Receiving the System, Test, Daily Quest

A student is walking in the hallway of the campus. While walking his friend suddenly called him from behind.

"Jaehoon! Wait up! You're too fast…. Where are you going in such a rush? It's recess right now," says the friend.

Jaehoon turns around and looks at him with the same indifferent expressionless face. "Oh. In-Seok. What are you doing following me?" says Jaehoon.

"Don't you hear me? I'm asking you where are you going right now?" Says In-Seok asking Jaehoon where he is going right now.

"Sorry I didn't hear you the first time. I'm going to the Art Club room. I have something to talk about with Hana," says Jaehoon to In-Seok.

"With that girl Hana again? What did you even have with her? You like her or something, Jaehoon?" Ask In-Seok to Jaehoon in a teasing manner.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? I don't like her. Nor does she like me. So the feelings are mutual. You should do a bit of research rather than assume, In-Seok," replies Jaehoon to In-Seok.

"You know…. You should drop that serious and emotionless face of yours for a little bit…. Seeing you all serious and emotionless kind of makes me feel sad about you…. Do you even have emotions, Jaehoon?" Says In-Seok, talking about Jaehoon's serious and emotionless face and In-Seok asks him to drop it for a bit.

"I'm a human. Of course I have emotions. I'm not some mechanical robot," Jaehoon replies to the question of him having emotions or not. "I just don't want to show it," Jaehoon continues.

"It would be hard for people to approach you if you always look serious and emotionless, Jaehoon…. At this point, how are you going to get a girlfriend?" Says In-Seok to Jaehoon, talking about Jaehoon having a hard time finding a girlfriend.

"I don't need any girlfriend for now, In-Seok. I want to focus on studying first. And probably become an Irregular Hunter," says Jaehoon, talking about not needing a girlfriend and wanting to focus on studying and becoming an Irregular Hunter.

"You want to become an Irregular Hunter? You're currently a student at an art university. What kind of talents would you have to be an Irregular Hunter, Jaehoon?" Says In-Seok about Jaehoon's future job.

"Just so you know, I'm good at swordsmanship. I specialized in both swords and daggers. So I could be an assassin. You never see me training? It's because I trained with a private tutor and he's a retired Irregular Hunter," replies Jaehoon to In-Seok about his skills on swordsmanship.

"Woah…. I didn't know that! Why are you keeping it a secret all this time, Jaehoon? That's kind of unfair….," In-Seok says while looking disappointed about Jaehoon hiding the fact that he knew how to wield swords and daggers.

"Unfair? I just don't want to tell anyone. You're the first one to know about this. I've never told anyone else except for my family," Jaehoon replies to In-Seok, replying about why he's keeping it a secret.

"Well, it's your choice to decide so it's not mine. I can't go against it," In-Seok says, knowing that it's Jaehoon's own decision to keep it a secret.

"You're really understanding me, In-Seok. You're my only friend who really understand me a lot. I'm really grateful for that," Jaehoon says, thanking In-Seok for being his friend that understands him the most. Jaehoon turns around wanting to keep walking but before he do that, "I'm going now. See you after school, In-Seok," he says to In-Seok before walking off to the Art Club room.

In-Seok just sighs and goes the opposite way to his class.

Meanwhile, Jaehoon is walking through the hallway passing through multiple people. After some walking, Jaehoon arrives at the front door of the Art Club room. Jaehoon knocks before entering. "Pardon my intrusion," Jaehoon says while entering the club room.

Inside, there's a girl with short blonde hair waiting for Jaehoon.

"So, what do you want to talk about, Hana?" Asks Jaehoon to Hana.

"Oh. Jaehoon, you're already here. You're late, you know that, right? Not that it matters. Thank you for coming. You can sit down while waiting for me to finish a little bit of this paperworks," says Hana to Jaehoon, thanking him for coming to the club room even though he was late.

Jaehoon sits down on the sofa nearby.

Hana finishes up the last bit of paperworks and stretches a little bit before saying, "Hm~! That's better! I've finally finished all the paperworks," Hana says, feeling refreshed after finishing the paperworks.

"What kind of paperworks are you doing, Hana? It seems important for the club," Jaehoon says, asking why the paperworks is so important to the point she needs to finish it.

"Well, it's just that multiple people from outside campus sent us some commissions. And the paperworks are official paperworks from other universities, asking for us to create something. Mostly, for their sports teams but there are also others for like a banner or some sort. That's why I need to finish signing up everything," Hana replies to Jaehoon's question, telling him about the importance of the paperworks for the club and other campuses as well.

