So This Is Death?

The darkness of night was like a thick veil, only the luminescent bulbs of the street lights and houses shone. A taxi sped through the road as though chased by something.

Inside the taxi, a young man with blonde hair, and a face covered in speckles urged the middle aged taxi driver to go faster, he was Oliver. The taxi driver heeded his plea and floored the pedal, the car roared as it's speed increased.

Oliver put his hand into the pocket of his black leather jacket, he pulled out a worn out phone. Unlocking the phone, he opened his tracker app, the app was tracking another phone; the other phone was his brother's.

He had just closed from another day of devaluating work at the MC Hoptons Company were he worked as an Part time employee. He received a call from his younger brother who was in college, but instead of words, all he heard was pained groans, before he could talk, the call had been cut.

His heart raced, as his imagination went wild like a kid in the park, all sort of thoughts on what could have happened came to his mind.

His brother was the last bit of good that remained for him in this wretched world. He was the reason he pushed himself to do what he did, his motivation. He had no one else in this world. His father was a drunk and gambler, who would beat them up because he lost all his money in gambling. His mother was a god tier crack-head who could leave her kid in the middle of no where to get crack.

Call it divine intervention that both kids had not fallen into the well of destruction like their parents. His mother had disappeared two years ago for an unknown reason, his father followed suit and disappeared six months ago because he took a loan from a loan shark and couldn't pay back.

The loan shark was an unforgiving asshole, he placed the repayment on the shoulder of Oliver. He had payed the loan shark monthly while providing for his brother and himself.

As the car rode through the night at top speed, his eyes stayed glued to the screen of his phone, as though the tracker would stop if he looked away for a second.

The car came to an aggresive halt, the driver turned to tell him that they had arrived at the destination, but Oliver was already dashing out the door, he dug into his pocket, pulling out all that he had on him and throwing it into the taxi. He didn't care if it was excess or less, that was the least of his problem.

The tracker showed that his brother was in the alley beside the wearhouse that faced him. He ran into the darkness without a second of thought, his mind was too fuzzy to think anything through, all that mattered was the life of his brother.

He turned on the light of his phone as he headed inside. The putrid smell of chemicals assaulted his nose, it seemed that this was a chemical wearhouse. Walking deeper, he caught sight of a figure laying on the ground; on closer inspection, he descovered that it was his brother, William. Oliver began running towards his brother, but suddenly two hands grabbed him on each side, halting his motion.

The headlights of a car lit up in front of him, the blinding light forced him to squint. Struggling to see, he caught view of a figure clad in suit, but he was unable to see the face. He couldn't move nor do anything, as the two huge men who had caught him tightened their grip on his arms.

His brother lay on the ground unconscious, beaten black and blue, his body covered in numerous wounds, swollen parts and broken bones. Oliver felt his heart bleed as he saw his brother, he dropped his head low, not wanting to behold the sight.

"Oliver, Oliver, Oliver. you are a piece of work." A calm voice came from the direction of the car.

He knew that voice, it was that of the loan shark that he was paying on the behalf of his wasted father.

"I said I would pay you; I just need more time to complete it." He shouted to the man.

"That's the problem, I am tired of waiting, I will take my full payment today. This is the way the world works, you pay what you owe." The loan shark said.

-Pay what you owe? I don't owe anything, this is my father's debt, yet I have to bare it. I can't run away because his has eyes on me and my brother. What did I do? Did I wrong anyone to have this sort of life?-

"Oliver, I will have my payment today, and I have a perfect way." The loan shark went to the car door, opening it, he brought out a woman and handed her a blade, he pushed her towards the unconscious body of William.

When the woman got close to the boy on the ground, Oliver could see her face. Though she was bone dry, and looked sick, he could tell who she was, his mother.

The loan shark saw the surprise on Oliver's face, he smiled, "I found her helplessly looking for the good stuff, so I took her in, on the condition that she fufilled my wishes." 

Oliver's mum looked lifeless, she was more like a zombie.

"Stab that brat on the ground multiple times, if you do, I'll give you a shot of the one you like." The loan shark said to her.

Her eyes lit up when she heard him, she began walking towards William. Oliver saw this, his body trembled violently, he fought and struggled to break the grip of the men that held him, but they were just too strong.

"MUM NO! THAT IS WILLIAM! MUM PLEASE STOP!" He shouted, his throat ached as he yelled, his voice changed gutteral. His mother didn't react to his shouts, her eyes fixed on the prize. She knelt down beside the unconscious boy, she stabbed down with no remorse, then followed up with continuous stabbing.

Reality broke for Oliver, rage was all that remained, it enveloped his entire being as the darkness burst from his heart. He pulled his arms in an unsual way, dislocating his bones, but removing them from the hands of the men that held him, he shot towards his mother like a Savage beast, his arms flaying behind him like boiled spaghetti.

Before he could get to his mother, *Baam* The sound of a gun shot resounded, as the pistol in the hands of the loan shark released smoke from the shot.

His body staggered back as the bullet penetrated his lungs, his breath haggard, his consiousness began slipping away slowly. A crippling cold evenloped his being, his eyes became too heavy to keep open; his body fell, colliding against

the cold ground.

His final words "So this is death."