Ch 6. Summons, Part 3

Bruno, steeling himself for the last bought of summmoning for the day, once again opens the system to summon the last of his ministers. Unlike Karl, who is becoming numb to the ordeal, the others gape wide eyed at the beight white light set against the darkening sky along the shoreline. To their surprise 6 of their colleagues emerge, equally befuddled to the circumstance they find themselves in.

Starting at the far left of the group, there is the Postal Minister Anna Schmidt. The only woman among Bruno's ministers, Anna is known for her kind and caring demeanor. However she is also the embodiment of the phrase Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. The reason is simple as she's the cousin of Curt, and grew up in a martial house. In fact she's one of the few women in Germany with military experience, having served several years as naval officer. A feat that came at great personal cost, having been pushed far harder than any other cadet.

To Anna's right is Alfred Fischer, the Minister of Labor. Dispite his thin stature Alfred is a man of rare talent in logistics, leveraging his ability to gather and allocate manpower and resources to expedite construction projects. Impressive as this is it's even more impressive that he incorporated new safety standards at the same time, decreasing workplace accidents while increasing productivity. This has earned him much support among the common people. He attained his position leveraging his abilities and popularity among the people, and has thus far proven to be a valuable asset to the nation.

Next is William Hoffman, the Minister of Transportation. A middle aged man with a rather aloof attitude, he's a man of few words and rarely speaks during meetings unless spoken to or has something to report. While he has very few political opponents, he also has equally few allies. However, unknown to all expect the Imperial family and Minister Otto, William is actually a former spy for the intelligence service. Using his unique ability to ability to plan infiltration and exfiltration of men and resources in the most efficient manner possible, he's actually proven to be quite the brilliant Minister of Transportation. It's because of his abilities and favor with Minister Otto and the Imperial family that very few covet his position, and those that do don't dare to make a move against him. After all if they gain his position as Minister of Transportation, they will have to prove to be at least as competent as him, a rather high bar that few can clear.

Towards the middle of the group is the Minister of Aviation, Heinz Neumann. As one of the first military aviators Heinz saw much combat during the Great War before being permanently disabled, losing his left hand after being pinned under wreckage after a botched landing due to a damaged control surface. During his service he realized the true potential of aircraft in both a military and civilian environment, and has advocated to such an extent it resulted in the creation of a new ministry. Although he yearns to pilot again, his position often allows him to fly as a passenger during test flights or witness said flights first hand.

Further on down the line is the Minster of Science, Education, and Culture, Fritz Hartmann. An elderly man who omce taught as a professor at the nations highest civilian university, Heidelberg University, he accepted the ministerial position to promote the ever evolving need to refine and create new departments of education. Being well respected among both the common people and the nobility, he has virtually no opposition in regards to education reforms and researching both new and established fields of science. One of his few detractors is his extremely traditional beliefs regarding women evident in his deep displeasure in Anna holding the position as a minister, leading to them often butting heads.

Finally at the far right is the Minister of Armaments and Munitions, Helmut Klein. A Generalleutnant (lieutenant general) in the army with a particular interest in logistics. Under his command, the ministry has ensured every military unit is properly armed, supplied with the correct munitions and supplies, and always receives prompt resupplyment before resources reach a critical point. An astonishing feat considering that, even during wartime, mistaken delivery of supplies and equipment have such are so low that it's completely irrelevant in the overall situation.

With everyone gathered Bruno once again announces that he will answer all questions to everyone, before turning his attention to Heinrich who is standing off to the side. Although he has a calm expression on his face, you can see the complete shock and utter disbelief in his eyes.

"Generalfieldmarschall Heinrich, is the command post setup and secure?", Bruno asks Heinrich, snapping him out of his shock.

Heinrich: "Yes my Kaiser. The post is set up with defensive positions established on the perimeter, manned by Oberstleutnant Bernhards men. Further positions and security measures are in construction by the division, and should finish initial construction within the hour."

Bruno, turning to the Minister: "Good. Uncle, Ministers this is Generalfieldmaeschall Heinrich von Weichs. His division was summoned before you and has begun establishing a security perimeter as well as a headquarters where we can work from. As one of the only members of the General Staff, he will be attending our meeting. Furthermore, Oberstleutnant Bernhard and his battalion will be handling our direct security. For now, follow me to the headquarters where we can begin what is sure to be a Very long discussion."

Saying this Bruno turns to leave, followed by Karl and his ministers. Following his memory during training he easily locates the division headquarters, and enters the command tent where he immediately sits at the head of a baren long table. The ministers follow his lead and seat themselves at the table, with additional seats brought in for Karl, Heinrich, and Bernhard as there was not enough space at the table. Once seated, Bruno begins to tell them where they are, what he last remembers (his coronation after his father's retirement), the system he has access to, and finally the message for his benefactor. Naturally, Bruno didn't mention his life as an office worker, or the fact that their memories of him are the result of him accepting a gift from a god. Naturally there were many, if not all, who were skeptical of his story, but after displaying is ability by summoning an officers pistol all doubts immediately vanished.

For a while silence reigned in the tent as everyone processed the information before Curt suddenly shoots out of his chair, practically shaking in rage.

"So you were kidnapped and placed in the world for some gods entertainment!? That BASTARD!"

Bruno, sighing: "It's true. Apparently he likes to watch as those he moves adapts to their new reality. Fortunately I have this system, and he, whoever he or she is, has given their word they won't interfere with us. Supposedly it's more fun this way."

Karl, looking at Bruno with a mix of concern and anger at this god; "The only demand is to establish the Reich in this new world? Nothing else?"

Bruno: "That's it. The message was very straightforward, leaving no room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation."

The silence once again returned to the tent for nearly half an hour. As the ministers finally start coming to terms with this new reality, they look over at Bruno with a complex mix of emotions. On one hand they understand Bruno's need for his ministers and all the help he can get. He was, after all, abducted by a god and dropped on an uninhibited beach with no warning or knowledge of his new world. This lack of knowledge and preparation can prove to be absolutely fatal, therefore his first acts of summoning soldiers followed by his ministers is completely understandable. He needs all the help he can get. On the other hand, they were ripped away from their lives and country with the expectation of founding an empire. Each of them had their own friends, families, and acquaintances. Then there is the fact that each of them held important positions in the government and military. What will happen to their home with there disappearances?

Anna: "And what of our families? The Reich?"

Bruno, utterly exhausted at this point, opens the system and searches for an answer to he question. After several minutes he discovers he can indeed summon their families, with the exception of his own. Upon seeing this he smiles sadly before turning to Anna.

"I can summon you families through the system. There is no need to worry about your families being left without you. Regarding the Reich there is nothing we can do for the Fatgetland, no matter how much it pains me to say so. Fortunately each of you left behind capable seconds who can fill your shoes in moments of crisis, and father still has his experience leading the Reich."

Picking up on the context of his answer, the ministers fears regarding their families is replaced with guilt at knowing the same cannot be said fir Bruno.

Walter, slightly relieved and guilty for his thoughts: "We need a place to start and expand from before we can do anything…. We need a capital".