"I see, now. Back to the point. Why did you call me here?" Jaehoon says, understanding the situation and going straight to the point about why she called him here.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about why I called you here. My bad! I called you here because I wanted to ask you to take some commissions from other campuses to help me out. Could you help me do that, Jaehoon?" Hana explains why she needs Jaehoon here.

"Sure. That won't be a problem," Jaehoon replies calmly to Hana's request.

"That's our vice-president! Thank you, Jaehoon," Hana says playfully, thanking Jaehoon for his help.

"No biggies," Jaehoon says, calmly accepting it. Jaehoon stands up and walks to the table and grabs the commission papers that Hana has sorted out for him.

"Guess I'll be going now. See you again, Hana," Jaehoon says, before leaving the club room.

"Be safe, Jaehoon," Hana says, wishing for Jaehoon's safety.

"I will," Jaehoon replies, walking out of the club room.

After Jaehoon left the club room, he walked down the hallway back to his class since recess will end in 5 more minutes. After around 2 minutes or so, Jaehoon arrives at his class and sits down on his seat.

In-Seok sees that Jaehoon is back and says, "That's rather quick. And what's up with those papers? Commissions?" In-Seok asks Jaehoon about the papers he's holding.

"Yes. They're commissions that Hana asks me to do. Well, this will take a while to finish," Jaehoon confirms In-Seok's guess, saying that it is true that they're commissions and it will take some time for him to finish all of them.

"I agree with that…. Are you going to be fine, though? You don't need any help? I can help you if you want," In-Seok says, offering to help Jaehoon finish all the commissions.

"I don't need any help. I'm fine doing it all alone. Plus, our art styles are different. Hana asked me to do this probably because my art style is better than any others in the campus," Jaehoon refused calmly, saying he doesn't need any help because his art style and In-Seok art style are different.

"That's true…. Our art styles are different so it's reasonable….," In-Seok says, realizing the reality of their different art styles.

"Thank you for understanding the reality, In-Seok," Jaehoon says, thanking In-Seok for understanding the reality.

"Is that some sort of sarcasm?" In-Seok asks Jaehoon if he's mocking him or something.

"Basically, yes," Jaehoon confirms his sarcasm, not feeling guilty about it.

"You know sometimes, you're just cruel but sometimes you're kind….," says In-Seok while a little bit of tear almost escapes his left eye.

Jaehoon didn't reply and just put all the commission papers into his file before putting away his file into his bag. Jaehoon then turns back again facing In-Seok. "Are you done? We have class, you know? You're the class' monitor, go find the teacher. He's not here yet. It's been 6 minutes since his class started," Jaehoon says, looking at In-Seok asking him to go find the teacher's whereabouts.

"Cut us some slack, nerd head. You're just trying to torture us at this point, Jaehoon," In-Seok says, telling Jaehoon is right now seems like torturing the other students. "Plus, it's math. No one likes math. Am I wrong?" In-Seok continues, saying that no one likes math.

"I don't like math but I want to learn it. It's just so I can pass the test. I'm not like you. We may be in the same class but I take more subjects than you. You only took three subjects. Art, science and history. I took ten subjects. Art, math, biology, science, history, english, geography, chemistry, physics and music," Jaehoon says, telling In-Seok that they're different even though they're in the same class. Jaehoon took ten subjects while In-Seok took only three subjects.

"You're a genius, Jaehoon. I'm not like you," In-Seok says, telling Jaehoon that he's not the same as Jaehoon.

"It's not your fault. People are made different in terms of everything including intelligence," Jaehoon says, reassuring In-Seok that it's fine to not be the same as him.

"I agree, Jaehoon…. Thank you for reassuring me," In-Seok says, thanking Jaehoon for reassuring him about being different. "I guess I should go find the teacher now. He hasn't come yet. Jaehoon, I want you to be the class monitor for a bit while I'm gone. Keep the class at bay," In-Seok continues before standing up, leaving the classroom to go find the teacher.

"I want to say something but he's already gone…. It's fine. I'll just keep the class at bay," Jaehoon says, unwilling to be the class monitor even for a bit. Jaehoon takes out the math textbooks and notebooks while waiting for In-Seok to come back with the teacher. "What will I eat after I go back to the dorm? Should I just buy food at the grocery store or should I cook for myself? I guess I'll just cook for myself," Jaehoon thinks in his mind, thinking if he should just buy food or cook for himself instead.

