June 6th, Tuesday

Without realizing, He found Himself climbing the stairs of His apartment complex. He had never had such a full and fun Monday before, He was really glad Liu showed up and dragged Him out of His misery.

Finally reaching the apartment's door, He fumbled the keys for a while before unlocking the door and slowly opening it. It was already past midnight and His door squeaked to heaven and back, the only way to avoid the squeaking was to open it slowly.

He spent the entire day with Liu, walking around the fare, eating, laughing, playing, and talking about life.

As He made His way in, the apartment seemed much cleaner than before, He must have cleaned it before leaving and forgot about it.

He took off His shoes at the entrance and headed inside, immediately falling asleep on the bed. He was more tired than He thought.

As the sun blasted through His bedroom window, the birds started singing and He slowly opened His eyes. He was still wearing the clothes from the previous day, but it wasn't that big of a deal, He would change and throw them in the 'to-do' basket.

Taking off His shirt and putting on a new one, He head simmering from the kitchen, someone was cooking, but He was alone in the apartment. Frightened but fighting through it, He slowly opened His bedroom door and peeked in the kitchen, it was Liu. Of course it was.


After slowly closing the door, as to not alert Liu, He started getting dressed again. He was now wearing the second day's outfit. A white shirt with embroidered willow leaves and a black pair of formal pants. It wasn't as comfortable as the previous day's one, not by a long shot, but He did not have anything else, despite His plans yesterday, He did not wash any of His clothes and realistically, He wouldn't for some time.

As He left the room and closed the door behind Him, Liu greeted Him.

"Wow! Who's that guy? Surely it's not my friend, 'cause He does not dress that well!" She said as she laughed. 

"Ha. Ha. Very funny Liu."

"I know!" She answered with a smug face. "Here, I made some breakfast for you, eat before we go out today."

"You want to leave this early in the morning?"

"Early? It's 12 P.M."

"Well... you know what I mean!" He rebuked in a slightly frustrated tone.

"HaHa, sure, we'll leave this early in the morning!" 

After finally sitting down, Liu brought Him a plate of food, eggs with avocado and bacon, a decent first meal, not to mention that Liu was an amazing cook.

Unable to hold the silence while they ate, Liu spoke.

"Do you remember when we went around the fare the last time and Andrew and the rest got lost?"

"Yeah, I still don't know how they managed." He replied with a slight laugh.

"Yeah... That day... That day was a really eventful day." Liu said in a strained tone.

He choked and coughed a few time. Liu jumped out of her chair.

"Are you ok?" She asked in a panic.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, don't worry."

"I'm sorry, I know you don't like to remember that day... I'm just scared you're still affected by it."

"I understand, I know your intentions are good, don't worry." He replied while fidgeting with His food, His palms starting to sweat. "Truth be told, I still haven't moved on from that, it still affects me, you aren't wrong."

"It's okay, it will get better with time, I promise!" Liu told Him in a happy, certain voice, as if she knew what was to come.

"Yeah, I know... Let's finish the food and go out."

Walking towards the fare, the two passed by tens of shops. Liu stopped and looked at one selling sundresses.

"Isn't this so pretty?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah, it really is, it would suit you well."

"Ha... Sundresses really are my favorite!"


"What do you mean 'what'? Did you forget sundresses are my favorite?" Liu asked in a pressing, joking tone.

"N-No, it just slipped my mind, that's all." He said as He backed off, lifting His hands in front of Him, as if preparing to be attacked.

"Hmm... if you say so..." Liu replied with a smile on her face. "Come on, let's go to the fare, I want us to get there as soon as possible!"

"Sure, after you!"

As they continued towards the fare, He couldn't help but feel as if He was forgetting more and more things about Liu, small things, but things nonetheless. Well, it was probably nothing, seeing as they hadn't met in such a long time, it was only natural, no?

The willows surrounding the fare shined even brighter than the day before. The fare was no fuller, both with stands and with people who came to celebrate.

"You know... that day... I hope you don't blame yourself for it... we both know there was nothing you could have done." Liu said as she touched His back, comforting Him.

"Yeah... I guess there wasn't really much I could have done but I didn't even try, how will I- we ever know?"

"It doesn't matter, even if you tried, you know there was nothing to be done..."

'No, I could have, I could have done something, I should have done something.' He thought to Himself. "Whatever, let's go have some fun!" He finally replied.

"Do you remember that air gun stand you used to love?"

"Yes!" Liu replied with a jump. "Let's go there and see who scores more points!"

"Okay then, let's see who gets there first." He said before He sprinted off towards the air gun stand.

After running for a few seconds, He looked behind, only to see that Liu was nowhere to be found. Panicked, He started calling out her name as He rand towards the stand.

'Don't leave me... not again...'

To His surprise, Liu was waiting at the stand, gun in hand, a great grin on her face.

"Jesus... you scared me..."

Liu dawned a regretful, but warm smile that reminded Him of His dream.

"See... you're still blaming yourself... Whatever, come get beat up!"