Chapter 2
Ragnar saw himself in the panels mirror, he wondered on what he should do now. He has been living on a peaceful world were everywhere you go their is no need to hunt to survive. But here he need to be more vigilant on his surroundings in order to survive. "Well it can't get any worse than this" he said as he winces at his open wounds from the direwolf. He completely forgot about it so he quickly go see the panel for their is anything that can help him with this wound. It's not deep enough that it can be fatal but he needs something to cover up the wounds.
Then he saw two section of the panel: Status and Shop. The two also have a circle with an i in the middle. He knows the meaning of the I so he thought of to select the I for status. Then it explain the general information:
{Here you can see your stats on where you should improve the stats are Power, Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma and Magic. Their is no allocation of any kind of stat point. You only need to train and learn them}
"So it's like the games I played back them during my younger years" Ragnar saying to himself while reminiscing to the past. He wasn't the lazy type anyways so this could be a learning experience for him. Then he move on to another I about the shop. The information is as follows:
{Here you can by weapons, armor, accessories, medicine, beast, knowledge, even people. All for a price of action point, but don't let the shop fool you. The price on this shop is sky high, so buy only something you can afford.}
With that explanation ends, Ragnar immediately select the shop and chose the medicine option and he almost fell on his back due to the price but he wasn't their for the expensive medicine he just want something to clean and wrap his wound so he bought some cheap alcohol and bandag, enough tocover his wounds. Then he saw his action points that was a thousand before down to a hundred. He forgot quickly about the deduction and quickly alcohol on his wounds which Ragnar winces and applied the bandage to all his wound which was used quickly.
Ragnar breath a sigh of relief for the immediate danger being solved. Then he quickly go back to the direwolf in the cave. He quickly began to process the meat, hide and other useful parts to make for tools. He needs to process the wolf quickly and clean the blood before other animals smell it and come for it. In just a few hours he quickly separate all the useful part with the pelt outside drying besides a small fire.
With that out of the way he quickly made dinner for himself with the wolf meat. It may be unappetizing but it will do for now. With the meat slowly cooking by the new fire place he quickly go to his status to see his stats, with the information following:
Name: Ragnar Lothbrok
Race: Númenórean (late dúnedain)
Power: 10
Constitution: 8(injured)
Intelligence: 7
Charisma: 5
Magic: 3 (weakened)
Ragnar doesn't need to select the information on each when he played games on his last life. But he still selects it anyway, the following information are:
{ Power and Constitution: 1-5 beginner class, 5-10 soldier class, 10-15 knight class, 15-20 master class.
Note: you can increase power and constitution with magic and techniques.
Intelligence: 1-5 basic class, 5-10 learned class, 10-15 master class, 15-20 genius.
Note: you can only increase your intelligence not just in theoretical but also practical.
Charisma: 1-5 commoner class, 5-10 knight class, 10-15 noble class, 15-20 ruler class.
Note: you can only increase this stats base on your social status.
Magic: 1-5 no mag class, 5-10 potential class, 10-15 learned class, 15-20 mastered class.
Note: same as the intelligence class.}
With that in mind, he select the information in race.
{ You have the blood of the Númenóreans, with the traits of having a longer lifespan between 150 to 400 years and a stronger bodily function.}
Ragnar was shock on having a bloodline of the Númenóreans. He knows what kind of race they are, closely related to elves, seven feet in height, and greater intelligence. Even though he was a dúnedain variant, he still have a long lifespan than most people.
Once that was over, he look at the ground where the objects lay still. Then he look at the scroll on the ground and remember immediately that this was a Jedi scroll of form 1 shii-cho. Even though this is not the intricate movement of later forms, but this is enough for engaging untrained individuals beyond the wall.
Though he don't have a steel sword to practice on, a wooden sword crafted from an oak tree should be enough to practice daily. With that in mind he briefly skimmed the shop to the Jedi forms section on how they are worth as he saw it he nearly widen his eyes. Half a million action points, with the estimated points of 30 to 80 points daily this could take almost a year if I just trained and not hunt predators.
He tried not to think on that for the moment and just rest. With the food done he began to eat and started planning for the next move. First he need to build a stable shelter that can protect from the cold and for that he need wood and hide for protection against predators and cold. Let's just hope that any wights or white walker won't come knocking on the door. Then he needs to make a makeshift bag to carry his belongings and let's be honest here a satchel isn't enough to carry the stuff he needs. After that is just eat, train, rest, repeat. Once all that is done in a year he will travel in a random direction and plan from their.
With that in mind he began to feel drowzy so he lay in the ground covered hide of the direwolf. He slept with the occasional howl of wolves and the cold icy wind outside of the cave.
Line break
Once he woke up he began do his pre planned daily routine, eat, train, hunt, eat, train, eat, then sleep. He crafted a bow from the points of processing the wolf. The points was barely enough to buy a basic hunting bow blueprint not an already crafted on. His hunt consist deer, boars and rabbit which take up five hours of his time.
So he adjust his training schedule to properly accommodate his plans.
With this monotonous plan a month pass by with the occasional lone wolf passing by for increase in action points. He gain some minor injuries but they were quickly healed by spending action for first aid kit which cost five thousand action points.
But in this new month something unexpected came to visit his cave while he was training.