While waiting, Jaehoon starts to do some notes about the chapter they would need to study in math. After a while, In-Seok comes back with the teacher. It's a new teacher and since our previous math teacher changed college to another college.

"Alright class. You all might not know me. I will be introducing myself now. My name is Kim Jin-Seul. I'm 36 years old and from now on, I will be teaching all of you math and add math at the same time since your last teacher changed college. But don't worry, I won't be as rough as your previous teacher and I will let loose of you guys for a little bit. So, don't worry about too much homeworks," the teacher says, telling everyone his name and age and the reason why he is our new math teacher. He ends his speech by reassuring everyone that he won't be as rough as our previous teacher and won't give us too much homeworks to do.

"Alright, now I will do a call roll. When I say your name, please say 'present' or raise your hand," he continued before going through the students' list book for the class.

"Let's start. Kang In-Seok," he says In-Seok's name.

"Present," In-Seok replied to the call.

"Alright, moving on. Lee Jaehoon," he says Jaehoon's name.

Jaehoon's raise his hand and says, "Present".

He continues before finishing up. "Alright. It seems like everyone is here and two students are absent because of sickness. Then that's fine. Alright, everyone. Please take out your textbook and turn to page 72," Jin-Seul says, telling everyone to take out their textbook and turn to the page needed.

He continues his teaching. After one hour, the bell rings, signaling the end of class and it's time to go back to the dorm. "Alright students, time's up. Pack your stuff and you're good to leave. Be safe on your way to your dormitories," he says, telling everyone to pack up and get ready to leave because it's already the end of class and math is the last subject for the day.

Everyone finishes packing their stuff and leaves the classroom one by one. Jaehoon and In-Seok are the last ones to leave since they have to help the teachers carry stuff to the faculty room. Jaehoon and In-Seok are walking down the hallway while talking to each other.

"Jaehoon, you free this Saturday? I was planning on inviting you to dinner with my family if you don't mind," In-Seok says, asking Jaehoon if he's free on Saturday or not to invite him to his family's dinner.

"Well, it depends. If I don't have that much stuff to do, I will be free. Let's just wait and see. I don't know the future so I can't confirm if I'm free or not," Jaehoon replies, saying that it depends on the situation. If he has so much stuff to do, he won't be free.

"I see. Well, I understand that. After all, you're a genius. Of course you will always be busy," In-Seok says, telling himself that it's logical that Jaehoon will be busy since he's smart and probably has multiple homeworks to do.

"Not entirely. We'll see how it goes," Jaehoon replies, telling In-Seok that it's not all the time that he's busy. They keep talking to each other while walking down the hallway, heading for the boy's dorm. We stop in front of the boy's dorm and In-Seok and Jaehoon part ways.

"Well, I'm here. See you later, Jaehoon," In-Seok says before entering the dorm.

Jaehoon walks away heading for the furthest dorm since his dorm room is there. After a little bit of walking, Jaehoon arrives at the dorm and enters the dorm. Since his dorm is a gendermix dorm and not a singular gender dorm, it's already filled with girl students going about their day. Jaehoon ignores those and goes straight to his dorm room and enters the dorm. Jaehoon hangs his bag at the coat rack where he always hangs his bag and sits down on the sofa.

"What's on the news right now, I wonder," Jaehoon says, while extending his right hand to grab the tv remote to turn on the tv and watch some news. On the news, the news reporter is talking about politics in Japan. After the politics talks, they reveal a new S-rank Irregular Hunter from Japan.

"The news of a new S-rank Irregular Hunter from Japan has been revealed. The name of the Irregular Hunter is Mirai Ame. A 23 year old girl who just awakened as Japan's eleventh S-rank Irregular Hunter. Now from Russia…." The reporter continues talking.

Meanwhile, Jaehoon watching just feels the same about it. "A new Japanese S-rank Irregular Hunter, huh? Well, that's not surprising. After all, Japan is one of the strongest countries in terms of Irregular Hunters firepower," Jaehoon says in his mind, telling himself that it's logical since Japan is one of the strongest nations in terms of Irregular Hunters firepower.

