WebNovelMy BF(F)33.33%

Chapter 1

Third person point of view

Aravind continued to tap the buttons with half of his mind on the game and the other filled with various other things. The game finally ended with his loss. He let out a small sigh and turned to look at his best friend, Dev, Devanand. Dev put his controller away and turned to Aravind. " Did something happen ? " Aravind shook his head at the question. 

" Then ? " Dev asked and turned to pick up the water bottle on the side. He took a few gulps and put it back in its place. Aravind didn't give any answer. Dev gave his attention to him, waiting for Aravind to say it. Aravind fiddled with the controls, not able to look at Dev. " I... " He started but couldn't finish it. He gulped hard. 

Dev leaned a little forward to hear what Aravind wanted to say. " Hmm ? " " I... uff.. " Aravind finally built up his courage and looked up at Dev who was looking at him wondering what he wanted to say. It was his best friend and there was no need to have any fear. They've known each other for so long.

Aravind was well aware that Dev was definitely someone he valued a lot so he had the right to know about it and he trusted him more than anyone. He let out a breath and finally said it. " I am gay ". Aravind looked at Dev who stared right back at him. Aravind could guess nothing from Dev's face. It was blank. He bit the inside of his cheek waiting for Dev's reaction.

2 weeks ago

Dev was looking at the shirts that were displayed. He took one out and stood back looking at it. " Hello Nandu ". He heard a greeting and turned to look in the direction. He found a girl walking up to him. " Hey ". He greeted back, putting the shirt back in its place and gave a polite smile. She was Preethi, his ex girlfriend. 

They dated for a while but somehow they felt like they weren't actually that into each other and they just broke up mutually and peacefully. So even if they crossed paths, they could be friendly with each other. Preethi smiled back. " How are you doing ? " Dev shrugged and both of them chuckled. " So what brings you here ? " Dev asked. 

It was men's wear only store after all. " My brother wanted to buy some shirts. He is trying them on ". Dev nodded. " Where is Aravind ? " Preethi asked glancing around. Dev was about to say it but stopped after opening his mouth. " What about him ? " He asked back instead. " Well... I guessed you wouldn't be alone shopping so- " 

She gave a shrug. Dev raised an eyebrow and gave a slow nod. " He is in the trial room ". Preethi nodded. " How are you both ? " Dev frowned. " Would something happen ? " Dev asked still confused. Preethi gave another shrug. Dev folded his hands. " You are sounding really weird. You know that right ? " 

" Do I ? " Preethi asked back with a chuckle. Dev suddenly felt déjà vu. Now that he thought about it, Preethi's way of enquiring about Aravind has always been like this. Dev couldn't pin point the intention behind the tone and asked the thing that came to his mind. " Do you like Aravind ? " Preethi laughed at the question. 

" Shouldn't you actually ask yourself that ? " Dev let out a small laugh. His eyebrows knitted in confusion. " What ? What do you mean ? " Preethi's eyes widened at his words. " Don't tell me you still didn't figure it out ". Dev was totally out of the loop now. " Figure what out ? " Preethi stared at him in disbelief. 

" You remember what I told you when we broke up ? " Dev thought back to his third semester and recited the words Preethi told him. " Something along the lines of 'I guess you need to look properly about who you actually like. They might be near you'. Right ? " Preethi nodded. " And you still didn't know ? " 

Dev thought about it and still didn't catch on. Preethi sighed and face palmed. " I never expected a day would come where I need to enlighten you like this ". Dev waited for her to finish. " You actually didn't realize you like Aravind ? " Dev just looked at Preethi dumbfounded. There was silence for two seconds as they had a stare down. 

Dev unfolded his hands; his expression stuck between confusion and disbelief. He couldn't even bring himself to smile it off properly. " You are joking right ? " Dev questioned and Preethi curtly shook her head. Dev scoffed. " What are you saying ? There's no- " Preethi rolled her eyes and cut him off. 

" Did you ever think about the way you look at Aravind ? Even when we were dating the only time you ever smiled widely was when you spoke about him. The way you always had Aravind on your mind at times even though you were with me... And I don't know... just... you with Aravind is more 'you'. How come you never realized it ? " 

Dev shook his head. " It is nothing like that. It is just that he is a really big part of my life and I've known him for as long as I remember. He is my best friend after all and of course I am like myself when I am with him. I guess you are reading too much into it ". Dev explained but Preethi shook her head disapprovingly. 

" You can just keep telling yourself that. But let me tell you, that is definitely not the case ". Preethi said and Dev put his hands on his hips looking around. He didn't know why he was feeling so conflicted. " Preethi ". A guy called and came to stand beside Preethi and looked Dev up and down. 

" He is from my college ". Preethi introduced Dev to her brother. " This is my brother ". The both of them exchanged a hand shake and greetings. Her brother turned to her. " I will go pay for these ". Preethi nodded. " I will catch up in a minute ". Her brother nodded and went away. Preethi turned to Dev. 

" I am saying it for your own good. A woman's intuition works a lot better than you estimate it to be. And I know what a man's eyes are like when he looks at someone he likes. It is fine if you don't believe me. I am not going to force you or anything. I just thought you would realize it by now, but it looks like you didn't. I hope you remember that if you don't realize it early and he actually slips off your hand, you might never have a chance and will be left with regret. There will also be no use realizing it then ". 

Preethi said and Dev frowned. His chest felt a bit tight. Preethi turned to see her brother was almost done. " One last thing. Next time, if possible, look at yourself in the mirror while thinking about Aravind. If you think your reflection is still telling you that it is just because he is a friend, then I have nothing to say about it ". 

Dev let out a breath and rubbed his neck. Preethi shrugged. " I am sorry for speaking all of this but... it is kind of a personal matter and maybe a bit weird or uncomfortable, but losing someone you like without even trying is a pity. And I don't think I am wrong. This is a not so common situation but I think you've got a chance. Just my gut feeling ". 

She smiled, raised her hands in surrender. " I am not trying to make up anything or give you false hopes okay. It is just my stand on this whole scenario. Anyways, all the best. I will get going ". She waved at him and walked away. Dev also waved back and just stood there not knowing what to say. 

He then walked to wait near the trial rooms as it has been a while since Aravind went in. Preethi's words kept going around in his mind as he stared at the floor. " Dev ". He heard his name and looked up. He saw Aravind in a black sherwani standing there with a small smile. Dev's eyes went wide looking at Aravind. 

Aravind's skin tone was on the fairer side and he was not a fan of playing outdoors. The black looked darker in contrast to his skin tone and it fit him really well. The mirrors on the coat were reflecting the light and glistening like diamonds. Aravind seemed to be shining just as brightly. Aravind looked at his own reflection and checked the fit. 

" It is a bit heavy, but I like it. It is better than the red one. What do you say ? " Dev nodded in a daze. Aravind also nodded after getting approval. " Let's get this. I will change and be back ". Aravind went to change out of it. Dev looked at his own face on the wall mirror in front of him. He looked completely awe struck. 

His eyes widened when he noticed his own expression. He shook his head and quickly got rid of those thoughts. He might be overthinking because of what Preethi said. He let out a breath and waited. Aravind finished changing back. " Let's go ? " Dev nodded and they paid the bill. They walked out of there and went back home.