Alaric coughs, holding his hands to his chest as he watches Maggie--which wow, he cannot believe she is the next Grand Master Magia. Usually, there are either elder men or unfortunate-looking people who rather be locked in their room than dwindle in society, so call him surprised to see the beauty before him deemed to be such a master at magic.
It hasn't been officially announced yet--the change of power within the tower--but of course, Alaric meets the new lord of magic through unusual predicaments, especially being a one-night stand that has led Alaric to be standing attached to the smaller woman, who is looking up at Alaric with sparkling eyes that makes Alaric feel highly uncomfortable due to the unfortunate line of events that happen to be placed on his agenda today.
"Y-You're who?" Alaric barely spits out, holding his dry throat in his hands. "Wait, M-Magia Maggie, this is a bit of a misunderstanding-."
"Why I don't see why it would be?" Maggie said, her ruby eyes softly shining as she looked up to the unamused Queen. "We shared our body! As you know, mages take that quite seriously, as that means we've shared our magic circuits! We're married by magic by now if you think about it!"
Alaric's ears ring, feeling his cheeks ablaze red, confused and agape by how such a woman can share their intimate business with the Queen of the kingdom of all people.
"M-M-Magia M-Maggie, m-my dear-." Alaric starts, shifting his eyes between Maggie and the Queen.
"See, my Queen," Maggie said, holding Alaric's arm closer to her chest. "We even use pet names!"
Alaric heavily swallows, already feeling the impending doom that may fall upon his fate.
"M-Magia Maggie," Alaric said, eyeing both women in the room. "Your Majesty, there seems to be a bit of confusion within the room. I-me and Magia Maggie are not together-."
"What do you mean?" Maggie wallows, holding her small hands to her heart. "But we shared bodies during the ba-."
Alaric lets out the loudest cough he can muster to cut Maggie off, which she quickly stops, getting the hint before she too clears her throat, brushing her curly red hair behind her small ears.
"W-what I mean is, we have shared bodies and magic--basically souls! As a mage of high power, this means for us that we have chosen our one!" Maggie exclaims, causing Alaric to unconsciously make a face of disgust. "What more now to do than swap rings amongst each other-?"
"I-I believe there is a bit of a misunderstanding, Magia Maggie," Alaric said, coughing in his free hand. "I believe situations like this expect to be discussed in more private settings then--well--in audiences with the Queen, correct? Plus we haven't even gotten to know each other to even believe we are meant to be-."
"That is what the courting and fiancé part of marriage is about!" Maggie said, eyeing the Queen with sparkling eyes. "Isn't that right, Your Majesty? Why must we delay love when love seems so close?"
The Queen pitifully moves her eyes to Alaric's pleading form, letting out a sigh as she watches him pout from his spot near her throne.
"Well?" The Queen asked Alaric, raising an eyebrow. "Any reason why I shouldn't grant the Soon-to-be Grand Master Mage's request? She is your type, plus wouldn't this make your father happy? He's been begging for me to set you up with a good woman anyway. This will shut him up."
Alaric gulps, clearing his throat and rapidly tapping his foot, biting his lip to scurry within his mind for any sort of response that would please the attendees in the room. Sure, his annoying no-nonsense old man has been grating his ears, mentioning in almost every conversation as of late that Alaric is getting older, and it's time to stop his playboy ways and find a good woman to wed.
And to be frank, his father is very correct, however, Alaric hates the idea of settling down--isn't that boring, to only indulge yourself with one person? To give your heart and soul for someone who could die at any time? A one-night stand or a little date here and there doesn't have any risk, but a wedding ring and a lifetime with someone has so many, Alaric isn't sure if he even wants to engage it such what ifs.
"T-that may be true, Your Majesty." Alaric swallows, quickly thinking up the most rational excuse he can think of to dig him out of this deep grave. "H-however, I have yet to be honest with him regarding a few subtle things about my romantic life, and thus, due to that, I am afraid that this--whatever this is--between me and the Soon-to-be Grand Master of the Mage Tower, Magia Maggie, will not be able to persist-."
"And what do you mean by subtle things?" The Queen asked, raising an eyebrow in interest. "Do tell, what haven't you mentioned to your father nor shared with me?"
Alaric gulps, slowly retracting his arm from Maggie's very vice grip and clearing his throat.
"I am so, so sorry that it needed to come out like this to the both of you!" Alaric said, holding his hand to his chest and biting his lip, shutting his eyes for further dramatics as he searched within his head for a valid excuse to run as far away from the situation as possible. "However, please keep in mind that I am still a young, very young man--I haven't even reached thirty yet! And I believe that what starts now--what can be birthed from understanding and love can-."
"I do not have all day, Duke Alaric." The Queen said, rolling her eyes, already prepared to hear Alaric's bullshit. "What is it that has gotten you so on edge that you are prolonging this simple matter-."
"I have fallen in love with a man." Alaric said, clearing his throat and looking straight ahead. He ignores Maggie's gasp and stumbles backwards, causing her to almost fall backwards, and the Queen, who lets out a series of hacks and fits directed at Alaric's absurd words.