"Continuing from Russia, there's a gate break going on. This Gate break has been estimated to be as strong as the calamity gate that appeared 15 years ago. Russia is in a dire situation and it seems like their S-rank Irregular Hunters can't hold back the Gate break any longer and are asking for help from different countries across the globe. The South Korean government has decided that they will consider the choice of helping Russia. For the time being, residents in Vladivostok will be moved to Japan for refuge since the Gate break has caused chaos in Vladivostok," the news reporter says, explaining the situation in Russia about a Gate break that is almost the same level as the calamity Gate break that happened 15 years ago.

"A Gate break? If it's not stopped immediately that will cause a potential danger to the world. Well, it's not like I could even help them…. I'm not an Irregular Hunter," Jaehoon says in his mind, thinking to himself about the situation and he shouldn't care about it since he's not an Irregular Hunter. After watching some other shows, Jaehoon turns off the tv since it's already late.

"It's already late…. I should just go to sleep…. I'm tired," Jaehoon says, stretching his arms up and standing up. Jaehoon then walks to his bedroom and enters it.

"Tomorrow is Saturday…. I guess I'll inform In-Seok that I can't come. I have the commissions that Hana gave me to do. I'll just message him tomorrow," Jaehoon says, he walks over to the light switch and switches it off before sitting down on the bed and checking his phone to see if he has any notifications or not.

"No notifications. Alright. I'll just go to sleep," Jaehoon says, putting down his phone on the table at the side of the bed. After a while, Jaehoon falls asleep.

While in his dream, Jaehoon wakes up in a mysterious dungeon. "Ugh…. Where am I? What kind of dream is this?" Jaehoon asks himself after waking up. Jaehoon looks around and sees that he's in some sort of dungeon. The dungeon hall is big. As big as an S-rank dungeon but it's somehow different from the other high rank dungeons.

"The wall designs are different…. This is not a regular dungeon…. This looks like a castle or some sort…. What kind of place did I enter in my dream this time?" Jaehoon says, confused as to why he is here in his dream. Jaehoon stands up and walks down the hallway.

"This is a weird dream…. Where am I exactly? I'll just go ahead and try to explore," Jaehoon continues, walking down the hallway. After a bit of walking, Jaehoon arrives in front of a big red door with some ancient writings that can't be understood by humans.

"A door…. Writings that I can't understand…. What the hell is this dream….?" Jaehoon says, looking at the writings on the door. Suddenly, the door opens and it reveals a big room with a big round table in the middle and nine knights statues surrounding the table.

"Knights statues…. There's nine of them…. I'm guessing they are the knights that are having a meeting here…. What a weird dungeon….." Jaehoon says, looking at the knight statues realizing that they're probably the knights that are having a meeting at the table. Suddenly, an angel statue starts to move.

The angel statue was holding a tablet. "Seems like a new visitor. Hello there, Lee Jaehoon. You might be wondering why you are here, right?" the angel statue says, talking to Jaehoon about asking him why he is here.

"I am wondering about it. Why am I here to begin with? I hope you have the answer to that," Jaehoon says, looking at the angel statue, hoping for an answer.

"Ah! You're here for a reason. But I will make one thing clear first. You might think that this is a dream but this is a reality, Lee Jaehoon. And the reason you're here is because you're the chosen one to receive something special," the angel statue says, looking at Jaehoon with an innocent smile but Jaehoon can feel something's off with the angel.

"Then! Let's get started, shall we? Your first test is surviving a horde of goblins. I know you will complain because you aren't an Irregular Hunter. How do I know about Irregular Hunters? It's easy. I've been watching humans since I got to know earth. You might not have any weapon, but rest assured. I will give you a weapon. Your weapon is…. A dagger!" she says, looking at Jaehoon with the same innocent but evil smile.

"Test? And you say this is not a dream either? What do you mean? Does that mean I can die here?" Jaehoon says, confused about it being a reality and wondering if he will die here if he fails.

"Your assumption is true! You can die here! But be assured, I will revive you as much as you want if you die. So it's fine. So, let's start the test!" The angel statue says, telling Jaehoon to be rest assured because even if he dies, she can revive him over and over again until Jaehoon passes the test.

"Now, take the dagger on the floor. Once you pick it up, the first test will start. You need to defeat 2,000 goblins that have been weakened. On earth, you might consider goblins at around D-rank. But these goblins are at E-rank. So they're the weakest. I'm sure you can defeat them, despite not being an Irregular Hunter. Then, good luck," she says, talking about Jaehoon requirements of killing 2,000 goblins to pass the first test. The angel disappears after telling everything Jaehoon needed to know about the first test.

