"All done?"
Tsuzuki Chihiro was still sitting at the café across from RiNG, idly playing on her phone while sipping coffee. She didn't even look up until Nagasaki Soyo sat back down across from her.
"Yeah, for now."
Soyo nodded, then glanced at the cup of tea in front of her. After a brief moment of hesitation, she decided to just leave it untouched.
"This CRYCHIC you mentioned… is this it?"
Soyo looked at Chihiro in confusion as the girl placed her phone on the table and slid it toward her.
Displayed on the screen was CRYCHIC's personal homepage. There were only a handful of posts, with the most recent update serving as its final "epitaph."
But when Soyo's eyes landed on a photo of all five members together, she couldn't help but smile softly.
"You really care about this band, don't you?"
"Mhm." Soyo didn't bother denying it—there was no point in hiding her true feelings in front of Tsuzuki Chihiro. "Chihiro, what do you think… a lie really is?"
"You're asking me?"
"Aren't you pretty good at lying?"
Soyo returned the phone, fixing her gaze on the girl across from her. It was as if she was hoping to find her own answer through this girl, someone who bore a passing resemblance to herself.
"If you live in lies long enough, you might never find true companionship."
"Like me, for example. You're still not even sure if my name is real, are you?"
"…No, I'm not." Soyo nodded before quickly adding, "But lies can lead to good outcomes too, can't they?"
"Hmm… I suppose so. After all, everyone lies. Lying is a means, not an end."
"So you really are Tsuzuki Chihiro?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"You'd actually use your real name when scamming people?" Soyo sounded surprised.
"Hey, why are you acting like I'm some irredeemable criminal? I do have a conscience, you know."
"Yeah, well, I'm just worried that conscience of yours will kick in and you'll stab me, your employer, in the back."
Soyo's lips twitched slightly. She wasn't sure whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.
"Whatever. We're done for today. Come home with me."
"…Come home with you?"
Tsuzuki Chihiro's expression turned a little strange.
Why did this feel like she was getting sponsored by a rich girl?
Soyo caught the fleeting expression on her face and rolled her eyes in exasperation. "I told you, I'll cover your food and lodging. Or would you rather keep staying at a hotel?"
"Fair enough. Might as well get used to my new home in advance."
"New home…"
Soyo had been about to argue It's not your home, but the words died in her throat.
Whatever. This is just an act anyway.
She wasn't about to get worked up over a fraudster. Once their contract was over, she'd kick Chihiro out without a second thought.
"Oh, right. Just verbal agreements aren't enough—I think we should put this in writing."
"Is that really necessary?"
"Absolutely." Soyo's tone was firm. "I'll buy a stamp pad later. We'll seal it with a fingerprint—just in case you try to weasel out of it. Wait… you're not planning to scam me, your employer, are you?"
"Of course not. I have professional ethics."
"Professional ethics? From a scammer?"
"Would you stop calling me that? It sounds awful," Chihiro muttered, raising an eyebrow in irritation. "I just do my best to play the role my clients want, provide them with emotional value, and, in return, take a small service fee from their wallets."
"It's an equivalent exchange, alright?"
Soyo had no words for that. She stood up, deciding it was best to just ignore this utterly baffling individual.
But instead of heading straight for Roppongi in Minato Ward, they first made a stop at Chihiro's hotel—since all her luggage was still there.
Soyo watched as Chihiro, now fully made up, stood at the front desk with the poised demeanor of a seasoned adult, speaking in a way that had the receptionist regarding her with utmost respect.
…Okay. Maybe this money was well spent.
Compared to this, the little cons Soyo had pulled in the past were practically child's play.
"All packed?" Soyo gave Chihiro's suitcase a curious glance. "That's all your stuff?"
"Anything I'm missing, I'll just mooch off other people."
"And if what you're missing is a conscience?"
"Then isn't that even better? The more shameless someone is, the better they do in life. If I really was heartless, I'd be financially free by now."
Soyo realized there was no winning against this girl, so she gave up trying.
The subway ride from Tokyo Station to Roppongi took about twenty minutes. They didn't talk much on the way, but Soyo did notice that Chihiro had been leaning against her suitcase, dozing with half-lidded eyes the whole time.
She had to admit—Chihiro was stunning.
Among all the people she had met, Chihiro had the most striking presence and the kind of aura that made strangers instinctively feel drawn to her.
Seeing her this exhausted, Soyo couldn't help but chuckle to herself.
Somehow, this version of Tsuzuki Chihiro was the most agreeable one.
Still… they were the same age, so how had their lives ended up so drastically different?
She was curious about the girl who would be living under her roof for the foreseeable future.
But even if she asked, Chihiro would probably just lie, wouldn't she?
"We're here. Get up."
Chihiro yawned, then lazily grabbed onto Soyo's arm like a pendant, following behind her.
Soyo thought about shaking her off but ultimately decided against it.
And so, in this ridiculous fashion, she led Chihiro to her apartment building.
The elevator took them straight to the 45th floor, where a door marked Nagasaki awaited them. Soyo turned the key and glanced over at the half-asleep Chihiro with a sigh.
"This is my place. I'll get you an electronic key card later. But if you steal anything, I'm calling the cops."
"What about stealing people?"
"…Do you ever shut up?"
Even though Chihiro looked like she could pass out at any second, she still had the energy to keep running her mouth.
Soyo was really starting to feel like she had just paid good money to bring home a freeloading old man.
"I'm home."
"You live with someone?"
"No, it's just a habit… Never mind. Let's just say you've been abroad for so long that you forgot how things work here."
"Where's my room?"
Chihiro did look genuinely exhausted. Maybe it was because, for the first time, she had finally dropped her act. All the built-up fatigue from before must have hit her at once.
"…You can take the guest room. I keep it clean, so—hey, wait, that's my room, not yours!"
Before Soyo could stop her, Chihiro had already kicked off her shoes, dumped her suitcase, and flung herself straight onto the bed.
Soyo gaped but ultimately didn't bother dragging her up.
Tsuzuki Chihiro…
She never thought the first person her age to stay at her place would be some sketchy con artist.
Then again… Soyo herself was kind of a liar too.
In that sense, maybe they were a perfect match.
T/N: PERFECT MATCH HUEHUHEHEUHE hmm what should the ship name be... I NEED IDEAS PEOPLE!!!