Onto the lands of freedom they go, Jordan Hopolite, Donietielle Remesfield, and their teacher Samuel Gunder. Samuel, uneager by the least to denote the fact that they are in war thorn territory by the social injustices, psychological warfare, and the corruption of the place of Libertaria. Have concluded deep in his heart that General Sunders' protection is a must. There they were escorted by two officers of the Army named Joseph and Mark.
Joseph and Mark are nervous from going into Libertaria. There are stories of its facade amongst all the people of the world. That the facade is that they smile and pretend to be happy even when they are not. Or that, they have a secured continent but are inconsiderate of the fact of one's rights or being. They are actually a threat to other civilizations because they threaten the other's goal and destroy the lives of many. It is a place where rape is being cultured and death is being adored. It is a corrupted continent that needs to be cleansed of its corruption and destruction of people's lives.
In here, lies the facade, the propaganda, that the people are happy but deep inside they are already defiled.
"I can't wait to picture myself in Libertaria, where the people are all good and the wonders of their cities are well kept in peace and discipline." - Jordan Hopolite
"Yes,it is said in the television as the most wonderful continent where the peace of the people matters the most." - Donietielle Remesfield
"Yes, until you see how rotten it has become with gang wars and terrorist attacks, then you will know how painful this journey will be." - Samuel Gunder
(whispering to himself)
In this guided tour, both Jospeh and Mark are alerted. It is said that within the plane, or those planes that goes to Libertaria are filled with spies, defectees, terrorists, and criminals on board. Going back to the shoals of their nations and countries to live a life as a fugitive on the run and on the market lists for bounty hunters and what not, live their lives freely as criminal agents.
"Be very careful here, don't want the kids to notice they're in a place surrounded by criminals and terrorists." - Samuel Gunders
"Yes sir!" -Joseph
"Yes sir!"- Mark
Of course, agents do have their sympathy with words. They are not agents without their own agendas. Knowing that these are military men on a mission to Libertaria, they now know that these people have become want to arrest them or even worst, sell out information about the continent to the other continents. So, the terrorists and criminals make their moves in secret.
They talk in speeches and rhetoric that gaslights the two soldiers. But it is not simple paranoia, it is far too coordinated for such. It is real, the hand gestures, the death threats, and the sign and body languages fits the description of a terrorist link and coordinated attacks.
The ones in the plane now, Joseph and Mark, as well as Colenel Viceroy Samuel Gunder. Must make their way in and control the mess, without the Princes noticing and understanding the situation. Not yet at least.
"General Sunders! Sir! The terrorists and the criminals are conspiring against us!" - Samuel Gunder
"This is Sunders speaking! We need to control the situation on deck and with cautious security. Requesting the agents to resubmerge and resurface for a counter intelligence framework to be successful?! Over?!" - General Sunders
The agents, eager to save the Princes from harm and the Viceroy from overwork have deemed upon themselves to first negotiate of the fact. They negotiated and some agreed, other's enforced their criminal rights upon their laws and State, while the terrorists enforced their dread upon the officers and agents. The end results were rough for those that tried, and those that didn't were let through to their communications channels. It was already a secret battle, a secret intelligence war.
There Joseph and Mark were approaching each civilian with a conduct, a rule of law, and a plea not to engage or act in a disobedient and unlawful manner unbefitting the Princes of their luxury as Princes. To make the illusion possible that there is peace, one must accept that the war be fought in secret and never show itself to the people and the public at large. Then it is a shadow and secretive war.
One disobedient criminal and terrorists was about to make a move. So, Joseph started walking peacefully to approach him and dealt with him in silence. By attacking is through with a side palm Knife strike. Then move ahead in time like nothing had happened.
Strangely enough, not alerting the kids, they move head on to the comfort room, and prostitution was already catering in the attendants and the terrorists on board. It was a bad bad mess, and the agents have to be installed to clear out the understatements that the Princes shall not see.
It is now the life there in Libertaria, were peace cannot be withhold and the people played criminals and terrorists. Not to alert the people that don't know, they play their games in secret hoping that a solution be given to the people on board the continent itself.