As Jack struggled with his mind, suddenly someone was shouting behind him. He instantly turned his gaze and saw a man wearing a black coat with a top hat, similar colors to his coat. He also brought a small box just like a suitcase on his left hand and started to open it. A few minutes later, one by one people around the place began to gather around the man.
"Albert, what is that? Why are there crowds over there?"
"Hmm, I believe it probably is a street magic show." Albert squinted his eyes, trying to make sure his words. "Come on, we have to get into the crowd, so we can look closer."
Sweat ran down Jack's forehead as he tried to make his way through the increasing crowd, making it more and more difficult for him to move. The air around him was getting hotter and hotter every time he tried to slip through the crowd, making his chest tighten. However, he continued to exert his strength to make his way through the crowd and luckily it paid off. He and Albert were now at the front of the crowd and could see the man with the top hat very clearly.
"Look, it turns out my guess is right. It's a street magic show."
"Street magic? I've never heard about it."
"Well, it's just someone using a magic trick to entertain. But not real magic, it's just like a trick. "Albert scratched his head repeatedly. "You should look it up by yourself, maybe you will understand what I mean."
"Yeah, I got it."
"Good morning, citizens of Altheria. Let me introduce myself. My name is Mr. Q - one of the famous street magicians in this city." He put his hat to his chest and bowed in front of the crowd. "Today, I'm going to play a magic called "Touched Card". However, before we play, I need someone to play with me. Who likes to play the game?
Hearing Mr Q's, everyone in the place raised their hands as fast as they could and Albert did the same without any hesitation. He raised his hand as high as he could, hoping Mr Q would see him in the middle of the crowds.
"Okay, I finally get one." Mr Q pointed his finger to Albert. "You. Come here. Join with this game with me."
Albert stepped out of the crowd without hesitation, walking towards Mr Q. The sound of clapping kept coming from the crowds until Albert stood right next to Mr Q. He then shook Mr Q's hand and then the magic show began.
"Hello, young man. What's your name?"
"Hello, Albert, Let's play the game now." Mr Q tapped the deck of cards three times and gave it to Albert. "Now, choose one of these cards and show it to our audience. "Mr Q then closed his eyes. "I will try to guess what card you chose using my skills. Pat my shoulder, if you've chosen your card."
"Uh, okay then." Albert looked at each card closely, trying to find his card choice. "Hmm… this one. I will choose this card."
Albert chose the 2 red hearts and showed them to the crowd, He then placed the card amongst the deck of cards and tapped the magician on the shoulder, just like the magician had instructed him before.
"Good, Albert. Okay, let's see which card is yours."
He took the deck of cards from Albert and started to see each card inside the deck. The magician's fingers were swiftly moving through the deck of cards in his hand, trying to find Albert's card. Only a short time later, he finally found one card that he thought was Albert's choice.
"Aha, finally I get it." Mr Q smiled happily and scrubbed the surface of the card. "I believe this must be your card."
Mr Q quickly showed his chosen card and it turned out to be the 3 red hearts. A look of disappointment crossed Albert's face when he saw that Mr Q had misjudged his card and the crowd shouted in disappointment, but Mr Q was silent and didn't shout back at all.
"Sorry, Mr. Q, but this is not my card" Albert shook his head. "My card should be-" Albert froze a moment. His face turned pale like he had seen the ghost. "Wait, but... but how can it be?" Albert's lips shook. "How do you do it?"
"It's secret." Mr Q smiled widely. "Now, show the card to others once again, and see what their thoughts now."
Albert slowly raised the card and immediately everyone, including Jack, fell silent. Jack couldn't believe that the card in Albert's hand immediately turned into a 2-red hearts card, even though he and the crowd saw the card was 3 red hearts before.
'But how could it be? How could the card instantly turn into Albert's chosen card?'
Mr. Q asked Albert back to the crowd and not for long after, everyone there was clapping harder than before because the result of the street magic show was beyond anyone's expectations. Mr. Q again folded his left hand across his chest in front of the crowd with a satisfied smile.
"Thank you, thank you everyone." He removed the top hat from his head and bowed his body. "Now, I will perform one street magic once again. But first, please fill this hat with some of your remaining goldy. I'm truly appreciate every gold you give to me."
Mr. Q walked up to the crowd in front of him and moved his hat towards the crowd in front of him. One by one, people in the crowd threw gold coins into the hat until the top hat began to bulge.
As Mr Q walked closer to him, Jack suddenly noticed something. He saw a silver-colored ring on his fingers. At first glance, there was nothing strange about the ring, but when the ring was exposed by sunlight, there was a fine carving forming a symbol, the hearts symbol, which seemed the same as with the cards.
'The ring has a unique symbol, but what does the symbol mean?'