(November 16 X770) (Fairy Tail Library)
A month has passed since Law officially joined Fairy Tail. But to this day he had spent most of his time in the library learning about healing potions. He didn't even go on his first job yet. Normally recruits would be raring to go, especially young children.
"Porlyusica sure is mean. All I did was ask her if she could tutor me in healing potions and she just threw me out with a list of books. Looks like Master was right, she really hates people." Law was taking a break from all the studying he had been doing. Although he had spent the entirety of the last month reading about healing potions he had only cracked the surface.
"Dad and Grandpa might have taught me everything they know regarding the medical field but they didn't know anything about healing potions. I wanted to take the chance and learn from Porlyusica but I don't really see that happening." Law said to himself with a defeated look on his face.
Deciding to get something to eat break Law heads to the guild hall to get lunch. Arriving at the counter he sees Master Makarov sitting atop it with a drink in his hand. Quickly ordering his food he speaks with his guild master.
"Do you do anything else other than drinking Gramps?" Law asked with a straight face. Makarov looked at him with a slightly flushed face. He asks his own question with a snarky smirk on his face. "Oh yea, do you do anything other than just read?"
Having finished his question he took a swig from his mug. Some members overheard this conversation and were laughing to themselves. Law just rolled his eyes and started to explain his reasoning for having been studying for the past month.
"I wasn't just reading you know. I was studying how to make healing potions. I figured I should probably know the basics and have some with me before I took my first job. You never know when they might come in handy." Finishing his explanation, he expected Makarov to agree with him. But he gulped the drink down and asked Law a question.
"What kind of first job do you think will require the use of healing potions Law?" Makarov asked eager to hear his response. Unknown to Law, other guild members, including Wakaba and Macao, were just as eager.
"Well, I was thinking I would hunt down some Vulcans, fight some bandits, take down a group of dark wizards-" Before Law could continue, the Master and everyone else burst out laughing even more obnoxiously than usual.
Law looked around him at his guildmates. He was confused as to why they were all laughing. He then turned to Makarov and just waited for him to finish.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA, You sure are ambitious Law my boy." Makarov addressed Law after regaining his composure. "Do you honestly believe I would let a recruit, much less a child take any of those jobs as their first one? HAHAHAHAHA" Makarov continued laughing alongside his children.
"Then what kind of jobs am I allowed to take?" Law asked.
"Come here Law we'll show you." Macao and Wakaba dragged him to the request board and pointed at a couple of specific jobs that are meant for first-timers.
"You can't be serious. There is no way you guys are being serious right now." A bewildered look took over the boy's face. He was also annoyed.
"Gramps, do you really intend for me to take one of those as my first job?" Law asked the guild master with hope in his voice, thinking that they may all be pulling his leg.
"Of course. All recruits of Fairy Tail must complete at least 10 of those jobs before they are allowed to take more difficult jobs. For children, they are required to complete 20." Was the guild master's response.
"Those are the rules Law. Everyone had to do those for their first jobs in Fairy Tail. You have to climb the latter kid, from these jobs all the way to S-class jobs." Macao said to Law as Wakaba nodded in the background.
Annoyed at this Law grabbed five jobs from the board and presented them to Makarov for approval. Once approved he first ate his lunch and hurried out of the guild to finish these five today. As he left he could hear his guildmates, some were wishing him good luck and others were making funny remarks.
'If I complete five a day I would finish 20 in four days.' Law had planned to just get it over with so he could start going on real jobs.
Arriving at the first job's designated location, Law was standing outside of a house and was met with a corpulent woman with dark brown hair that she kept in three separate poofs. She wore pink lipstick, pink nail polish and purple eyeshadow. She also wears many different colored rings. This was Madam Shijimi.
"Hi there young man, are you the wizard who will help find my sweet Tora? She seems to have gotten lost. You can recognize her by the red ribbon on her right ear. She has brown fur, with a line running down her forehead with three lines going across it, and amber-colored eyes. Please bring her back, oh she's probably so scared." The lady said with worry in her voice.
Nodding to her Law went on to search for the cat, only, it wasn't so easy. The cat was as fast as lightning. Law had gotten close to catching it a few times but it would always find a way to slip past him. The few times he had actually managed to get his hands on the cat she turns around and scratched his face. Having had enough of its antics Law resorts to his magic. He picks up a pebble and uses Shambles to switch the cat with the pebble.
