chapter 6: Narrow Escape

Moon's luna POV

For a few seconds, none of us moved. It was as if the entire world held its breath. Then, my instincts kicked in.


Before I could get a single word out, Alana lunged at me, slapping her hand over my mouth.

"MOTHER, NO! DON'T SCREAM!" she whisper yelled, eyes wide with panic.

I flailed my arms dramatically, trying to pry her fingers off my face. How dare she silence me in my own kingdom?!

She clung to me desperately. "Mother, please! Just.. just don't overreact!"

I muffled an outraged response behind her palm, my eyes darting toward the strange boy, who looked both amused and slightly terrified.

He should be very terrified! Did my daughter lose her mind? A rogue?! In my pack?!

Alana, sensing my struggle, finally removed her hand but kept her grip on my wrists.

I inhaled sharply, my motherly rage bubbling to the surface. "Alana Moon… please explain. Now. Who is this? And why, in the name of the goddess, are you hiding a boy in the pack?"

She cringed. "Okay, okay just breathe first. Deep breaths."

I glared at her. "Oh, I am breathing, my dear daughter. I'm just deciding whether to scream for the guards or let you explain before I faint."

The boy who was far too comfortable for someone on the verge of being thrown into a dungeon gave a small, awkward wave. "Uh… good morning, ma'am?"

I gasped. "He speaks?!"

Alana groaned. "Mother, please!"

I placed my hands on my hips, shifting my gaze between them. "You have ten seconds to tell me why I shouldn't call your father and have this boy arrested for trespassing."

Alana winced. "Okay, um this is Pack."

"Pack?" I deadpanned. "That's not a name, Alana. That's a category."

She scratched her head. "Well… he doesn't remember his name. He's lost his memory."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "And this is my problem how?"

"Because I found him, and I've been taking care of him!"

I inhaled slowly, staring at her in disbelief. "Let me get this straight. You found a stray wolf, who could be a rogue, a spy, or just an insane person and instead of reporting it like a normal person, you decided to keep him?!"

Alana and Pack exchanged guilty glances.

"Alana," I hissed. "This is illegal! Your father would…"

"..kill him," Alana finished for me, her voice suddenly serious. "And he doesn't deserve that."

I paused. There was something in her eyes something fierce like protectiveness.

I glanced at Pack again, really looking at him this time. He wasn't hostile. He wasn't even nervous, despite the fact that I could have him dragged to the dungeons at any moment. He just stood there, watching me with those dangerous cute grey eyes.

"...Has he done anything suspicious?" I asked finally.

Alana shook her head. "No. He's been nothing but respectful. He barely even talks, honestly."

I exhaled. "And you trust him?"

She hesitated, then nodded. "Yes. I do."

I studied her for a long moment before sighing dramatically. "Great. Just great. My only daughter, the princess, has turned our sacred home into a rogue shelter."

Alana grinned sheepishly. "Sooo… does that mean you won't tell Father?"

I scoffed. "Oh, absolutely not. If your father finds out, we will all be dead. Including me!"

Alana clasped her hands together. "Then we keep this our little secret, right?"

I groaned. "You are going to be the death of me, Alana Moon."

She beamed. "That's a yes!"

Pack, who had been silent throughout most of this, finally let out a relieved chuckle. "That was… intense."

I turned to him sharply. "Oh, I'm not done with you, young man. If you so much as breathe wrong, I will personally drag you to the Alpha myself."

His hands shot up in surrender. "Understood, ma'am."

I rolled my eyes before turning back to my troublemaking daughter. "I swear, Alana, you better have a plan for this. Because if your father catches even a whiff of him, you're getting married tomorrow."

Her smile faltered. "Wait. What?"

I smirked. "Oh, did I forget to mention? Your father is growing impatient. If you don't find a suitor soon… he'll find one for you."

Her face paled. "Mother, please tell me you're joking."

I patted her cheek. "Good luck, my love."

And with that, I picked up my silver lilies and walked away.

Let her figure it out herself.

Oh dear lord, that pack guy was insanely handsome, maybe Alana can just take him as her mate and suitor.

I will finally have cute grandchildren, oh my heart is screaminggggg…

Oh dear how could I forget, he doesn't remember anything, so no family or lineage.. what a lost.

No more cute grandchildren 😔 😔 😔