
Did your mother tell you the fairytales? Mine did too. Which is why I hate them the most…

The stories about kind fairies and their magic wands, the rainbow unicorns and their crystal castles. The fountains of riches, and luxuries assorted into pretty looking cottages where everything is magical and beautiful… Don't believe them.

No one knows the truth of Sibil. Afterall, Sibil has always been a kingdom mystique to its own people.

I am Carina. I am mostly kind, can do a bit of magic, and I live in one of the most dazzling palaces of Sibil. But fortunately, I am not a fairy.

While most of you would consider it bad luck…Listen close, I will tell you this story, and let you keep your thoughts but you must not judge me for it.

Let's start with where it all started…


Long before the Earth could exist, the eternal chaos of the dark reigned the world. The ever so kind God, with the mere power of words casted the chaos away.

From the void, spiralled out the churning spirit of the energy that subsided in the spirit of Màha; the formless Magic. But the magic couldn't sustain itself alone. It needed to find itself a carrier. When Màha begged God to guide it into finding a carrier, God blessed it with the power of creativity.

Màha, took the form of a deity and from its hair strands weaved down a puppet so beautiful in its entirety that it morphed Màha to give its formless existence a body. When Màha casted itself into the puppet, it assumed the first female magical body.

From where Màha entered the puppet, delicate petals blossomed that fluttered and lifted her body into the periphery of the Universe. Even for Màha, it seemed so much. Màha, now had a heart and her two wings but also the innate desire to have another one of her kind to keep her company.

She used the blessing of creativity and from where her hair touched her back, she cut her skin. The magic flowed out from there, but Màha could hardly get a hold of it in such a state. Distressed, she begged God to help her, so God gave her the Habula- the needle of infinite stitches and told her that she must only cut open her feet she wants. With great agony, Màha sealed the patch and then decided to use the sole of her feet to find herself a companion.

She cut her own feet, and stitched both of them together. From her creativity and magic, she sprouted a beautiful torso upwards from the feet. She sculpted a face so beautiful that even she couldn't compete with its beauty. Mesmerised by her own creation, Màha breathed half of her magic into this lifeless beautiful body.

To make it look more distinguishable from her own, she elongated the length between the puppet's feet and bestowed upon it the power to praise beauty of forms like herself with the erectness of will.

Satisfied with her work, Màha asked God to breathe life upon it, and when God agreed; from Màha's magic was born Nüan. God was delighted at Màha's creativity and rewarded her with a pair of appendages that grew out of her stitched legs. Flippers grew on them, and soon, Màha could easily float through the Universe with her body.

Nüan replicated Màha in her form, and like her had a pair of delicate wings, astounding beauty and her magic. From how Màha had made him different from her, he diligently grew erect between his legs to praise her often. But, Màha didn't know that Nüan was nothing like her.

Nüan's heart was not carved from God's mercy but rather from Màha's magic. The magic though born from the death of chaos had its remnants in it. Nüan wanted to be the only one enjoying the boon of magic, and hence hatched a plan to lure Màha and steal the remaining magic from the stitched space of her tail.

Nüan would fly around Màha, as she would swim through the universe with her beautiful tail and then grow erect as he approached her. Happy with her own creation, Màha would praise him and allow him to touch and play with her. Màha secretly fell in love with Nüan.

One day when Màha was floating in the Periphery of Universe, Nüan approached her. Singing praises of Màha, he morphed his erect appendage into a sword and sliced the flippers off from Màha's tail. Màha was consumed in agony and pain. The betrayal made her so sad, that most of her magic flowed out from where here feet once rested. Nüan, consumed the magic as it came and his wings grew stronger and stronger. What was left of Màha's magic got collected in the pool of the Universe's ocean.

Aching, and crying, Màha asked for help and God, taking pity on her breathed upon her relief and strength. The benevolent God, carved two strong legs out of a horse in Eden and then, placed Màha's spirit over it. Magic sealed the wounds, and then Màha rose again… Only this time she was more stronger. Màha was angry at Nüan for what he did with her.

When Màha saw Nüan, beautiful and mystical than before, her anger dissolved and she admired him even more. Sly and wicked, Nüan saw this as another opportunity to steal The Habula from Màha. However, Màha was quick to understand his motives. When Nüan reached for Màha's feet, she kicked him back with her hooves.

Enraged Màha charged at Nüan, who feared for his life. Nüan begged for mercy, but it was too late. Màha reached for the Habula, to stitch his wings. When Nüan cried God's name, Màha had no choice but to stop… The Habula disappeared into the pool of Universe's ocean where most of Màha's magic had fallen into.

The anger however is still carried onto the lineage of the two. The magic, thus sustained. And so did the quest for Habula. What didn't last was love.

Maha's powers went dormant and morphed into the formless- The Greater One, waiting for justice, and the one true warrior who would avenge Maha.

And that's how it started…

The animosity of the faes and the satyrs.

Did I mention, I am a Satyr?