"Ok, first things first. Since I'm to rebuild the Reich, I'll go ahead and knock out the simplest mission. System, the country's name is Germany."
"Notice. Mission 1: Name your nation, is compete. Congratulations! You've taken the first step towards building your empire! As a reward you have been given a start-up kit as a reward! The contents of the reward are as follows: 1,000,000 Goldmarks and 1 infantry battalion!"
"Nice! I know the Goldmark is the German gold-backed currency from before WW2, but I'm not sure what the economy in this world is like, or that if the system for that matter. And an infantry battalion is 1,000 men!"
Reveling in the joy of his rewards, Bruno decides to complete the next mission. Regardless of his situation, Bruno is still both confused and concerned as he could be regarding his situation.
System, read the letter from my "benefactor".
"Notice. The letter reads as follows:
Bruno Richthofen, I hope this finds you well. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, let's get to the meat of the matter. You died. Yup pretty shocking, and knowing you, your undoubtedly confused and most likely scared right now. I've been watching you for years; "Why?", you ask. It's simple. There are countless of us supernatural beings, those you may call gods, and we all have our hobbies. Mine is finding people who are interesting, move them to new worlds, and enjoy the show of watching them. You are an interesting one: traditional beliefs yet forward thinking and broad minded, intelligent, and strangely persistent in overcoming challenges. I mean, come on. With your intellect, you could have easily found an easier and better paying job. Yet, you stayed at what the Japanese would call a black company simply for the challenge. So I've decided to give you a second chance. In case you're worried that you're my puppet or have no choice in the matter, the only thing you have no choice on is whether or not you start an empire. Other than that, you have complete free will to live your life how you want. Don't worry I won't interfere or anyrhing, it's more fun this way. Oh yeah, one last thing. There's one final gift for you. If you so chose, you can have memories and knowledge imparted to you regarding the era of the First World War and on, at least to the current year of those you can summon. This would make it as if you had actually lived through the time, and have all the nasty little side affects that come with it. "Why" do you ask? Because it would be interesting for me, and there's a little something in it for you: a combined-arms division, 14 summons, 20 million Goldmarks, and a detailed map of the region! The only question is whether or not you can survive mentally. Regardless of your choice, I hope you don't disappoint me. The choice is yours."
"Huh, that's not at all completely worrying... At least I have a choice and free will… I hope."