"2,000?! That's crazy! Oi! Say something! Damn it!" Jaehoon shouts, calling for the angel but the angel is already gone. Jaehoon picked up the dagger and the first test started. Jaehoon expected for the goblins to appear one after another but he's wrong.

"What's this?! I didn't expect for all of them to appear all at once! Shit!" Jaehoon says, panicking about all of the goblins that are going to swarm him. One after another, Jaehoon struggles to kill them.

"If there's only one, I can go solo but this much all at once?! I'm going to die at this point!" Jaehoon says, panicking again because of how outnumbered he is compared to the goblins. Right when he finishes saying that, a goblin stabs him from behind and kills Jaehoon.

"Shit!" Jaehoon curses, knowing that he's dead. Just as the angel statue said, she will always revive Jaehoon as many times as he wants. Suddenly, Jaehoon wakes up again in the middle of the room with the same dagger in hand.

"I respawned? Damn it! I don't have time to think about this! I should get to killing these goblins first!" Jaehoon says, telling himself that it's not the time to focus on his respawns and just focus on killing the goblins first. Jaehoon starts to kill a few goblins. Despite the goblins being weakened, he still can't kill them easily and he still struggles.

Jaehoon killed 20 goblins at most and died because one of the goblins ambushed him.

The cycle keeps going for 3 hours and when it's finally the last monster, the angel statue appears again before talking. "Seems like you cleared 1,999 of them. Great job! But your final enemy will be strengthened. You're going to fight a hobgoblin! The hobgoblin will be as strong as a C-rank Irregular Hunter. Good luck!" The angel statue disappears, the last goblin suddenly turns into a hobgoblin.

"Huh? C-rank?! I barely even survive against a horde of E-rank goblins and now you're expecting me to fight a C-rank hobgoblin?! What the hell?! Damn you, stupid angel!" Jaehoon says, cursing the angel statue for giving him a harder challenge that is way above than what he expected.

Before he could do anything the hobgoblin is already charging at him. Before Jaehoon knows it, the hobgoblin attacks him but Jaehoon manages to parry the attack but he's not quick enough before getting stabbed by the hobgoblin in the stomach, dying and respawning again.

"Damn it!" Jaehoon curses, hating the fact that he's dying over and over again over this test.

"What is this test for anyway?! This is bullshit!" Jaehoon continues to curse while parrying the attacks of the hobgoblin but everything is in vain because the hobgoblin is clearly overpowering Jaehoon. For the 52nd time of respawning, Jaehoon finally got an idea of how to defeat the hobgoblin. Jaehoon relaxes himself to save his stamina for the plan. Jaehoon dodges all of the hobgoblin's attacks.

"Now!" Jaehoon says in his mind, readying himself for the plan. Jaehoon stabs the dagger to the side of the hobgoblin and then grabs the hobgoblin by the neck before taking the dagger out and stabbing the hobgoblin multiple times on the neck.

"Die! Die! Die! Die!" Jaehoon shouted while continuously stabbing the hobgoblin on the neck. After the hobgoblin dies, Jaehoon lets out a lot of heavy exhales because of exhaustion.

"Hah… hahah…. Yes! I won! I won! Yes!" Jaehoon cheers, winning the fight after 52 times of respawning. After that, the angel statue appears again.

"Good job, Jaehoon! You cleared the first test. Now, shall we get to the second test?" The angel statue says with the same innocent but evil smile.

"Before that, I want to know about what all these tests are for. I've been here for six hours. When can I go home is the second question," Jaehoon says, wanting to know about what all these tests are for.

Instead of answering, the angel statue just says "You need to find out for yourself, Jaehoon," telling Jaehoon to find it out for himself.

"What kind of bullshit are you talking about now? Find it out for myself? What a bunch of bullshit," Jaehoon says, cursing the angel statue for not giving him the answer.

"Oh my? Did I say something I shouldn't say? I'm sorry if I said something wrong, Lee Jaehoon," the angel statue says, asking if she hit a nerve with Jaehoon.

"Not that it matters. Now, let's start the second test! Your second test will be a stamina test. Your goal is easy. Survive three hours against the dungeon drakes! If you don't mind, I will excuse myself," the angel statue says before disappearing again.

"A stamina test? Dungeon drakes? What does all these mean?! Oi! Stupid angel! What the heck is all this?!" Jaehoon says, cursing at the angel statues while calling her names and he's also wondering what all these mean. Suddenly, Jaehoon got teleported to a different dungeon. This time it's a field type dungeon.

