Strange noises came from inside the tunnel as we walked in, minor beast attacked us, but like the name explained..
They had no prowess or whatever.
"How are you keeping up? Failure!! Ha!"
Wu Mo who was in front of Ning Que the whole time made a slight gesture, his voice stipulated as he spoke…
Something was wrong with him… the colour of his chin had changed upon entering the tunnel, then he started to see slight spice in the air..
Which meant that the air was not breathable.. he immediately took out the handkerchief he always carried around and wrapped it by his nose…
Sooner or later, Wu Mo would fall faint, because as they went in deeper, the air became more un-breathable to take in.
Somehow, none of them seemed to notice that.
"Come over here guys, isn't this a wolf print?" Xiamen voice ached, he was the guy who led the team..
Although his popularity was literally 0, he had his Way of leading teams to success.
Wu Mo and the others rushed over, attempting to look at the print.
It led towards the swamp which was on front of them!!
A wolf inside a swamp? He wouldn't be alive..
They thought, looking for volunteers to enter the swamp first..
Anyone? Xiamen asked, his head turning around looking for a hand in the air.
"It's not a swamp!!" Ning Que said, walking through the centre directly towards the swamp…
He bent down, brought out his right hand from his hoodie and dipped it inside the so-called swamp.
"It's an illusion" he continued…
Removing his hands from the fake water… he knew how the current would be if it was a real water!!
But the current from this was just steady.. as if someone or something was controlling it..
"Seems like we ain't fighting a wolf…, because wolf's can control things like these!!"
_yo, what do you mean by not a wolf? I'm sure you saw those prints too_ Xiamen who was still in front asked..
His voice aceing the entire space.
"No I did not!" Ning Que continued,
Without thinking twice, he jumped into the swamp..
_bruh wait!!"
His voice echoed, making a failed attempt to stop him…
The sound of water suddenly turned to the sound of air, he jumped through the water, landing softly on the hard ground beneath it.
Xiamen who was doubtful all along jumped along with him, screaming like a baby, the rest shortly accompanied him…
He opened his left eye at first, scanning the environment.
Surprisingly, there were crystal lights that made the long hall glowing.
"Damm, aren't these high quality crystals?" Xiamen who was scared to come down was the first to rush the crystals…
"Did anybody carry along sickles for uprooting the crystals?"
Wu Mo who stood at the back asked.. his hands resting on his sword.
A Young boy, about a few years younger than Ning Que stepped forward, dropping the heavy bag he had brought along on the ground..
TF is this? Ning Que asked, staring at the browned coloured bag
Are we going to fight world war 1 all over again?
"Nah, just took just things we might need.. I'm pretty sure I took a sickle too"
"Ah, here it is" the boy said, offloading the bag…
"Wait a sec!! Shouldn't we do this after defeating the beast? Not before.." Ning Que suggested.
Because Carry that amount of crystal along with them will only slow them down.
"As much as I hate this guy, he's right" Wu Mo who was at the other end of the wall said.
"You know, you didn't had to say that out loud!"
"Hmmm alright then, let's just take one each… seeing as it emits light..
It might come in handy!" Xiamen suggested, already dipping one into his pocket before completing his statement.
The team of 4 proceeded onward, following the hallway down to the end.. there were no other road by the sides, just a straight road.
Then they came across another large door!!
It had ancient symbols carved on it's surface..
Ning Que had started to have bad feelings about this job…
He suddenly felt a cold chill threw his veins, all the hairs in his body stood still..
He knew something was about to happen.., then through the little hole in the middle of the two doors, he saw a red light, gaining on them seriously… as the light got closer, he got a clearer look..
It wasn't a light, it was fire
"Get down!!" Ning Que screamed, using is hand's to cover their head and pushing them on the ground.
The fire passed through top of them, destroying the door without wasting time.
"That was close!" Ning Que continued, observing the wave of fire that had just passed them..
Every other person just stood still… they could not move or anything… what they saw was not what they expected.
"Alright, let's go!" He continued..
Turning his head, facing front…
Behold… it was more than their imagination.. a silver scaled dragon.. majestically breathing…
It's throat had begin to turn red…. It was about to spit fire again…
It's mouth opened… wide enough for it to swallow 2 people at once.
The fire came out… heading directly towards them…
So this is how I die? Again?
Ning Que mind clouded with thought.. he had not even done anything in this new life if his.
And now he was about to die!
Then suddenly, a large black shield appeared in front of him..
"Told ya my backpack might come in handy!!"
It was the boy from before… same boy he secretly mocked for carrying a large backpack earlier.
"We need a plan, my shield can't hold on for long!" He continued..
Every one face had that look!!
The one they give out when they are bout to die!!
"Guy's‽‽ Snap out of it!!"
His voice sent a ringing reminder across all of our brains.
Wu Mo immediately snapped back!!
His breathing was heavy… Xiamen still still trying to grasp for air.
"We need a plan and we need one now!!" Wu Mo continued!!
Taking control of the situation.
But from the look of things, no one had any plan or whatsoever!!
They just stared at each other.. waiting for someone to propose an idea.
"I have a plan" Ning Que whose eyes had already turned red, same colour the fire produced.
Then everyone shifted their gaze to him, while the little boy, wang lu by name… struggled to find balance why holding the shield…