"A Bitter Potion"
"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. There will be very little foolish wand-waving in this class, and many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I do not expect you to truly understand the beauty of a softly simmering cauldron, with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, ensnaring the mind and beguiling the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper on death… if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach," Severus Snape said, his piercing gaze scanning the room.
("Wow, I have to admit, that was a pretty cool entrance. The other professors introduced themselves rather plainly, and the only one who might have outdone him was Professor McGonagall… though I kind of ruined her moment with a simple plant. Haha,") Stephen thought.
"Mr. Flamel, it seems you are not paying attention in my class. Or perhaps you find it boring? Because, from what I've been told, you appear to already master every subject, even before arriving at school," Snape said, his eyes locked onto Stephen.
"Oh, yeah. I had to learn alchemy from my grandfather; after all, it's one of the basic arts," Stephen replied with a slight smile—one that Snape clearly did not appreciate.
"Basic arts? Well, that may be the case for someone who created the Philosopher's Stone, isn't that right, Flamel? But you should understand that only someone like your grandfather would consider Potions to be 'basic.' Ten points from Gryffindor for disrespecting an ancient discipline, Mr. Flamel," Snape said arrogantly.
("Ugh, I thought he'd ask me the usual cliché questions, but I guess that's reserved for Harry Potter. It's obvious I could answer them easily; he's just looking for an excuse to deduct points. How childish,") Stephen thought as Snape continued explaining how to brew a Cure for Boils.
("Although, I have to admit, he's quite good at his job. Now, how do I rattle the Stone-Faced Bat?") Stephen mused as the class went on. He had been paired with Fred since Snape had deliberately separated the twins, knowing their tendency for chaos.
"Alright, Fred, toss in the thorns, and I'll mix. Don't worry, I'm a professional," Stephen said with exaggerated confidence.
"Mr. Flamel, it seems you still refuse to take my class seriously. Ten more points deducted," Snape said as he passed behind Stephen.
("Childish bat… he's just taking points because his Slytherins couldn't earn them,") Stephen thought as he continued preparing the potion, ignoring the professor's remarks.
After several more deductions over trivial matters (mostly Stephen's fault for running his mouth), they finally finished their potion.
Stephen and Fred were the first to finish and stepped forward to present their work. Fred handed the potion to Snape, as Stephen was already at his limit.
"Professor, we're done," Fred said, extending the vial cautiously.
"Oh, I expected better from someone who calls my subject 'basic' and himself a 'professional,'" Snape sneered, clearly holding a grudge.
"The potion is average, but it seems you didn't properly seal the vial. Five more points deducted; after all, sealing a bottle is quite basic," Snape remarked.
That was the final straw for Stephen. Despite his classmates' attempts to restrain him, he couldn't hold back his frustration any longer.
"What did you just say, old man? I've had enough of you, bat-face! I'll show you how to seal a bottle—I'll shove it right up—!"
He couldn't finish his sentence because his classmates managed to cover his mouth, but most of what shouldn't have been said was already out in the open. The entire class fell into stunned silence, while the Weasley twins were rolling on the floor, crying with laughter. Even Snape displayed a rare expression of genuine shock.
("Well, I did manage to surprise the bat… but damn, I think I went too far,") Stephen thought, realizing his mistake.
"DETENTION! Follow me to the Headmaster's office immediately!" Snape ordered, his fury barely contained.
("Wow, I broke his composure… I screwed up, but this is going to be fun,") Stephen thought as he left the classroom, under the mocking gazes of the Slytherins and the worried looks of the Gryffindors.
"Lemon drop," Snape said when they arrived at the gargoyle guarding the Headmaster's office. After ascending the spiral staircase, they found Dumbledore and McGonagall, who had already been informed of the incident.
"Hey, old man, long time no see," Stephen greeted, shocking McGonagall and earning a chuckle from Dumbledore.
"Old man… Mr. Flamel, how dare you address the Headmaster like that?" McGonagall scolded.
"Now, now, Professor McGonagall, I allowed him to call me that when we first met. No need to worry," Dumbledore said, recalling how Stephen had earned the right to address him that way after winning a bet when they first encountered each other.
"So, what brings you here with Professor Snape?" Dumbledore asked.
Before Snape could speak, Stephen answered.
"Nothing much. I was just trying to befriend Professor Snapy, and he didn't seem to like it," Stephen said, earning another smile from Dumbledore, while Snape looked like he was about to explode.
"Snapy… what a wonderful nickname, don't you think?" Dumbledore mused, clearly enjoying the situation.
"Forgive me, Headmaster, but I believe this insolent boy needs a fitting punishment—or even suspension," Snape quickly interjected.
"Calm down, Professor Snape, I don't think suspension is necessary. However, respect for the professors must be upheld. Let Professor McGonagall decide the punishment," Dumbledore said, turning to McGonagall, who seemed deep in thought.
"Well, since he is from my house, it's my responsibility to maintain order. I deduct 200 points from Gryffindor, and his punishment will be cleaning all the trophies for three months—without magic," McGonagall declared, regretting the loss of so many points for her house.
"Okay, no problem, Professor. (After all, I've spent years cleaning bathrooms in a monastery; this is child's play,)" Stephen replied cheerfully, earning strange looks from everyone present.
Little did they know, this was only the beginning of a nightmare. From that moment on, all the professors would start blaming Snape for corrupting their best student, unaware that the boy had planned his fun long before ever setting foot in the school.
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