You might be wondering when I realized I had a... thing for Silas.

Truth is, I didn't. Not at first.

Whatever "thing" I had for him, it wasn't on my radar. I was too absorbed in my own problems to notice, too busy pretending everything was fine. The idea that my relationship with Silas could go beyond platonic? It hadn't even crossed my mind.

But Kath noticed. Of course, she did.

She was the one who pointed it out.

It happened one lazy afternoon. Kath was sprawled across my bed, lying on her stomach with her feet swinging in the air. She had one hand wrapped around a controller, her eyes glued to the TV propped on the floor.

(Don't ask why it's on the floor. Long story short, I got mad one day and broke the desk it used to sit on. Now I'm desk-less and living with my poor life choices.)

"Are you guys—like, dating?" Kath asked suddenly, her voice casual, like she was commenting on the weather.

I barely registered her words. "Who?" I muttered, focused on the game in front of me.

I honestly thought she was talking to someone on the phone. Sometimes I get so into the zone that I just... respond.

It wasn't until I heard her giggle—one of those breathy, mischievous laughs—that I realized she was talking to me.

"Sorry, were you saying something?" I asked, glancing over.

Kath had this shit-eating grin plastered across her face. I knew immediately that whatever she was about to say was going to be bad for me.

"Yeah, I was talking to you," she said, propping her chin on her hand. "So... are you and Silas smooching yet?"

I nearly dropped the controller. "What?!" I sputtered.

Kath wiggled her eyebrows, clearly enjoying herself. "You know... like your sister and that drummer girl she's always hanging all over." She made some crude hand gestures that made my entire body seize in secondhand embarrassment.

"What the hell, Kath?! That's so random—why would you even think that?"

She barked out a laugh, slapping her hand against the mattress. "Oh, come on, Sebastian. Don't act like it's such a crazy idea. You've ditched me for Silas, like, a million times now. And don't even get me started on that library spot. I thought I was the only one who knew about it—until I caught you sleeping there with him."

"That was one time!" I protested, my voice pitching higher than I'd like. "And why are you making it sound like, I'm actually sleeping there with him?!"

Kath just grinned wider. She tossed her controller at me, and I caught it instinctively as my face darkened.

Now, here's the thing about being a vampire: I don't blush like normal people. Instead of turning red, my face just... contorts. It's like a mix of constipation and rage.

Naturally, Kath noticed.

"Uh-oh, there it is," she teased, poking my cheek. "That's your embarrassed face. You're totally blushing, aren't you?"

"I'm not!" I snapped, swatting her hand away.

Kath just smirked. "Sure, sure. Whatever you say, Mr. Fruity. Honestly, I kind of thought you were bi this whole time."

I blinked, caught off guard. "What?!"

"Relax, it's not a big deal or anything. I just always figured." She shrugged, then leaned closer with a conspiratorial grin. "For the record, I totally ship you guys. Silas is a total catch—long eyelashes, golden eyes, platinum blond hair, nice voice... honestly, if you don't want him, I might take him for myself."

My soul left my body for a moment. "What are you even talking about?!" I stammered, my dignity in shreds.

Kath waved me off with a laugh. "Pfft, you're not fooling me. Just admit it already—you've got a little crush on him."

"I don't!" I insisted, crossing my arms and turning away. "Besides, I don't have time for... that kind of thing."

"Uh-huh. Sure."

Kath kicked the wall behind her and gave me a knowing smile. "You're a loser, but you're a handsome loser. Just own it, Seb. You look good. Like, really good. You've got that whole 'mysterious brooding guy' vibe going on. I'm sure Silas is digging that,"

"I—" I stammered, confused yet somehow flustered. "I mean… thank you?!"

But honestly, I don't think I look bad. In fact, ever since I was turned into a vampire, I think I might have picked up that weird sparkle thing vampires have in movies.

My skin had become smoother, and my body had slimmed down—lean and toned now, compared to the slightly flabby version of me who refused to move around before. And, well… There were those few times I accidentally charmed people into doing what I wanted.

Is that just part of being a vampire? I'm not sure—maybe. I've read a ton of comics, mangas, manhwas, and manhua to learn about vampires, but every version is different. Still, one thing they all seem to agree on is that vampires have this natural ability to charm others, either through their looks or their voice.

"Thanks…" I mumbled, trailing off as I awkwardly scratched the back of my head.

Kath suddenly leaned in and grabbed my cheeks, squishing them hard. "Seb, you are the brother I never had. But please, for the love of everything holy, go get your man! I can't take all this yearning and slow burn anymore!" she screamed, loud enough to make my ears ring.

I sighed, prying her hands off me. "You're insane."

"Nope. Just observant."

I sighed "What a weirdo," I muttered under my breath.

Not a weirdo… perhaps. She may have a point after all…

After that conversation we had, something must've shifted in my brain. Some weird chemistry or wiring must've been changed. Because now, every time I see Silas, I get all flustered and weirded out.

Overthinking things like him sitting close to me. Or touching me. God!

"Okay, Sebastian, stop overthinking," I tell myself. "Kath is just your typical Fujoshi who loves to fetishize gay people."

But… Kath might be kind of right.

Now that I've actually looked at him, Silas really is handsome. I may not be graced by the sun—I am a vampire, after all—but every time sunlight touches him, it's like he's glowing.

If I turned to ash at that moment, I'd probably even say, thank you for gracing me with your beauty.

Is Silas actually a prince from another world? I mean, I know he's from a well-known family. He mentioned once that his mother played a big role at the academy where he studied magic.

Must be their genes or something because, curse you, Kath… you're right. He's dashing.

"Hey, focus! I thought you wanted to learn this math formula?" Silas's voice snaps me out of my thoughts as he waves his hand in front of my face.

Shit. I didn't even realize I was staring.

"Ah, yeah, go on," I fumble, the pencil slipping from my fingers embarrassingly. I must look like a complete weirdo right now.

Curse you, Kath, for putting this thought into my head!

"You've been staring for a while. Is something wrong with my face?" Silas asks, wiping his face self-consciously, a small pout forming on his lips.

I tug my hood lower, trying to hide my embarrassment. "No, no. I was just… a little sleepy, I guess. Go on."

He nods, taking a sip of his coffee. "I understand. If you want, you can take a nap first," he says, smiling.

If I still had a heartbeat, it would've been racing by now. Not only is he handsome, he's thoughtful too.

I groan and slam my forehead onto the table in frustration, startling Silas, who lets out a confused noise.

"Are you okay?" he asks, leaning slightly closer.

I raise a thumbs-up without lifting my head. "Yeah," I mumble, my voice muffled by the table.

Curse my brain for conjuring all these weird thoughts I never gave a damn about before.

We manage to review a few more problems, but I eventually give up and let Silas study on his own.

It's only now I notice he has a habit of nibbling on the end of his pen when he's thinking.

Adorable… I guess.

I'm jolted out of my thoughts by the familiar sound of clicking heels and the overwhelming smell of perfume.

"Silas," Shira's voice cuts through the quiet.

Silas looks up from the book he's hunched over. "What's up?"

Shira gestures for him to come closer, glancing at me briefly. "Let's talk outside. Preferably somewhere he can't hear what I'm about to say."

She shoots me a sharp look before turning around. I stick my tongue out at her retreating back, making sure she doesn't see.

Silas, however, does—and he stifles a laugh.

I watch them leave the room, a small sigh escaping me.

That was kind of cute…

I lower my head, groaning in shame. What the hell am I going to do with my life?