Chapter 8: A new purpose

James woke up to the muted sounds of faraway voices. It took him a while to remember where he was. The small room, the cot he was on, the trace of cooking aromas—Haven. They had finally stopped, at least for now.

He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The morning sun stretched across the window over the streets of the settlement. Everyone was already up, moving supplies, tending to crops, reinforcing the walls. It was a well-oiled machine, and he and his crew were now a part of it.

As he stepped outside, he noticed Emily chatting with Sarah, the settlement's teacher. Tyler stood beside them, looking energetic.

"So, you're going to take the placement test today," Sarah was telling him. "It's not that hard, it's just so we can assess where you're at with reading and math."

Tyler's eyes darted toward James. "I suppose I'll try."

James smiled to himself. "You'll be okay, kid."

Emily nodded at James. "See? I said this place was special."

James nodded, though he wasn't sure. James met up with Carter and Maria later that morning at the armory. Yesterday's patrol had taught them that they could fight, but today they had to learn their jobs in Haven.

Evelyn arrived a few minutes later. She crossed her arms and surveyed them. "You two impressed me yesterday," she admitted. "We could use people like you."

James glanced at Maria. "What's the next step?"

Evelyn motioned toward the weapons. "You'll be assigned to a patrol squad. You'll guard the walls, clear the roads, and if needed, handle external threats."

Maria picked up a rifle from the table, inspecting it. "Define 'external threats.'"

Evelyn's expression became serious. "Walkers are the least of our concern. There are other groups out there. Some have no desire for us. Others… they take what they can."

James clenched his jaw. He'd seen what people at their desperate breaking point could do.

"You're saying we'll have to fight them?"

"If it's a last resort," Evelyn said. "But we don't fight if we don't have to.".

James took a deep breath. Haven was safe now, but for how long? Their first real mission was that afternoon. Evelyn needed a team to go recon an abandoned town several miles to the west. Supplies were running low, and if they could find food, guns, or medical gear, it would be a big boost to Haven.

James, Maria, Carter, and the other guard, Shane, traveled on foot. The hike was quiet to begin with, but James felt the tension in the air.

Shane shattered the silence. "You actually think we're going to find something?"

Carter shook his head. "Don't count on it. Everything's been picked clean by now."

Maria adjusted her backpack. "Then why are we doing this?"

Carter exhaled. "Because it's what we do. Always looking, always hoping."

James caught on. Despite all that, humans still had hope.

Upon entering the town, it was eerily quiet. Cars were stranded on the roads, buildings lay in shambles, and the scent of rot filled the air.

"We'll check out the pharmacy first," Carter ordered. "Maria, you and James go to the grocery store."

James and Maria moved quietly down the ruined streets, knives at their sides. As they entered the store, they were met by overturned shelves and shattered glass. It had been looted ages ago.

Maria sighed. "Figures."

James made his way over a pile of rubble, peering down the aisles. There wasn't much—some old cans, torn bags of rice, a few scattered bottles of water.

Maria picked up what she could. "Not much, but it's something."

There was a loud crashing that made both of them pause.

A sound of scraping.

James turned from the rear of the shop, knife held high.

And there they were.

Three walkers emerging from a store room. They had sunken eyes, staring at him, as they released guttural growls.

James moved in instinct, one he kicked with his foot, and then drove the second walker in the head with the blade. Maria dealt with the third with a swift blade to the temple.

The first walker lunged again, its rotting hands grasping at James' arm. He barely managed to push it away before Maria drove her knife into the back of its head.

Panting, James wiped the blood off his blade. "Guess we're not alone here."

Maria kicked one of the bodies aside. "We should move."

They quickly grabbed the remaining supplies and met up with Carter and Shane outside.

"Find anything?" Carter asked.

"Some food. Not anything big," Maria answered.

Carter gave a nod. "The pharmacy was worse. Completely wiped out."

James frowned. "Then this was for nothing."

"Not entirely," Carter answered. "We found tracks."

James was skeptical. "People?"

"Maybe," Carter answered. "Could be trouble."

James sighed. He had hoped that Haven would be different. But trouble was never far behind. That evening, back inside the walls of Haven, the atmosphere was more subdued. People sat around fires, eating and laughing. Despite the perils that loomed over them, they still managed to smile.

James sat beside Emily, listening as Tyler talked excitedly about his first day at school in the settlement.

"They gave me books," he said to them. "Like, actual books! And paper to write on."

James smiled. "Sounds like you're a student now."

Tyler grinned. "Yeah, I guess."

Emily teasingly elbowed James. "You ever think we'd have something like this again?"

James looked around, drinking it in. The warmth of the fire, the circle of laughter, the feeling—no matter how temporary—of safety.

"No," he admitted.

Maria approached, her face serious. "We need to talk."

James' stomach twisted. "What is it?"

She sat down, her voice barely above a whisper. "Carter wasn't exaggerating about the tracks. Someone's been scouting the area."

James exhaled. "You think they've found out about Haven?"

Maria shook her head. "Not yet. But they will."

James clenched his fists.

He had hoped this place could be different.

But peace never lasted in this world.

And if trouble was coming, they had to be ready.