August thought his closest safehouse was surprisingly in good condition, considering he'd been gone for a week of just killing and wandering around. He'd figured the safehouse would be a better place for Layla instead of standing around waiting for the next group of Taliban militia appearing. He remembered the way she looked at him when he returned after leaving a trail of bodies behind him.
"Those weren't the eyes of someone looking at a person. Those were the eyes of a child feeling like they were looking at an animal. An animal that could nuzzle into you one moment, then tear out your throat in the other. I should fix that, but how?", August thought as he sat Layla on the living room couch. He had to carry her on the way as she wouldn't move herself like she was rooted to the ground.
August moves to sit next to Layla, which startles her. He looks around the room, the room largely untouched except for residual dust that he never bothered with. August takes a deep breath, as he takes off his shades and starts to undo the wraps that cover his face. Layla watches with surprise as the wraps give way to an unexpected sight.
"You said you were a man?", she says.
"Why are you so…pretty?"
"B-bwah, ha, ha, ha, ha!" August's laughter is so unexpected it startles Layla. The laughter dies down as August begins to apologize to her.
"Ha, ha! Heh! Sorry, sorry. It's just…that's the first time I've heard someone call me pretty. Thanks, I guess.", he says with a mirthful smile.
Layla is confused by his amusement. Normally, a man in these parts would take offense to being called pretty. Layla also notices that even his laugh doesn't have the deep baritone that you would hear from a man. His voice, too soft and light to be masculine, yet too deep a pitch to be feminine.
"Strange.", she thinks.
"So, I'm going to go to the bathroom. You can stay here and sleep if you want. Do whatever, actually. Just tell me if you're hungry or thirsty, alright?", August says as he gets up from the couch, taking off his robes. The robes fall onto the couch, revealing a slender, androgynous, athletic frame, covered in a slim fit black turtleneck, black pants, and yellow boots. He sets his sword in its scabbard leaning it against the side of the couch and then walks down the hallway.
August takes his shower with haste, as he knows the water won't last forever. This safehouse wasn't meant to be used for extended periods of time, and he guesses at three more days before living here is unsustainable. He finishes his shower and steps out of the old ceramic tub, using an old blanket as a makeshift towel to dry himself. He gazes at his form in the cracked, stained mirror, his androgynous face looking back.
"A childhood spent hiding this from the world. The countless hours I've spent here in Afghanistan using it to my advantage. Woe is me, I guess.", August thinks as he ceases drying himself and begins to put his clothes back on. Once done, he turns to the mirror to begin fixing his hair.
"You would never accept me having hair this long, but I stopped caring a long time ago. I love you too much to forget you. This hairstyle was yours, now it's mine to remember you by", He thinks to himself as he ties his hair into a mid ponytail that leaves hair framing his face. He reaches for the medicine cabinet, taking out a testosterone supplement. He swallows the pill with practiced ease, the habit ingrained in him since he was eight. He looks back at himself in the mirror, his features and hairstyles now making him resemble his deceased mother. "I love you, Mom.", August's last thought as he turns and leaves the bathroom, before the memory of her death can return to haunt him for the rest of the day.
August walks back into the living room, seeing Layla lying down on her back on the couch and staring at the ceiling. He deliberately walks with more force, wanting to snap Layla out of her thoughts, to let her know he's still there. Layla turns her eyes towards him and widens her eyes, calming down as she recognizes him. August then makes his way towards the kitchenette area, opening the cabinets for still edible food.
"Would you like something to eat now? I'm gonna eat now.", August says as he takes out a package of instant noodles. He activates the hot place on the counter next to him and retrieves a pot from the shelf above the hot plate.
"...Yes.", Layla says meekly, as hunger pangs run through her body.
"Alright.", he says as he takes another package and sets it by the first. A couple of minutes pass by in silence as he waits for the water in the pot to start boiling. Once bubbling from convection, he opens the packaging and drops the instant noodles within the boiling water.
"Maybe…just maybe it won't be so bad trying to live anymore.", Layla thinks as a bowl is set on the table in front of her.