A Deal And Escape

Han Yu had seen rich merchants and noble ladies wear pearls before, but this was the first time he had ever seen such an elegant pearl.

While he was no jeweler or gemologist, he was a Scammer.

Which meant he was better than them at assessing value.

One look was all it took for Han Yu to realize—this might be the most valuable pearl he had ever seen. In fact, it might just be the most valuable pearl that had ever existed.

The only question was… how the hell did the ghost of a beggar get his hands on it?

'That's certainly not something you find in a ditch,' Han Yu mused. 'Is he not a beggar, perhaps? A noble? A warrior?'

His eyes flickered back to the ghostly man, scrutinizing his athletic build. Through his tattered robes, Han Yu could make out lean muscle, even though the man was currently injured.

This was not something an average person could maintain.

'Hell, if beggars were this fit, I'd want to be one too.'

At this point, one thing was crystal clear—the man in front of him was no ghost.

And he was certainly no commoner either.

Which meant… there was still a possibility of survival.

Han Yu's mind raced.

'I have to get away from here. Even if he doesn't kill me, the beasts just might.'

He glanced at the moon's position.

Past midnight.

The most dangerous time to be in the forest.

The cries of distant beasts reached his ears, sending a chill down his spine. Guard Shen's warning echoed in his mind, filling him with immediate, burning regret.


Taking a deep breath, Han Yu steadied himself. He needed a plan.

'If he's not a ghost, I can still talk to him… if he lets me.'

That was the problem. The threat in the man's voice was still very fresh in Han Yu's mind.

But Han Yu was a scammer. Negotiation was his bread and butter.

'What's the best way to get someone to do what you want? Offer them something they desire.'

Negotiation 101.

Han Yu's eyes narrowed as he tried to assess the man's needs.

'Considering his condition, he'll need medicine and food.'

A plan began to take shape.


Swallowing his fear, Han Yu unearthed whatever shred of courage he had left in his body. This time, he spoke calmly and politely.

"Honored Sir, may I ask if I may be allowed to return to my dwelling? I shall not bother you, nor shall I speak of your existence to any soul." Han Yu put on his best aristocratic face. "And if you wish for anything, I shall do my best to offer it in exchange."

The man's steely gaze landed on Han Yu.

Han Yu's courage immediately shriveled up like a raisin.


But to his shock, the man replied.


Han Yu blinked.


"I want wine." The man's tone was absolute. "Every day."

Han Yu's brain short-circuited.

Then, hope ignited in his heart.

A deal! A way out!

A grin spread across his face.

"Then wine I shall get you." Han Yu bowed like a high-class aristocrat, ignoring the fact that his clothes were filthy and he probably looked like a sewer rat.

The man raised a hand.

Han Yu flinched violently, expecting another traumatic experience.


Something flew through the air.

"AH!" Han Yu yelped as he instinctively reached out.


He barely managed to catch it.

He looked down.

The magnet.

The man had returned it.

"Don't be late," the man said.

"Of course!" Han Yu did not hesitate. He turned to leave.

And immediately stumbled.

"…What's this?" Han Yu frowned, looking down.

A corpse.

A wolf.

The very same wolf that had lured him into this nightmare.

Han Yu's stomach twisted as he saw the state it was in. Skinned. Exsanguinated.

The realization hit him like a sledgehammer.

'So that's where he got the animal hide pouch and blood from.'

His face turned pale.

'He was drinking the wolf's blood!'

His legs locked. His soul nearly left his body.

'Why?! If he needed something to drink, he could've just gone to the river!'

In a daze, Han Yu craned his neck toward the man.

The man spoke.

"The other way."

"…Ah! Thanks!" Han Yu squeaked.

Then, he realized.

He had been walking deeper into the forest.


Han Yu whipped around and bolted.

His feet barely touched the ground as he sprinted, heart hammering in his chest.

He refused to be here a second longer than necessary. The man might have spared him, but the beasts wouldn't. Only one thought was in his mind.

Sweet, Sweet Freedom (For now).

Minutes later, Han Yu burst out of the forest.

The sound of rushing water greeted him.

His knees nearly gave out.

"Haah! Haah! Haah! FINALLY!" Han Yu collapsed onto the riverbank.

He had escaped.

He wasn't a ghost! He was ALIVE!

He turned to look at the dark forest behind him.

"…But I have to go back tomorrow. Crap."

Regret punched him square in the gut.

A part of him wanted to flee the town and never look back.

But deep down… he knew that would be a very bad decision.

'I probably shouldn't renege on the deal,' he thought. 'Who knows if the man would come find me?'

As he caught his breath, he turned toward the eastern gate of the town.

Only to find another obstacle blocking his way.

His stomach dropped.

"…I hate my life."

"Well… fuck." Han Yu looked at the towering gate that had been shut close. "I can't even enter now and if I call out the guards will definitely question why I was out this late and throw me into the jail." He thought out loud.

Feeling tired, Han Yu sat down against the gate.

"May as well wait here till the morning. I'll handle the guards in the morning." He said with a tired breath and closed his eyes.

He had endured far too much and was tired. Even if he had fainted earlier, it hadn't really provided him the respite that his body needed. 

Having laid in dirt of the forest, Han Yu didn't even care that he was laying in the mud in front of the gate. 

It was at least safe.