"A field type dungeon? Don't tell me…." While Jaehoon is looking around wondering what does all this mean, it finally hits him.

"That angel talked about surviving from dungeon drakes. I guess this is what she means by that," Jaehoon says, understanding the situation.

"But that angel didn't specify how many. She just said 'dungeon drakes'.... I should get ready. I feel like my stamina has already gone up after I fought all those goblins and that single hobgoblin…. But I'm not sure if I can survive the dungeon drakes…. And three hours? I struggled to kill even ten goblins that are E-rank…. I'm sure I can't defeat any of those dungeon drakes…." Jaehoon says in his mind, thinking to himself that even though his stamina has gone up, he's not sure if he can survive this test or not. Jaehoon also thinks to himself that he probably can't defeat any of those drakes because he even struggled to kill ten goblins that are weakened.

Before Jaehoon can think of a strategy, he can hear multiple heavy footsteps coming towards him from the south.

"What's that sound? Footsteps? And it sounds heavy…." Jaehoon thinks to himself, wondering what the footsteps sounds are. Right after Jaehoon finishes thinking to himself, he could see a horde of dungeon drakes coming towards him.

"That is…! Shit!" Jaehoon says, realizing the situation. Jaehoon quickly turns around and starts to run as fast as he can.

After 100 meters of running, the dungeon drakes have already caught up to Jaehoon. Jaehoon couldn't do anything and died, getting crushed by the dungeon drakes. Jaehoon respawn from the starting point. Instead of seeing the dungeon drakes keep going from the 100 meters marks, there's none of them.

"Shit! I should start running now!" Jaehoon says in his mind, realizing that each time he respawns, the dungeon drakes start running from the same point they started. This time, Jaehoon made a bit of progress and managed to run for 300 meters before dying again.

The cycle of him dying again and again keeps going. Each respawn feels like torture for Jaehoon. After 230 respawns, Jaehoon respawned for the 231st time and for the last time. Jaehoon wastes no time and starts to run. Instead of thinking about anything, Jaehoon just starts to run.

"I don't want to lose again…. This time…. I will win!" Jaehoon says in his mind, telling himself that he doesn't want to lose again and this time, he will win, no matter what.

"Eh? Am I hallucinating or it's the reality? I feel faster…. Far faster than the first time…." Jaehoon thinks to himself, realizing that he has gone faster than before. Jaehoon smiles to himself believing that this time he can pass this test. Just as the timer starts to go down and it's almost near the end, the dungeon drakes start to catch up to Jaehoon.

"There's only 25 seconds left! I can't die like this! Not when I'm this close to winning!" Jaehoon says, not wanting to give up because he's so close to winning. Just right before the dungeon drakes kill him again, Jaehoon passes the test right at the last second before his death again. Jaehoon lets out multiple heavy exhales before laying on the ground, feeling relieved that he passed the second test.

"Hah…. Hah…. Hah…. I did it…. I passed the second test…. I feel like my legs are going to come off from my hip...." Jaehoon says, feeling relieved and pain on both of his legs. The angel statue appears again but this time not in her statue form but in her physical angel form.

"Seems like you made a big progress, Lee Jaehoon. Good job for surviving the second test. Not many passed and just ended up doing suicide. I'm impressed, Lee Jaehoon," the angel says, congratulating Jaehoon for passing the second test.

"You made me do all of this for what? Your tests are so harsh. And I feel like it's been several weeks since I've been here. I'm sure my friends are now worried about me on earth," Jaehoon says coldly, asking the angel about all of these tests once again and he starts to think about his friends on earth.

"Don't worry! While you're in here, time won't move on earth! So it's fine even if you stay here for several years!" The angel says, telling Jaehoon that it's fine since time won't move on earth even though Jaehoon has been here for years.

Jaehoon says nothing but just looks at the angel with hatred towards her.

"Oh my? Did I say something that will hit a nerve? Not that it matters. Now, let's reveal the third test. This time, you won't respawn if you die which means, if you die, you die," the angel says, telling Jaehoon that she's going to reveal the third test and the ridiculous ni respawns rule for this test.

"Huh?! What?! I barely even made it out alive from the second test with respawns but now you're saying I don't have any respawns for this third test?! What kind of bullshit are you even playing right now?!" Jaehoon says angrily, complaining to the angel about barely surviving at the second test and now the angel will take away the respawns abilities for the third test.