Law returns the cat to Madam Shijimi, and when he did he figured out a great secret: the cat didn't get lost. It ran away because her owner hugs the life out of her. That cat was running for dear life. "Madam Shijimi if you could please pay me the reward I will be on my way."
"Of course dear, Here you go, 5,000J. Bey Bey now." Law had gotten his reward and continued on to finish his other jobs.
One job required him to weed someone's garden, another was dog walking, delivering packages, and the last one was grocery shopping.
Seeing night had fallen, Law returned to the bed within the guild's infirmary for some much-needed rest. 'I have to do these types of jobs for three more days.' Law thought to himself as he lay in bed. "Let's just get them over with."
(Time skip 5 days) (November 21 X770)
Having spent the past couple of days doing those "jobs" Law had gotten his first real job given to him by the Master himself yesterday.
"Good work on the 20 jobs Law. The employers had all spoken well of you." Makarov congratulated Law. "Does that mean I can take real jobs now?" The boy had asked. "Yes yes, you can take proper wizard jobs now. Did you have one in mind already?" Makarov had a curious look about him as he asked his question.
"No, not really. I was just going to check out the request board." Law responded. "How about this one?" Makarov handed over the job request and Law read the details.
"A Forest Vulcan has been getting too close to Magnolia. He comes at random times attacks the townspeople and destroys their businesses. We need the help of a Fairy Tail wizard. The reward is 50,000J. Wow, that's a lot of money. Ok, Gramps I'll head out tomorrow." Law said as Makarov nodded and sent notice to the townspeople.
"Oh, before I forget. Here Law take this with you." Makarov gives Law a short sword. Inspecting the sword Law is amazed with its design. The blade of the sword is triangular-shaped with a round circular hilt. The sheath is dark colored, with patterns embroidered at the top and bottom.
"What's this for Gramps?
"Your magic needs an object to be able to cut your patients. Isn't that correct? That's just a gift from me to you. Now go on to bed, it's getting late." Makarov responded as he left the guild hall. Law simply looked at his back as he left. A smile formed on his face.
"Thanks, Gramps"
Knowing it's a Forest Vulcan that is causing havoc in Magnolia Law goes into the East Forest where he can deal with it before he has another chance of wrecking Magnolia. With the morning sun shining down and his sword strapped to his back, he followed the footprints the Vulcan was leaving behind.
'Strange. I should have caught up to the Vulcan by now. Did it already go to Magnolia?'
Just as Law had finished his thought he noticed a shadow growing bigger by the second under him. With wide eyes, he quickly jumped to the right to avoid the Vulcan from squashing him under its weight.
A crater was formed under the Vulcan as it turned to Law with a smirk on its face. It started to pump its chest to celebrate its next victim. Law quickly drew his sword and got into a fighting stance. "You have been following me all along, haven't you? You just waited for the right moment to pounce." Law deduced. The Vulcan's smirk grew even more as it nodded and got ready to pounce again.
Bringing its giant fists down, the Vulcan hoped to crush its prey with a single strike. However, Law would prove to be a prey that strikes back as he uses the Vulcan's giant arms as a pathway to its body and sinks his blade into its chest. Law was surprised at how tough the Vulcan's chest would be as only the tip of the blade had managed to penetrate the beast.
Quickly retreating, Law managed to avoid the Vulcan's attempt at a bear hug. Instead of pursuing its prey the Vulcan grabbed a nearby boulder and tossed it at Law. Not having enough time to dodge he set down a Room and cut the boulder in two, only to be met by the Vulcan's fist about to send him flying into a tree.
'Shit' Law widens his eyes in surprise as he acts quicker than he can think. "Shambles" Switching places with half of the boulder he cut earlier, the Vulcan punches it to pieces. 'Can't let him hit me. He'll break more than a few bones.' The Vulcan turns around ready to pounce again but Law acts first.
"Takt" Law sends the other half of the boulder smashing into the giant monkey and sending him back a good distance allowing Law to regain his composure. "I didn't think fighting a Vulcan would be easy but I didn't think it would be smart enough to use a boulder as a distraction for getting close. I'll have to keep my guard up. I also can't let it use a Take Over spell on me."
