Chapter 22: Exchange

Chapter 22: Exchange

Since the old man had given this little brat the authority to speak, Inuzuka Tsume decided to toy with him a little. Given her relationship with the old man, training a few ninja beasts was an easy favor to grant. However, the old man had never been one to ask for help, and they had always kept that in mind. Now that he was personally bringing the request to their doorstep, she knew it was simply a way to return a favor.

That said, she still wanted to see what made this kid worth the favor.

"I'll offer an idea in exchange—an idea specifically suited for the Inuzuka Clan. Does that work?" Kazama gritted his teeth. He had to offer something of value. Fortunately, his habit of overthinking in his past life—where he often speculated on the Naruto world and read various fan theories—gave him some interesting ideas.

"An idea? What kind of idea could possibly be valuable enough to exchange for our method of awakening chakra in ninja beasts?" Inuzuka Tsume sneered, clearly unimpressed.

"The Inuzuka Clan has always been known for its expertise in raising ninja dogs. This is a legacy passed down by your ancestors, forming the foundation of your clan's power. However, from my perspective, your newer generations have grown complacent. You've stopped innovating and are simply coasting on your predecessors' achievements."

Kazama immediately noticed the mockery in Inuzuka Tsume's expression. He despised being laughed at before people even heard what he had to say.

"How dare you insult the Inuzuka Clan?" Tsume's expression darkened in surprise. She hadn't expected this brat to be so arrogant—he had just thrown the entire clan under fire.

"Am I wrong? The Inuzuka Clan has been around for generations, but where is the innovation? You're still using the same man-and-dog combination combat style. Where is the new strategy? When was the last time an Inuzuka reached Kage-level strength?"

"Shut up, brat! You're pushing your luck. Give me your so-called idea. If it satisfies me, I'll share our method. Otherwise, you're in for a rough time today." Tsume clenched her fists, barely restraining herself.

Kazama smirked. He liked dealing with hot-tempered people like this. Anger made people impulsive, and impulsiveness led to flaws. But since Tsume was not an enemy, he couldn't provoke her too much.

"Fine, let me rephrase. Your ancestors paved the way, but instead of expanding upon their discoveries, later generations have simply followed the same path without deviation. Because of this, the Inuzuka Clan remains stuck within its own limitations, unable to reach greater heights."

"You call that an idea?" Tsume's fists tightened. She looked like she was one second away from punching him.

Kazama knew better than to push further. He had to reveal the real idea before she lost patience.

"Did I say anything incorrect? Your entire clan has been following the exact same man-and-dog combat style for generations. But does every single member of your clan have the talent for it? I don't believe that. People have different strengths and weaknesses. It's impossible that every single Inuzuka is best suited for this method. Yet, you force everyone onto this path. Isn't that restricting your clan's true potential?"

"Hmph. You think we don't already know that many of our members aren't suited for our fighting style? But we have no choice. We are the Inuzuka Clan. This is our tradition. Are you suggesting we abandon it and follow the path of ordinary shinobi instead?"

"Now that's a narrow-minded view. Who said you had to abandon anything? Why limit yourselves to just ninja dogs? Why not try ninja hawks, ninja tigers, or even ninja snakes? The core principle remains the same—partnering with an animal in combat. Why hasn't anyone in your clan thought of expanding beyond just dogs? Is it really that difficult?"

People often failed to see alternatives until someone pointed them out. Once an idea took root, the mind naturally began exploring possibilities.

"That's right… The same principle should apply to any ninja beast. So why haven't we thought of this before? Our ancestors forged a path—why did we never consider expanding it further?"

Silence filled the room. The Inuzuka members present were deep in thought, reflecting on their own limitations. At some point, they had stopped questioning things and simply followed the well-worn path of tradition.

The old man, who had remained quiet until now, watched the scene with a satisfied smile.

This was talent.

Not the kind of ninja talent that people usually recognized, but something far rarer—the ability to think differently. Kazama was naturally suited to theory and innovation. Bringing him here had been the right choice.

Even though Kokei could have used his old connections to get the information, it wouldn't have been as impactful as Kazama earning it himself. More importantly, this encounter ensured that the Inuzuka Clan would remember Kazama. That alone was invaluable.

In the past, Kokei had never concerned himself with such things. As a lone warrior, he had always lived without attachments, knowing he could die on the battlefield at any time. But now that he had a grandson, he found himself caring about the future.

He liked this feeling of being needed.

"Kid, I admit you have a point," Tsume finally said. "We've been stagnant for too long. Your idea is worth the exchange. We'll share our method for awakening chakra in ninja beasts with you. But…"

Her expression twisted with annoyance.

"I really can't stand your mouth. Now get lost. Immediately. I don't want to see your face for another second."

Kazama, sensing he had won the deal, nodded without hesitation.

"On it! I'm leaving right now!"

There was no need to argue—he had what he came for, and he had no interest in getting beaten up. The reason he had chosen long-range combat in the first place was simple—he hated pain and didn't want to get punched.

As he and the old man walked out, Tsume suddenly stood up and bowed deeply.

"Maruboshi Kokei, I hope we can continue to work together in the future."

She clearly believed that the idea had originated from the old man, with Kazama merely acting as his messenger. The credit, in her mind, belonged to him.

As for Kazama?

That annoying brat could go as far away as possible.