
"Chloe, I think it's time to tell Bill the truth."

Her husband's words were calm, yet entirely devoid of emotion. His expressionless face made her frown for a moment. 

"Tell him the truth? What truth are you talking about now, Zach?"

Her voice quickly shifted from calm to angry, and her eyes trembled slightly. 

Zach, his expression unchanged, clasped his hands together, watching as her anger flared and her features twisted. 

"I warned you before. Look at yourself—nine years have passed, and you still haven't moved on..."

"What *exactly* are you talking about, Zach?"

Zach sighed and shook his head in disappointment. 

"I told you before… You won't be able to handle the truth. Bill can never replace him, no matter how much you try..."

For the first time, Zach's once-calm eyes flickered with a trace of anger and concern. 

"What do you mean by that?"

"I know how deeply you grieve for our child who died… I grieve too. But that was an *accident*, and it's over."

"Stop. Stop talking! Don't say another word!"

Zach's words awakened painful memories within her—memories she had desperately tried to forget. Or at least, that's what she had convinced herself. 

Then suddenly, they both froze. 

Their eyes narrowed, as if they had just realized something strange. 

"A child… died…?" Zach whispered, his lips trembling. 

"A child? What child...?"

For a moment, they both stood still, reflecting on their lives. 

Had they… really lost a child? 

Something inside them twisted, as if they had deceived themselves all this time. 

"Zach… w-what are we doing...?"

A strange sensation overcame them, as if invisible strings were wrapping around them, as if someone else was controlling their thoughts… 

But then, just as suddenly as it came, the moment passed. 

Their expressions reverted back, as if they had forgotten what had just happened. 

"Chloe, the death of our child was your fault. Nine years have passed, but taking your anger out on that boy is an even bigger mistake."

The conversation resumed as if nothing had happened. 

Chloe clutched her head, her eyes burning with fury and an unbearable weight of regret. 

"Even though I was against bringing him in, we did it because of you. We took Bill in when he was only a year old, so he probably doesn't even know the truth. Sooner or later, we have to tell him and let him decide how he wants to live his life."

"Stop talking, Zach! You've crossed the line!"

Despite the fire in her eyes, Zach's expression remained cold—unshaken, like an icy mountain. 

"A ten-year-old boy? What kind of life do you think he'll have after learning the truth? If you tell him, he'll be dead the next day."

Zach let out a weary sigh, as if he had given up on this useless conversation. 

"That boy… he's a genius. A real genius. I checked his school records—he was excelling beyond belief… until you forced him to suppress his talents."

"And what good will that do? Besides, I would never allow him to surpass *my son*."

For the first time, Zach felt a flicker of anger at her words. But he said nothing. He simply watched the scene before him—selfishness, rage, and pure disdain. 

"Besides, Zach, we still have another use for that child..."

"Stop talking like he's an object! It's his choice. If he doesn't want to, then we can't force him!"

Chloe clutched her head again, a wide grin stretching across her face. 

"His choice? Why do you think I've been hitting him for every little thing? He won't be able to go against me, not even in this matter."

Zach stood up and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. 

"When we get home, I'll tell him the truth. I'll hear his decision for myself."

Chloe didn't even blink. 

"You? The father who sees him once a year? No… wait. You haven't seen him in *three years*, have you?"

"And what of it?"

"Do you really think he'll believe you? Trust you more than me?"

Zach didn't answer. He simply turned toward the door, a faint smirk appearing on his lips. 

On the other side of the room, Chloe clenched her fingers, rage written all over her face. 

"I will save you, my little one. I won't let you die like *him*… Even if it means that *child* has to die instead."

Near the doorway, Zach heard her words and let out a deep sigh. 

"You've lost your mind… You're not the same person you were since that day."

For a fleeting moment, a sorrowful look crossed his face as he gazed at the ceiling. 

"You're a smart kid… No, you're a genius, Bill. I hope you find what I left for you. Even geniuses have their limits… I just pray you don't break more than you already have."

A day before the trip, Zach had deliberately left behind a small box filled with documents and photos, unlocked, hoping Bill would find it and see the truth. 

And on the day of the trip, when he learned that Bill had refused to join them, he realized the boy was different—that he was searching for answers. 

