you can possess my power,— he said, his voice cracking from the weight of the tears now streaming down his face. He looked up at his uncle, his eyes shining with immense pain. —I'm sorry, uncle, for everything you've had to endure,— the words came out soaked in regret and love.
Ashtar, still mute from the gag, struggled with the fierce desperation of a cornered animal. His eyes met Sapphire 's , and in them communicated a storm of emotions that no bond could contain.
—Relax,— said Belial , with the coldness of an eternal winter. —Soon you will have your own dome and be free of these chains.
—But you said you would free him,— Sapphire protested , her voice hitting the dome glass like waves against a lonely lighthouse.
—I won't do it yet,— Belial replied with venomous calm, his eyes fixed on Sapphire . —Only when you have collaborated with the machinery and it is ready for me.
purpose. Then, and only then, will I release him. In the meantime, he is too valuable a hostage. — The cruelty of his words was like a dagger twisting in an open wound.
With a resigned nod, Sapphire accepted the devil's deal, her spirit fighting against the shackles of the inevitable decision. Belial proceeded to open a dome adjacent to Sapphire 's and pushed Ashtar into his new confinement. With an almost lazy gesture of his hand, he undid Ashtar's bonds and gag, and he immediately moved with frantic freedom.
—The guards will find me,— Ashtar said, his voice a river of determination that flowed despite the darkness surrounding them. His tone was not one of threat, but of promise, a beacon of hope that not even the thickest darkness of Belial could extinguish.
In a forgotten corner of the universe, where the stars refuse to shine, the air was filled with a palpable tension. The atmosphere, saturated with electricity and dark magic, vibrated around the crystal dome that contained Ashtar, a prisoner of war whose only fault had been to defend his freedom. In front of him, Belial , the lord of shadows, a being whose evil knew few limits, reveled in his power and control.
—Ah , I almost forgot that little secret you carry embedded in your being— Belial began , his voice like the rustling of dry leaves. He ordered his guards with a dismissive gesture, —Keep this rebel still and show me the back of his hand.
Despite Ashtar's desperate resistance, the demons, beings of supernatural strength, immobilized him with ease. One of the guards, with hands as cold as the vacuum of space, grabbed the back of his right hand. Belial , with a machine that seemed to devour the light around him, extracted the chip embedded in Ashtar.
Belial announced with a crooked smile, —the problem has been eliminated. You may release him.— The dome sealed with a hum, leaving Ashtar rubbing his hand, the slight throbbing pain a reminder of his vulnerability.
Belial proclaimed , his smile widening.
—You are a monster,— Ashtar snapped, fury burning in his eyes. —One way or another, our family will free us from this hell.—
Belial replied disdainfully. —They have been unable to locate this place for six months. And do you know why? Because I have woven a web of magic so dense around this place that it is impossible to detect the
—No energy signal from any of you. It is protected by magical enchantments, unbreakable and eternal. Here you will stay, both you and your nephew, whether you like it or not ,— Belial gloated, savoring every moment of his triumph and the suffering of his prisoners. —You will remain here until I decide to return,— he said before leaving the laboratory with an aura of darkness following him.
Ashtar, still reeling from the pain and humiliation, turned his gaze to another dome, where the transparent figure of his nephew Sapphire's soul was imprisoned. Despite the distance, the family connection was a beacon of hope.
—¿How are you feeling?— Ashtar asked, his voice filled with concern.
—Don't worry, Uncle,— Safiro replied with a determination that defied her youth. —I'll do whatever it takes to get you out of here.
—I don't want you to risk your life for me,— Ashtar said, his love for his nephew overshadowing his desire for freedom. —We will find another way to escape this place.
Amidst the shadows and glass cages, a plan was beginning to take shape. Hope, faint but persistent, was making its way through the darkness. In this forgotten corner of the universe, the family's indomitable spirit refused to be extinguished.
Determination and family love illuminated the darkness of their cells. Despite the hopelessness that surrounded every corner of that cursed place, Safiro and Ashtar refused to give up.
Sapphire confessed , her ethereal voice echoing with a deep melancholy. —I have tried to escape thousands of times. Although I no longer have my physical body and only exist as a soul, this place is sealed with magic. Belial has ensured that no one can leave.
—There is always a way out,— Ashtar insisted, his tone filled with unwavering conviction. —I may not know much about magic, but I do know about science. I will find a way to free us. Just stay strong. I couldn't face our family if something happened to you, the shame of not having done anything would be unbearable.
Safiro said , her voice vibrating with endless love and respect. —I won't let you be hurt. You are as important to me as my father is.
