Norman was about to take Ash to the gym, but at that moment, the wall was suddenly blown open!
"Ah! What happened?!" May looked at the exploded wall in shock.
"Wah ha ha ha!... (Team Rocket's usual opening speech)"
"Ah! It's you, and that talking Meowth!" May pointed at Team Rocket.
"Ah! So you are May's friend. Thank you for taking care of my May," Caroline said politely.
In one sentence, everyone was silent!
Sister, not only are they Team Rocket, but they just demolished your house! How can we be friends?! Ash complained in his heart.
"Ah! Mom, they are not my friends! They're bad guys who steal other people's Pokémon!" May quickly explained.
"That's right! They just demolished the wall of our house! How could they be my sister's friends?" Max also said.
"Hey! Hey! You are May's friend? We are the famous Team Rocket! How can we be that little girl's friend?!" Jessie shouted angrily.
"The decision is yours! Pikachu!"
Ash didn't waste time talking and jumped straight into battle.
"Hmph! No matter what, we've decided on Pikachu. Let's go, Arbok!"
"Go! Weezing, use Smokescreen!"
Weezing spit out thick black smoke, blocking everyone's sight!
"Everyone, be careful!" Norman shouted.
"Ahahaha! Arbok, use Poison Sting!"
"Weezing, use Sludge Attack!"
Aura, guide me!
Ash activated his aura powers, successfully detecting Team Rocket's position and tracking their attacks!
"Pikachu, to your right! Dodge it! Come out, Pidgeot! Use Heat Wave!" Ash commanded.
"Pikachu, are you okay?!"
At this moment, Pidgeot blew away the smoke, revealing Team Rocket's figures!
"What's going on? The twerp actually knew where our attacks were coming from?"
"This is so mysterious, Meowth."
"Go! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt! Pidgeot, use Hyper Beam!"
"Go, Slaking! Use Hyper Beam!"
Boom! Boom!
"Team Rocket's blasting off again!"
Norman sighed helplessly. "The gym is destroyed... I'm afraid we can't use it anymore. Ash, you'll have to wait until we renovate it before challenging me!"
"Alright! That's a shame, but it's fine. Next time, I'll bring the new Pokémon I've caught in Hoenn to challenge you. Norman, can I have a practice match with you?" Ash asked.
[Strength: Early Elite Level]
"As expected of Norman's Pokémon. This isn't even his ace, yet it's this strong. Norman is known as a Candidate King, after all," Ash thought.
"No problem! Let's go. I'll take you to where my Pokémon train—it's a large open space."
After saying that, Norman led Ash to the training ground.
"Ash, let's do a two-on-two match! I'll use an Elite-level Pokémon, and you use two Ordinary-level Pokémon."
"Okay, no problem!"
"The decision is yours, Eevee!"
A proud Eevee appeared.
"Go! Slakoth! Ash, you attack first!"
[Strength: Ordinary Peak]
[Moves: Yawn, Slack Off, Headbutt, Scratch, Psyshock, Brick Break]
"Alright! Eevee, use Sand Attack, then Swift!"
Golden stars shot from Eevee's tail, hitting Slakoth.
"Slakoth, use Brick Break!"
"Slakoth, get out of the way! Use Dig!"
Eevee quickly dug underground.
Slakoth's attack missed, and it entered its lazy state.
"Great! Eevee, use our secret weapon—Copycat!"
Eevee emerged, glowing white, and struck Slakoth with its own Brick Break!
"Oh no! Slakoth!"
Slakoth barely endured the hit!
"Phew! It's fine! I didn't expect that, Ash. Slakoth, just be lazy!"
Slakoth lay down and recovered HP.
"You survived, huh? Eevee, use Double Kick!"
Eevee kicked twice with its hind legs.
Slakoth fainted!
"Huh?! That strong?" Ash was confused. Even with type advantage, the level difference should've made it hard to one-shot.
Eevee looked at Slakoth arrogantly.
[Strength: Ordinary Peak]
[Moves: Copycat, Swift...]
It had a breakthrough! No wonder it won!
"Come back, Eevee!"
Eevee shook its head, refusing.
"Uh... alright, just watch from the side!"
Eevee happily ran to Ash's side, standing next to Pikachu.
"Hahaha! Ash, you sure hid that well!"
"Dad actually lost?!" Max was in disbelief.
"It's fine! Winning and losing is normal in battle! Let's go for round two! Kecleon, you're up!"
[Ability: Color Change]
[Strength: Elite Mid-Level]
[Moves: Thief, Bind...]
Whoa, this won't be easy. That's a big jump in level!
"Go, Phanpy! Use Rollout!"
Phanpy curled into a ball and charged forward.
"Kecleon, go invisible and dodge! Use Grass Knot!"
Kecleon disappeared!
Phanpy tripped and fell!
"Kecleon, use Brick Break!"
Kecleon slashed Phanpy!
"Oh no! Phanpy, dodge! Use Dig!"
Phanpy successfully dug underground!
"Kecleon, be alert!"
Norman carefully watched for an ambush.
"Now! Phanpy, use Iron Head!"
"Substitute, then Bind!"
Kecleon dodged, leaving a Substitute, then immobilized Phanpy!
"What?! Phanpy!"
"Go! One last hit, Brick Break!"
A shield protected Phanpy!
"Is that Protect?! That's great, Phanpy!"
"Now, use Stomp!"
Phanpy stomped, causing a shockwave!
"Haha! Full of surprises, Ash! But can you handle this? Kecleon, use Sunny Day, then Solar Beam!"
The battlefield heated up!
Kecleon absorbed sunlight and fired a powerful Solar Beam!
"Phanpy, use Protect!"
But Protect failed!
Phanpy fainted!
"Ash, you're already very strong! Challenging a higher-level opponent and lasting this long is impressive!" Norman praised.
"Where! It was just luck!"
"Luck is part of strength! No need to be modest!"
"Great! Dad won!" Max cheered.
"Max! I told you, winning and losing is normal! It's just a practice match!"
"No buts! Think about it!"
"Ash! Looking forward to your next challenge!"
"Okay! Thanks, Norman! I'll be stronger next time!"
The next day, at sunrise, four figures appeared outside Petalburg Gym...
To be continued…