A smile forms on Law's face as he stares down the Vulcan. "Alright you filthy monkey, you might have caught me by surprise earlier, but it won't happen again. Get ready to have your ass handed to you."
Enraged, the Vulcan pounded his chest as if accepting Law's challenge. He then rushed at him, bringing both fists down to crush him. Law jumped high to dodge the attack and unleashed one of his own. "Amputate" Law makes a slashing motion at the monkey.
The Vulcan proved his intelligence by dodging the path that Law had swung his sword. Law never took his eyes off his enemy as he landed back on the ground. The Vulcan looked at Law pleased with himself because he avoided Law's attack.
"So you know to dodge where I swing my sword. You must've figured that out from when I cut the boulder. That's impressive." Law complimented. He then pointed something out to the green monkey. "But you didn't get away scot free you know." Law then pointed at the green tail that flayed around on the ground.
Seeing his tail had been severed the Vulcan shouted in rage and rushed at Law fully intending on killing him. Law dodged a wide swing from his left. He jumped back to avoid a kick coming from the right and ducked a sweeping left backhand, only to get caught with a kick to the face that sent him back a few feet giving him a broken nose.
Landing on his back Law opens his eyes slightly only to find the Vulcan falling towards him, fully intending on crushing him. Law rolls to the side and grabs his sword as the monkey crashes into his previous spot forming another crater. As the Vulcan rushed at Law he went for another swing to the head. "Takt" Law counters by sending a rock pillar from below into the Vulcan's abdomen launching him into the air.
Falling to his knees Law starts panting heavily. His Room shrinks down showcasing his depleting magic.
"I'm running low on magic. I have to finish this now." Law looks to see the angry Vulcan getting up and getting ready to charge him again. 'He's outside my Room, I have to wait for him to get within range then I'll finish this fight.' With a heavy breath, Law gets to his feet and motions for the Vulcan to come at him. "Come on you stupid ape. Can't you even kill one little child? You must be as stupid as you look."
Having had enough the Vulcan rushes at Law in order to kill him. Law doesn't move from his spot. He simply points his sword at his charging opponent and waits for him to get closer. He had to wait for him to get in his Room, seeing as how it was now just below 10 meters in size.
Soon the Vulcan stepped into the Room and before he could take another step Law was on the offensive.
"Injection shot" He first aimed at the beast's thigh and brought him to his knees.
"Injection shot" "Injection shot"
The next two were aimed at both shoulders to disable his arms.
Law then brought his sword down from the Vulcan's left shoulder and across his torso. Splitting the Vulcan in two and winning this fight.
Law falls to his knees as he aims his sword towards himself.
"Booster shot"
This was the opposite of his Injection shot. Law uses this to boost his body's healing ability and fixes his broken nose he then closes his Room and drops his sword to the side as he collapses onto his back in exhaustion.
He didn't move from his position for 30 minutes. He simply stared at the blue sky.
"Job well done Law. That was an excellent fight." Law was surprised to see master Makarov along with Porlyusica standing at his side.
"Rest up my boy, you have earned it. Let us handle the details regarding your job completion. When you wake up let's you and I talk." Makarov said with a smile on his face as he ignored Law's curious gaze.
"How long have you two been here? Wait when I wake up. What do yo-" Law couldn't finish his question as he fell asleep.
Porlyusica had used a sleep spell from a ring to put Law to sleep so he could rest.
"He's not injured but his body is exhausted. Come get him once you're done." Porlyusica stated to Makarov as she picked up the boy and went to her treehouse.
Makarov just nodded to her and went to collect Law's reward. Having witnessed the fight Makarov could tell Law had experience using the sword and his magic. But he needed proper training to use his magic to its full potential.
"Hmmm, I guess I could teach him a thing or two."
Author note:
So I meant for this to get published yesterday but I didn't like how the fight went so I rewrote it. I hope you like this one. This is by far the longest chapter I have written. I really hope you guys/gals enjoy this one. I'm not really that good at writing fights. I just imagine how it would go and then I write it down. Anyway, please vote, comment, share, and leave a review. It really motivates me to write more.
p.s. does anyone know an anime website. I use anicrush and hianime but they have been buffering like crazyyyyy.