"You can't complain now. If you don't want to take the test just to die, you can end yourself. But if you want to survive, pass the test. It's as simple as that. So? Would you reconsider, Lee Jaehoon?" The angel says, asking Jaehoon if he wants to continue or end this game by killing himself off.

"Ugh…. Fine. I'll play your stupid game if that's what you wanted," Jaehoon says, wanting to survive and get out of this all alive.

"Good! Now, the third test is simple. Before that, let's go back to the room where you fought the goblins first," the angel says, telling Jaehoon that she will reveal the third test in the room where the nine knights statues around the round table are gathered and the place where Jaehoon fought all those 2,000 goblins. Before Jaehoon knows it, he's already in the room with the angel standing in front of him.

"The third test is simple as I said. One of these knights will move. For every 20 minutes, another one will move. Your goal is to survive from getting killed by them for 20 minutes after all of them have already moved. You can do any method you want to survive. Once you pass this test, you can go back to earth. It's so simple, right? Don't worry, the knights statues won't be fast since they're big, they will be slow. That's it. Good luck," the angel says before disappearing again. Rather than talking, Jaehoon just focuses on the challenge. One knight statue starts to move and immediately walks slowly towards Jaehoon.

"They're slow…. So this won't be a problem for me," Jaehoon says in his mind, telling himself that it's not going to be a problem for him since he's already faster than before. The knight statue swings its gigantic sword at Jaehoon but Jaehoon manages to dodge since he's faster. After three hours all the knights statues had already moved and one after another, they tried to hit Jaehoon but Jaehoon agility saved him from the dangerous attacks.

"I need to survive for just 20 minutes. This won't be a problem. I hope…." Jaehoon says, thinking back to his challenge and hoping for it to not be too hard for him.

All the knight statues start to try to attack Jaehoon but Jaehoon dodge by either running and climbing on to one of the knights statues and going back down again. After 20 minutes, all the knight statues stop attacking Jaehoon and return to their original position around the round table in the middle of the room. The angel appears again in front of Jaehoon.

"Great job, Jaehoon. You managed to pass the final test. Good job. Very good job. Alright, I will send you back to earth. But before that, why don't you try to say the word 'system' in your mind?" The angel says, telling Jaehoon that she will send Jaehoon back to earth after Jaehoon does what she told him to do.

"Huh? Say what? System?" Jaehoon asks the angel but the angel stays silent.

"System," Jaehoon says in his mind. Suddenly, an interface appears in front of Jaehoon.

"Did you see it? The interface? If you do so, that means, it's successfully integrated to you. The system will help you grow stronger. For now, you're weak. The system has quests. Each time you clear a quest, you will receive exp. And there's level as well. Each time you level up, you will receive five stat points. You can use these stat points to increase your stats. There's also skills, weapons, armors, accessories and other stuff but we don't have time to explain everything. Slowly but surely, you will understand how the system works. Right now, you're weaker than an E-rank Irregular Hunter. You need to level up to get stronger. The dagger that you used in the first test will be given to you as your starter weapon. I almost forgot to mention. You can obtain weapons, armors, accessories and resources to craft items by clearing quests, gates and killing special monsters. That's all. I will now be sending you back to earth," the angel says, explaining the basics of the system to Jaehoon so he knows how to use the system.

Before Jaehoon could talk, he woke up in his bedroom. "I'm back? This is my bedroom? And the date? It's already tomorrow? Was that a dream or was that a reality?" Jaehoon says, asking himself about the encounter if that's a dream or a reality.

"Hmm…. System," Jaehoon says and the system interface appears again in front of Jaehoon.

"It is real. So the system is integrated into me. If I remember the angel said I'm weak? Even weaker than an E-rank Irregular Hunter? That's bad," Jaehoon says, realizing that everything was real and the system really is integrated into him. Jaehoon takes his phone and calls In-Seok. After a while, In-Seok answers.

"Hello? What is it, Jaehoon?" In-Seok says, asking Jaehoon what he needs from the phone.

"I just want to say that I can't come to your family dinner today. I have the commissions that Hana gave me to do. So, I'm sorry I can't attend it," Jaehoon says, apologizing for not having the free time to attend In-Seok's family's dinner.

"It's fine. I understand that you're busy, Jaehoon. Well, you can do your thing first. See you at campus on Monday," In-Seok says, respecting the choice if Jaehoon does not attend his family's dinner.

"Yeah. See you on Monday," Jaehoon says, telling In-Seok to see him on Monday at campus before hanging up the call.

