an uncomfortable dinner

Chapter 35: "An Uncomfortable Dinner"

The tension in the room was palpable as the group made their way to the dinner table. Flynn's earlier outburst had left everyone feeling a bit awkward, and the silence was oppressive.

Ayra, trying to break the ice, turned to Eden and asked, "So, Eden, what's the story behind this amazing estate?"

Eden's expression remained stoic, but he replied, "It's been in my family for generations. I've made some... modifications over the years."

Olivia added, "It's definitely a unique place. I'm still getting used to it."

Flynn, trying to lighten the mood, chimed in, "Hey, it's not so bad. I mean, the food is amazing, and the company is... interesting."

Ayra playfully rolled her eyes, "Thanks, Flynn. I think."

As the dinner conversation continued, it became clear that the group was struggling to find common ground. Eden's reserved nature made it difficult for the others to connect with him.

Just as it seemed like the dinner was going to be a complete disaster, Ayra stood up, "You know, I think we've all had a long day. Why don't we call it a night and start fresh tomorrow?"

The group nodded in agreement, relieved to escape the uncomfortable dinner. As they filed out of the dining room, Flynn turned to Ayra and whispered, "Thanks for saving us from that disaster. You're a natural diplomat."

Ayra smiled, "Just trying to keep the peace."