17 Monologue of Progress

"Monologue of Progress"

Hogwarts began as usual, with its typical mix of routine and surprises. This year, there were some changes: a new professor for Muggle Studies and another for Defense Against the Dark Arts. The previous Defense professor retired after an unfortunate Apparition accident that left him without a leg. Since he couldn't get to a healer in time for reattachment, he remained that way.

The new professor is a retired author with a stern demeanor—not even worth the trouble of learning his name. He'll last only a year, if he even makes it that long.

As for Muggle Studies, we have some guy named Arif Sikander. Quirrell took a sabbatical year to prepare for Defense Against the Dark Arts, but we all know he's up to something. Or, at the very least, he deserves whatever comes his way.

It seems like another normal year. Or maybe not, because even though I say that, I want to make the most of these first two years. That way, when Harry arrives, maybe I can go a little wild and uncover some of the secrets of Hogwarts that I've been keeping to myself. And, as we all know, Hogwarts' secrets can be quite... violent.

With my combined martial arts and magic skills, I think I could take on any of the professors—except maybe McGonagall, Snape, and, of course, Professor Flitwick. I've seen some of his moves, and I must say, he's a spell-casting machine. Even I would struggle to dodge his attacks.

Obviously, I'm not counting Dumbledore. That old man may not be as fast as he used to be, but I remember that most of his spells cover a wide area, so I'd always have to keep my distance. His battle awareness is incredible. I tested it while hiding; he didn't detect me if I remained completely concealed, but any sign of an attack made him react instantly. So playing pranks on him was quite the challenge.

Anyway, putting that aside, after the Sorting Ceremony, new faces arrived. We ate and then headed to our dormitories.

The days passed peacefully. Oh, by the way, we won the House Cup last year. Yeah, thanks to me, obviously. Even though they deducted points because of my pranks, they couldn't keep up with the speed at which I earned them. So now I'm even more popular than before.

The problem is that the Slytherins became more annoying, intensifying the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Not that it really matters—they're just a bunch of idiots who try to insult you, then run off crying to their parents.

This led their parents to try interfering with the school board, but nothing that my grandfather couldn't solve with just his presence. It seems they still don't know I'm his grandson. I wonder if their kids forgot to mention it or if they're just too scared to say anything about Nicolas Flamel.

Days and weeks went by. Oh, I almost forgot—I entered the Dueling Tournament again, this time in the Under-17 category. I had to face one of the judges as a test, a five-time champion. Seeing their shocked faces was amusing.

I participated in the tournament, and the final was held in Egypt. Guess who I ran into? Easy guess—Fleur was competing too. Though she wasn't wearing a mask like me, she dazzled everyone while crushing her opponents. I think that's cheating, but I kept quiet about it.

Before our match, Fleur approached me and said that if I held back, she'd kick my ass. Well, if I let her win, she'd still kick my ass, and if I beat her, it was guaranteed she'd do it anyway. So we decided to go all out. The match was so intense that they created a new disqualification rule called "disqualification for being too powerful." Fleur and I were both disqualified, but they gave me the trophy. Looks like we'll only be able to compete in the adult division in the future, and I bet the same thing will happen.

As expected, Fleur took it out on me later, though she apologized and gave me a hug, which was... confusing.

Back at school, another party and the usual routine.

During the year, the twins, with my grandfather's help, created many prank items that sold out easily at school.

Oh, I almost forgot—we created the first magical video recorder and player with sound. Though right now it's just a box full of runes with a crystal on one side, the best is yet to come. It will soon hit the market, but it first needs to go through several formalities.

I've already launched the magical technology company, Magitech. Don't judge me for the name—it was the best we could come up with. I started it along with the twins, though they refused to take a share, saying that everything they knew they had learned thanks to me and my grandfather.

So we made a deal: they would help me with the company, and when they opened their joke shop, I would help them in the same way they helped me. Their only condition was that I wouldn't give them money to start their shop.

They seem very serious about their future, so I had to accept. But with one condition: when they open their shop, I get to advertise it in one of the TV programs I'm planning. I didn't try giving them shares or money because I knew that their shop would eventually become the best in the magical world, making them rich. And now that they know high-level alchemy, their success is guaranteed.

So, the days kept passing, as did the weeks. Finally, the magical television passed inspection, and I was able to release it for sale.

I also created a magical TV and radio broadcasting center, where we launched news, sports, and theater programs. Creating animated series is actually quite easy in the magical world—you just need to find a good magical painter and voice actors.

I spent the summer with the Weasleys, thanks to Mrs. Weasley's insistence, and I brought them some tools we developed at the company.

Although the Weasleys are self-sufficient in food, I gave them a magical sprinkler that is more efficient than the expensive ones Professor Sprout uses. I also gave them a magical television, which they only accepted after I told them it was one of the first ones we had created with the twins and that it wouldn't be sold.

I gave Ron and Ginny Comet 260 brooms, modified to be as fast as the Nimbus 2000, which would be released soon. Even though they tried to refuse the gift, I explained that since they were modified, the shop wouldn't take them back.

I also gave the twins a pair of brooms, under the pretext that they were an investment for the Quidditch team.

Before returning to Hogwarts, I spent a week with my grandparents and prepared for my return on the Express.

I'm interested in meeting Harry Potter.

Come on, guys, don't disappoint me...

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