"Hah…. System, quest, exp, stats…. Everything sounds so unreal. But what can I even do about it? It's already here in front of my own eyes anyway," Jaehoon says while laying down and staring at the ceiling, accepting the fact that everything the angel said was real.

"So this is like an RPG game. Do I have daily quests or not? I should check it out. Quest," Jaehoon says, telling himself that all of it is like an RPG game before checking the quest tab. The system interface opens up the quest page and reveals the quests available including daily quests. Jaehoon sits up on his bed and looks at the available quests.

"There's so many quests…. I think I should do the daily quest first," Jaehoon says, reading the information of the daily quest.

"Clear a Gate, huh? When I'm not even an Irregular Hunter, it asked me to clear a Gate. I can't even enter a Gate if I'm a normal citizen. I should just accept it first and then I'll go register myself as a new Irregular Hunter. Accept the daily quest," Jaehoon says, surprised to see so many available quests. Jaehoon decided to take the daily quest and right after he accepted the daily quest, a small Gate appeared in his room.

"A Gate?! Wait…. Is this the Gate for my daily quest?" Jaehoon says, surprised to see a Gate but he starts to assume that this Gate was probably the Gate he needs to clear for his daily quest.

"Eh? I can sense mana now…. Is this the doing of the system as well? If I remember, people who aren't an Irregular Hunter can't sense mana but now I can sense mana? Does that mean I just awakened?" Jaehoon says, sensing the mana emitted by the Gate. Jaehoon realizes that he's already awakened as an Irregular Hunter.

"The mana emitted from the Gate is not that strong…. I'm guessing it's around E-rank to low D-rank. I should get going now," Jaehoon says, realizing the mana emitted from the Gate is not that strong and he assumes the Gate is around E-rank to low D-rank.

Jaehoon considers everything first and he's a little bit nervous but Jaehoon finally decides to step into the Gate. When Jaehoon steps out of the other side, he's greeted with the dungeon. The dungeon is big and it seems like an insect nest.

"Multiple ways leading to god knows where…. This is probably an insect nest. Ants? Giant bees? Arachnids? I can't specify what it is. But whatever is in here, there's tons of them," Jaehoon thinks to himself, thinking about the dungeon that looks like an insect nest but he can't specify what type of insects. Jaehoon ready himself for whatever is lurking in the dungeon.

"How do I equip the dagger that I got from the test? Hm…. Maybe…." Jaehoon says, thinking to himself how do he equip the dagger that he got from the first test.

"Equip" Jaehoon says, hoping he would equip the dagger. It's not a surprise and it actually works.

The dagger appears in Jaehoon's hand and Jaehoon grips the dagger to confirm if it's real.

"So I can just store it and nothing could detect the weapon I have, huh? That's actually great. I will also guess that I can throw the dagger away and it will go back into my inventory and right back at my hand. That's really convenient," Jaehoon thinks to himself, feeling grateful for the use of the inventory mechanism. Jaehoon walks down one of the hallways in the dungeon. While walking, Jaehoon can feel the presence of monsters near him.

"Five…. I can sense five of them. And they're at least E-rank," Jaehoon says in his mind, sensing the presence of the monsters near him. From the end of the dark hallway, multiple giant spiders appear in front of Jaehoon. Jaehoon wastes no time and gets ready for battle. The spiders screech and start to charge at Jaehoon but Jaehoon quickly acts and dodge the first attacks and kills it in one go. Jaehoon dodge another one that tries to attack him. He parries some of its attacks before killing it.

"Three more," Jaehoon says in his mind, looking at the last three of the spiders in front of him.

The spiders start to charge at Jaehoon all at once but Jaehoon quickly dodges all of their attacks and kills all three of them one after another. Thanks to his agility, Jaehoon has the upper hand.

[You have killed five giant spiders], the system interface pops up in front of Jaehoon telling him that he killed five giant spiders.

[You have leveled up], the system informs Jaehoon that he leveled up one time.

"I leveled up, huh? That's great. I think I'm going to put the stat points into agility first," Jaehoon says, considering putting the stat points into agility first. Jaehoon puts all the available stat points into agility and now he's faster and he feels like his attacks are lighter. Each swing feels like swinging a feather.

"I feel both faster in speed and lighter for attacks. So agility increases my speed and attack speed. I see how stat works now," Jaehoon says, understanding how the system works.

"Let's continue down this dungeon. I need to clear this daily quest first"