—I know,— Ashtar replied, his voice softening, laced with affection and concern. —But I do not want you to risk your life unnecessarily. Listen to me, Belial desires a machine capable of absorbing your power. We can trick him, offer him plans for such a machine.
While he's busy, we'll gain time to plan our escape. I have an idea of how we can do it. Just follow my instructions and give him the plans I'll give you .
Sapphire nodded, the confidence in her voice evident. —Do you know where they are keeping your physical body?— Ashtar asked, aware that the key to their escape might be tied to Sapphire 's physical body .
—He's in a CRRA dome, induced into a deep sleep. From what I understand, Belial cannot handle the full power of the demon he believes he controls. To avoid complications, he keeps my body in a state of torpor. However, I don't know his exact location,— Safiro explained , her tone tinged with frustration and hopelessness.
Ashtar stood there thoughtfully, each new piece of information a ray of hope, a possible path to freedom. —So, our first objective will be to locate your body. Once that is done, we can move forward with the rest of the plan.
In the darkness of that place, where hope seemed to have died eons ago, the cunning and love of an uncle for his nephew wove an escape plan. It was not only a fight for freedom, but a battle to keep the essence of his family alive, a challenge to the very destiny that Belial had written for them.
In the dim light of his confinement, Ashtar stared out into space with a determination that defied the shadows. —He must be somewhere around here,— he murmured, touching his chin thoughtfully. —First, let's keep Belial distracted while we plot our escape.—
—I follow your orders, uncle,— Safiro said , her voice a thread of hope in the darkness.
Ashtar smiled at him. —Don't worry, we've been searching for this place for months without success, but now everything will change. I hope that while I had that chip, Vicenzo managed to track my location on this planet.
— Belial can hide whatever he wants— Sapphire interrupted , her tone carrying an echo of concern.
—But you cannot hide stupidity,— Ashtar replied with a glint of cunning in his voice. —That is something you cannot disguise. Your arrogance will be your downfall. Don't worry, nephew, we will subvert your plans and we will be the ones to write the end of this story.
Sapphire , moved by emotion, shared a sombre thought. —Anyway, uncle, if anything were to happen to me, tell my father that I have never blamed him for anything. That I have always loved him. And tell the family, that I hold no grudges and that I have always loved them.—
— Don't talk like that — Ashtar replied with a note of irritation in his voice, marked by a fierce love. — We will get out of here. We have always escaped worse situations. You see, we will both get out alive and be reunited with our family.
In that moment, more than ever, the strength of their bond shone like a beacon of hope. In the face of the darkness Belial had woven around them, Ashtar's unwavering faith in his family, in his intelligence, and in his unconditional love for his nephew, was his most powerful weapon. In the heart of despair, Ashtar and Sapphire found themselves not only planning an escape, but also clinging to the promise of a family reunion, fueling the flame of hope against all odds.
At the Zenith space station, a flashing signal had captured the monitors' attention. Just before Belial could extract Ashtar's chip, Vicenzo, with nimble fingers and a sharp mind, had grasped the crucial coordinates of his leader's location. Without wasting a second, he activated the rescue protocol, mobilizing the guard for the rescue mission.
Meanwhile, at Whittaker Castle, the atmosphere was charged with tension and urgency. Kyran , eyes closed as he unfolded, searched fruitlessly for his brother's energy imprint and his uncle. Every corner of the cosmos was scoured, but their presence had evaporated as if they had never existed. Desperate for answers, he called his uncle Rodrick to the lab.
—Were you successful in your search?— Rodrick asked with a glimmer of hope.
Kyran confessed , frustration and sadness woven into his voice. —It's like they've vanished from the fabric of the universe.—
—Belial must have masked his psychic signatures— Rodrick deduced , his anger palpable. It was then that his LumiCom hummed to life, revealing the figure of Vicenzo.
—We have the coordinates of His Excellency's location,— Vicenzo announced with a mixture of relief and determination.
Rodrick demanded , already thinking about the next move.
—They've been sent,— Vicenzo confirmed, his fingers dancing over the controls. —Have you received it?—
—Yes, and now it is time to give Belial a —warm welcome — Rodrick replied with a smile full of irony and promise of revenge.
— We'll meet there— Vicenzo said, closing the connection. Kyran , observing the determination on his uncle's face, expressed his desire to join the assault.
—I'll go with you, uncle,— Kyran said resolutely.
Rodrick agreed .
—But first, I'll collect some devices. If we find Safiro , we'll need a container for her soul— Kyran explained , his tone like one who had already planned every step.
—It will be done. Prepare everything you need,— Rodrick nodded . —In the meantime, I will prepare the ship and the men for our raid.
