That evening, in a small room in the guild hall, Kai could not escape his painful memories. The flickering candlelight made the shadows dance on the walls as he recalled the bullying and isolation of his past.
Kai whispered, "I remember every harsh word, every blow… it all feels so endless."
Rohan knocked softly on the door. "Kai, may I come in?" he asked.
Kai nodded silently.
Rohan sat beside him. "I know your past is full of pain, but it has led you here—to a future where you have a purpose."
Kai's voice trembled, "I wish I could forget it all… sometimes I feel like I'm still that broken boy."
Rohan said gently, "Your past does not define you. It is the strength you find to rise above it that matters."
Their quiet conversation offered Kai a small comfort, and slowly, hope began to replace the sorrow.