chapter 10

The Vatican's request was quite embarrassing.

Because processed foods, which embody the human desire for taste, and the church's Eucharist, which symbolizes abstinence, are diametrically opposed types of foods.

Processed foods fit for the Eucharist.

There's no way that could happen...

'No, I guess something like this is possible.'

After seeing the types of communion written on the documents sent by the church, I changed my mind.

All the church wanted was a sweet dessert that would whet their appetite.

Since the Eucharist, which has a long tradition, cannot be changed, the idea is to add something to appease the congregation.

The church also seemed to have given much thought to the events of this Thanksgiving.

After all, believers are also people, so they cannot live an ascetic life their entire lives.

"Will you accept the request?"


I nodded to Ranya's words.

"I think it will be easier than I thought."

"… Sometimes I look at Yuri and think, she's really amazing. She can't even cook, but how does she make food?"

"That's why I just imagine."

"What did you imagine this time?"

"Ice cream."


Authentic Italian ice cream enjoyed by Pope John Paul II.

A legendary dessert that sparked the 'Save Gelato' incident, where the nation and its people fought over a single ice cream.

That was the third processed food I made.


Gelato means ice cream in Italian.

The difference from ice cream is that gelato has a thicker and softer texture than ice cream.

In the previous world, gelato was a dessert with deep ties to the church, so much so that even the Pope of the Vatican enjoyed it.

Also known as 'The Pope's Ice Cream'.

It was a perfect dessert for the Eucharist. Above all, it was easy to make.

Because the milk and cream used in gelato are dairy products that can be easily found in this world.

Of course, the gelato I make is a little different from regular gelato.

If the gelato made by Italians is handmade, the gelato I make is factory-made.

'When it comes to ice cream, it's Haagen-Dazs.'

It was gelato from the ice cream powerhouse, Haagen-Dazs.

"… This is amazing."

The eyes of young Cardinal Bruno, who tasted the gelato, grew wide.

The texture of gelato, melting softly in his mouth, was the most magical experience of Bruno's life.

The ice cream he had been eating until now was a primitive dessert made by topping raw honey on finely chopped ice.

Sometimes, when I chewed on ice that hadn't melted, my teeth would get sensitive and it would be difficult to eat.

But there was not a single bit of discomfort in the ice cream the wizard had made.

The soft texture seemed to melt like a cloud in my mouth, and the luxurious sweetness had a deep flavor without being stimulating.


Bruno moved his spoon in silence until all the gelato in the bowl was gone.

When he came to, Bruno was scraping a spoon into an empty glass bowl.

"… So this is what it feels like to be happy with food."

Bruno looked at the glass with admiration.

"Is this real ice cream?"

"Yes, it is gelato, to be exact."

"Gelato… … "

Bruno answered, savoring the name as if licking it.

"It tasted heavenly."

It was the highest compliment a cardinal could give.

"I think asking the Holy Father for advice on the Holy Communion was the best decision I ever made in my life."

"Rather than becoming a priest?"

"Because turning to God was a decision I made as if I was running away."

Cardinal Bruno smiled faintly.

"I can confidently say that the wizard is first."

The young cardinal bowed his head deeply and sincerely.

"On behalf of the church, I thank you for creating the Holy Communion, Yuri Grey."


"Our church may have been too negligent about food. This too is food given by God."

These were the Pope's first words after tasting gelato.

"… How sweet. Is this the food of this day and age?"

The Pope, who had maintained an ascetic lifestyle, mistakenly believed that 'gelato' was an average food from another world.

I made the mistake of thinking that if I looked for food that was comparable to this, even if it was not average, but at a higher level, I would be able to find it.

The cola and Pringles that I had to try recently were also like this.

While he was maintaining an ascetic lifestyle, the food culture of the continent had made tremendous progress.

In such an advanced food culture, only grain tea and unleavened bread were recommended… … .

"It seems that our church has been forcing too harsh a choice on young priests."

For those who grew up tasting this kind of food, unleavened bread would have been too difficult to eat.

Paul XIII made a decision.

"It is good to keep traditions, but I learned today that it is only meaningful when it is in keeping with the times."

The Pope's voice echoed through the cathedral.

"Let us reform the Eucharist and other things that are out of date with the times."

It was a moment when the church, which had been sticking to a conservative culture, was facing a time of reform.


The reform edicts proclaimed by Pope Paul XIII were transmitted to all churches on the continent in less than a week.

The faithful were astonished that Paul XIII, known for his frugality and respect for tradition, had issued a reform decree.

"I can't believe that the frugal Pope has decided to reform."

"It seems like your thoughts have changed a lot after this Thanksgiving incident."

"Well, it was a bit noisy… … "

The announced reform plan included a large number of revisions to what had been considered bad practices, difficult-to-understand doctrines, and out-of-date traditions.

"A short-sleeved priest's vestment… …!"

"Will I be able to wear this with short sleeves in the summer?"

"The mandatory attendance provision for dawn prayers has disappeared!"

"Huh, I'm worried that this might be too much of a change. Short sleeves on what should be a neat robe."

Although some older priests expressed concern about the drastic change, most priests warmly welcomed the announced reforms.

In the midst of the uproar in the church over the reform, the revised menu for the Eucharist was made public.

These were also menus that made the priests doubt their eyes.

"Meat in the Eucharist? How surprising!"

"The Pope has decided to encourage meat consumption for the health of his followers."

The Eucharist included meat that had never been found before. In addition, some improvements were made to the existing Eucharist manufacturing method.

"Ahh! Finally, I'm free from this damn grain cart."

"Well, the unleavened bread wasn't very tasty."

The church's diet was notorious for being unpalatable, so this time no one objected.

But everyone had to tilt their heads at the dessert chosen for dessert.

"Gelato? What is this?"

"I heard it was dessert."

"… What? Are you saying you added dessert to the Eucharist?"

The priests were skeptical that dessert could be included in the Eucharist, but their reaction after tasting the gelato was explosive.

"This, this extreme softness… … ?"

"Ugh! It disappeared from my mouth!"

"…Is this ice cream?"

"Mmm, it's sweet."

The priests were crazy about gelato, and their praise for gelato naturally spread to the general churchgoers.

"Today's service is over. Before you leave, please enjoy a light dessert."

The kind-hearted priests willingly served gelato to their parishioners.

"Hey, are you going to church today too?"

"Yes, we must pray to God."

"No, why is someone who has never prayed in his entire life suddenly doing this?"

"Eating gelato will make you want to practice religion."

"Gelato? What is that?"

"Gelato, it's heavenly food."

This soon led to the gelato craze.

"Oh my god, how can there be food that disappears in your mouth?"

"Indeed, it is a heavenly taste!"

"Gelato is the true sacrament."

People would attend church services every weekend to eat the gelato provided by the church.

"Weren't you an atheist?"

"From today on, I have decided to believe in God."

There are even people who become believers just to eat gelato.

Some even circulated rumors that the Pope's decision to reform was due to gelato.

"The Pope wanted to include gelato in the Eucharist."

"I heard that God gave a revelation."

"As expected! So that's why you carried out the reform. It seemed so sudden."

Although it was an unfounded rumor, it was close to the truth and reached the ears of the nobles.

"This is the famous ice cream that His Holiness the Pope reformed."

"Ah, this tastes like a dream."

"If you dip Pringles in it, you will experience a deeper flavor."

"I also like drinking it mixed with cola."

Despite some odd tastes among some discerning gourmets, the gelato craze was a success.


"The Church Must End Its Monopoly on Gelato!"

"Gelato belongs to us all!"

It was so successful.