Rodrick left the lab, opening a portal that spiraled toward the preparation of his fleet. Meanwhile, Kyran set about gathering the equipment that would allow them to bring his family back, against all odds, in a race against time and darkness.
Terry, returning to the tangible reality of his physical body in the temple, had undertaken an astral journey in search of his missing son. The splitting was a technique that allowed him to cross distances and dimensions, a meditative practice that
It had now become more necessary than ever. Yet as he emerged from his meditation chamber, he was oblivious to the latest twists and developments in the quest.
The silence of the temple greeted him like a blank slate, waiting to be inscribed with news, but his mind still hummed with the absence of answers. As he crossed the threshold of the room, the air seemed to hold its breath, the temple halls reverberating with the stillness of anticipation. Terry paused, feeling the density of uncertainty, and with a sigh, prepared his being to face whatever fate had in store for him beyond the hallowed walls of his sanctuary.
Terry was dressed in an outfit that could make the sun itself turn pale. He was decked out in a jacket that was the very definition of regality; the pristine white of the fabric formed a perfect canvas for the golden art displayed upon it. Intricate and majestic gold thread embroidery adorned the fabric in patterns that evoked the most splendid forms of nature and architecture.
On the shoulders, golden filigrees simulated the wings of a royal eagle, symbolizing power and height, while on the chest, a central medallion shone with a precious stone that attracted everyone's attention. It was a circle of chiseled gold, inlaid
with a gem that shone with the intensity of a captured star, surrounded by acanthus leaves and scrolls that gave it unparalleled nobility.
Each sleeve ended in cuffs equally adorned with the same gold work, closing the design with a visual richness that spoke of elevated status and an almost celestial grandeur. And in his hands, the fingers intertwined with the naturalness of a man accustomed to wearing such opulence, but with the serenity of one who knows that his true wealth lies within.
Looking at Terry, one couldn't help but think of the ancient tales of kings and gods; his bearing was that of a born leader, a guardian of his people, ready to face any challenge in search of his lost son. His attire was not only a reflection of his status, but also of the firmness of his spirit and the purity of his mission.
Elian approached Terry, his gaze filled with the same concern that permeated the air of the temple. —¿How was your trip?— he asked, his voice a thread of curiosity woven with the gravity of the situation.
Terry, regaining his balance after the split, allowed himself a brief pause before answering. —It was fine,— he admitted with a hint of resignation, —but I couldn't find what I was looking for.
Elian, whose presence had always been a beacon of support, placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. —You'll surely find him,— he assured with cautious optimism. —By the way, Rodrick was here. He seemed to be carrying a storm inside him and he didn't tell me what he wanted, but whatever it is, it was urgent and it concerns you.
Terry felt worry creep into his thoughts. Rodrick's fury was a rare omen; it indicated that the situation had escalated, and the pieces on the cosmic chessboard were moving rapidly. With a new sense of urgency, Terry nodded, grateful for the information, and began preparing for the encounter, knowing that the coming hours could determine the course of the coming battle.
Terry pulled his LumiCom from his pocket with fingers that still trembled slightly, a side effect of his soul reintegrating into his physical body. With a couple of taps, Rodrick's image materialized on the screen, crisp and expectant.
—Elian told me you were looking for me,— Terry said, his tone revealing a hint of anxiety.
—Yes, but you were in your meditations, I didn't want to interrupt— Rodrick said , his voice tinged with irritation.
— Come on, bro. We're adults, there's no room for tantrums— Terry replied, trying to remain calm. —Tell me what happened.
Rodrick sighed before explaining. — Belial kidnapped Ashtar and Vicenzo has located where they are holding him. We are organizing a rescue.
—You don't need to say anything else,— Terry interrupted, his decision firm. —Open the portal now.
A whirlwind of light spread out before Terry, and in one step he crossed to the hangar where Rodrick and Kyran were ready to depart. Rodrick looked at his brother with a mixture of resentment and relief. —If you had remained as Imperial High Priest, we wouldn't be in this situation.
— Belial would have done the same, regardless of my position — Terry replied calmly. — But I understand your frustration; I share your feeling.
Rodrick 's wish for everything to return to normal echoed in the space between them. —I want it to end soon. I want the family to be together again, like before Belial came.
Terry nodded silently, also longing for the past. But now, the battle for the present was upon him.
A soldier approached with news. —The ship is ready to depart, Your Majesty.
Rodrick declared , gesturing for Kyran and Terry to follow.
Aboard the ship, the group prepared for the journey. The coordinates provided by Vicenzo marked the path to an uncertain destination, but they were united, armed with the determination to restore the peace and family unity that Belial had threatened.
With each passing star, they came closer to the confrontation that would determine the future of their lineage and their universe.