Ch 004 The Story Of Libertaria

It all started in 1989 just about when Libertaria was freed of all dread and unfaithfulness by a corruption that stretched far wide in the continent. It was an estranged thing as the continent in 1986 was freed by a peoples power revolt. One deemed exceptional and peaceful. But in truth was laiden with war amongst the shadows.


It killed off politicians and military officers. Dress them up and killed them to eliminate them from the hands of their duty and reliable cause at heart. Since that time on, they believed in the policy of no government and of no offices to uphold civil liberty amongst the people. Then let the people device their own policies and own rules to play. They became, anarchistic.


In 1989, this anarchistic flavor to the twist in politics was redeemed by warlords to be beneficial for power. So, the people that thought they were freed from an open government was sentenced and applied for shadow government. One ruled by the warlords and caused themselves into an affliction called a civil war. Not just a dispute in fact, but a civil war. But the war was put in secret. So secretive that people you don't notice to be prostitutes and have a white collar job are actually slaves to the system. The men becamed neck shackled by enslavement and the women turned prostitutes of their own countries. Kids, forced into labours at a young age and corruption became more ravenous and worst the moment that no proper government was installed.

In 2001, a terrorist attack invaded their main producing nation and introduced the concept of JSATs. Where black sites were formed by surrounding houses of the civillians, and people started raping and torturing for fame and prestige. The problem, no one dies from this effort and those that live again are tortured again and again.


In 2004, was the end of the Y2k exams were people that lost repeats their lives and those that passed gets transported to the new world.


In 2009, there was global military coup, countering the rebel coup of 1996. But was stagefact by the 2014 rebellous account of the MA. From this day forward, JSATs has been happening continent wide. Raping women, without them showing that they are raped. Enslaving men, when there is no showing that they are enslaved. They were simply turned to mindless zombies and an undead forced too programmed to only work and never tell their stories. They were afflicted by terrorists and criminals. Apprehended without due cause, and severed ties without due punishments. They were bellowed with defeats that stretched far and wide and destroyed everything in their lives.


In 2014 onwards, a new cause for money and pleasure was initiated. They needed to entrap people of future interest to the States and nations abroad and domestic. So they initiated Program zero, or program elimination to make sure that they will never grow. Those that saw through the mind control techniques never escaped the entrapments. Those that showed them the truth ensured that they, the reported, understand the truth of the situation.


There, people of office work, were made into prosties, the males, into slaves, and people with wives and children were kidnapped for the sake of money, power, and pleasure.


It was a colossal mess, and in 2021, an Agenda at its age to 21. The military didn't survive the onslaught and the criminals and terrorists ruled strong. Thus, it was the end of a long standing battle and the rule and hegemony of unlawfulness. Where money and torture are treated as a form of power and money and the people as slaves to the powerful. That is the story of Libertaria, and a sad story at that too.


With that, the boys and their men went back immediately and kept their mouths shut for the rest of their lives. In that time, Ephyria, waged war with the Libertaria, and Libertaria was fallen as it was of Babylon.


--The End.