Why did his mother treat him with cruelty while showering his older brother with love? 

Zach, knowing that Bill had grown up in an environment of violence and cold indifference, understood why things like vacations and enjoyment meant nothing to him. 

"Even though the truth will be painful… I hope you can bear it."

With those final words, Zach made his way out. 

But suddenly, his steps faltered. He clutched his head as the world around him twisted and spun. 

"See the play through to the end... The king must suffer."

A voice echoed in his mind. 

And then, his will vanished completely. 

As if he had fallen under its influence. 

"The king must suffer..."


In one of the houses, a beautiful lullaby could be heard from a young girl, ten years old, as she brushed her long, black hair in front of the mirror.

"Mom, I'm going out for a while..."

Her sweet, melodious voice brought a warm smile to her mother's face as she prepared food in the kitchen.

"Wait a minute, sweetheart. Where are you going at this hour?"

The girl turned around, her blue eyes sparkling like precious jewels, and a wide smile brightening her face.

"I'm meeting Bill today. We're working on a school project together... and he also promised to play with me!"

Her mother placed a hand under her chin, smiling thoughtfully.

"Since it's a holiday this week, he'll be home alone. What do you think about inviting him over?"

The girl's eyes lit up with excitement, and she let out a joyful laugh, as if she had just won a grand prize.

"What changed your mind, Mom? Didn't you tell me to stay away from him?"

Her mother frowned slightly at those words. The first time she saw that boy, she had noticed a scar above his eye and several marks on his body, which made her assume he was the troublesome type.

But after speaking with him, she realized how gentle he truly was. Even though he barely spoke, she could tell he was going through a lot. She felt sorry for him and the hardships he faced.

"Ah! Mom, that hurts!"

Her mother playfully pinched her cheek, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Don't forget to take your umbrella. They said it's going to rain soon."

"Got it!"

"Try to bring him before dinner is ready."

"Okay! I'm off now!"

The little girl left the house, overflowing with excitement as she headed toward her destination. Meanwhile, her mother watched her go, her face shifting into an expression of concern.

"I hope he's okay... It's been a while since I last saw him."

Bill wasn't the type to show his emotions easily, but she could tell he was struggling. As a mother, she had a natural ability to understand children's feelings and needs.

When she first met Bill's mother, she felt a tinge of anger at how she treated him. However, since the boy himself never complained, she chose to stay silent.

"Life... really is a difficult place."


At that moment, the girl was walking down the street, eager to see her friend.

After about ten minutes, she arrived at his house and rang the doorbell multiple times. However, unlike usual, there was no response. She waited and tried again, but still—nothing.

"Where could he have gone? He promised me..."

She grumbled in frustration, crossing her arms. Then, a thought crossed her mind.

"Could he be there...?"

She recalled the only place he would go in times like this. Her eyes widened in realization.

Without hesitation, she turned around and began running.

"Please be okay, Bill..."

She had never seen him break down before, but she knew he was hurting inside, always hiding his pain from her.

Slowly, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and soon, the first raindrops began to fall. Before long, the rain poured down heavily, soaking the ground.

After a few minutes, she arrived at her destination, only to find him sitting on the familiar swing, motionless under the rain.

His expression was lost, shoulders slumped in defeat. He was already drenched, yet he didn't seem to care.

She stepped toward him slowly, lifting her umbrella.


Lost in thought, Bill suddenly noticed a shadow covering him from the rain.

He looked up to see a familiar face, her lips pursed in a mix of concern and annoyance.

"You'll catch a cold like this… Do you know how long I've been looking for you?"

She puffed her cheeks in frustration, glaring at him.

Bill looked at her for a moment, and when their eyes met, something inside him broke.

"Elena... I... I..."

He couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears began to fall.

For the first time in his life, he allowed himself to cry in front of someone.

Elena, still holding the umbrella, immediately softened. The irritation in her eyes vanished, replaced by deep sorrow.

She couldn't bear to see her closest friend like this.

Without hesitation, she leaped forward and wrapped her arms around him, gently stroking his head as he sobbed harder and harder, letting out all the pain he had kept inside. His tears mixed with the falling rain.

"It's okay, Bill... Everything will be alright now."