He is not from here (G)

He is not from here

"It's been 11 years… That day, I saw so many dead people… That thing…"

It was 2011. Johnathan was a close friend of William, Sebastião's son. William followed part of his father's path but was in charge of the laboratory division of the family's company, based in the USA.

Johnny investigated rival laboratories to gather information for his friend. Rumors had been circulating for some time about a particular lab conducting experiments on human test subjects. The volunteers were never seen again.

Will summoned Johnny to investigate. After much effort, he managed to access the lab's system and created a new identity for John.

That night, John headed to the facility. On the way, he spotted a small crater emitting smoke. He approached to investigate but… saw nothing. However, just because he SAW nothing didn't mean there was NOTHING there.

Upon reaching the lab, he passed security and entered the building, which was practically empty. A few guards simply nodded, wondering who he was. He showed his ID and moved forward. Will found the facility's map, which indicated seven floors, yet strangely, it mentioned eight in total. Intrigued, John deduced that one of the sewage exits could be an entry to the hidden floor. But how could he leave the facility and reappear without raising suspicion?

John decided to infiltrate through the ventilation ducts. When he arrived at the location, he saw some men talking. One wore a suit, while the others were scientists. Silently, he listened to the dialogue:


"You asked us to start the other tests… But it would be too risky…"


After the men left, John opened the hatch and entered the room. What he saw made him pale. A green, distorted creature was there. It looked like the result of human experiments. The worst part? The creature opened its eyes and stared at him.

Red lights started flashing, and the experiment moved. Suddenly, Johnny felt his vision blur. When he opened his eyes again, his field of vision had expanded, his body was larger, stronger. What had happened?

Then, he heard a deep voice:


He looked at himself. His body had grown, his muscles were more defined. And... WINGS?! WHAT HAPPENED?!

In the crater he had visited, there was an alien species called Corgniton, originating from the planet Hybryon. That planet was collapsing, and its life forms had learned to merge with others to survive in hostile worlds. The red Corgniton that came to Earth had a name incomprehensible to humans. On its planet, they were thin and tall, but when merging with other species, they became stronger. Thus, the first human-Corgniton hybrid was born.

John, now a human-Corgniton, was enormous. His body had massive muscles covered by a kind of red scale. His head resembled a white, oval skull. He had sharp claws on his hands and feet, as well as large, pointed teeth. Despite his human anatomy, his body now shared alien traits. He had glands that exuded magnesium, allowing him to breathe fire. His eyes had disappeared, but his echolocation made him even more precise. And finally, his wings: when spread, each one had a wingspan of three meters.

At the lab, the experiment broke free. The tank shattered, tubes were ripped out, and the fight began. The slimy creature had green skin, a three-dimensional rhombus-shaped head, and eyes similar to a chameleon's. Like John, it was large and strong.

They exchanged violent blows. Punches, scratches, flames. John discovered that the experiment was flammable but had the ability to regenerate. When it recovered, it escaped through the ventilation ducts. John took flight and left the facility. He realized he could revert his transformation at will. Then, he heard that voice again:


"W-What was that?"

"Nice to meet you, Johnathan. My name is… (incomprehensible sound)."

"W-What?! How do you know my name? How are we communicating?"

"I'm inside you. I have access to your brain, language, memories, fears, name…"

The Corgniton transformed only John's hand to scratch his car with unknown characters.

"Oh, man! Come on! But… 'Tomb'? Is that your name?"

"No, but…"

He analyzed the characters and realized that, in the Earth alphabet, they seemed to spell "Tomb."

"You know what? That works."

"Are you gonna leave that there? What if someone sees it?"

Tomb transformed and incinerated the car.

"Yeah, you're right. Too risky."


They looked back and saw the facility exploding.

"We should get out of here, don't you think, John?"


"Did you forget that I can fly?"

It was Friday, and Johnny just wanted to go home. He flew over the city, watching the lights, the cars, the people… and the criminals. He hesitated, but he knew he now had the power to do something.



"I want to go home, but we need to check this out."


They landed in an alley, scaring everyone there. A child, their parents, and a criminal. Tomb grabbed the thug by the collar and pinned him against the wall.


(Note: When John is in human form, he controls the body and speaks. When transformed, Tomb takes control, but both can communicate.)


The criminal was so terrified that he wet himself.

"HAHAHA! PISS PANTS! You're not even worth killing. Hey, you guys." Tomb addressed the child's parents. "Call the police." Then, he turned to the criminal. "Listen up, you piece of trash. I'm letting you live, got it?"

He handed the criminal's gun to the child's father so he could protect himself.

Then, he took flight toward John's apartment in the Bronx. As soon as he arrived, Tomb de-transformed. Tired, Johnny grabbed a beer and turned on the TV.

"Dead people in the Bronx raise concerns among local residents."

"Wait… what?" John's expression changed.


John turned off the TV, went up to the top floor of the building, and transformed.

"We are. We're gonna stop this s%!*."