I ran after Martha as she carried my bags, my voice echoing through the empty hallway.
"Where are you taking my things?" I demanded for what felt like the tenth time. Still, Martha said nothing, her silence stroking my frustration.
"I'm talking to you, Martha! Where are you taking them?"
Finally, she stopped and turned, her upper lip curling in disdain.
"Mrs. Chase demanded your things be thrown out," she said with a smirk that only deepened the ache in my chest.
From the moment I stepped foot into the Chase household as a maid five years ago, Martha had made her dislike for me crystal clear. That hatred still burned as fiercely as it did on day one.
"I don't understand," I whispered, my voice breaking. "What did I do?"
Martha shrugged, clearly enjoying herself. "She'll tell you herself. For now, leave this house."
The tears welling up in my eyes threatened to spill, but I held them back, if only barely.
Outside, I sat on the cold ground, clutching my knees, waiting for Mrs. Chase to appear. I had no idea how long I sat there, shivering and staring at the door, but eventually, I heard her voice from within.
"What did I do, ma'am?" I cried, standing to bang on the door. "Please, tell me what I did!"
At last, the door swung open, and Mrs. Chase stepped out, her expression cold as steel.
"What are you still doing here?" she thundered. "Didn't I make myself clear? Leave this property, or I'll have security remove you!"
"I don't understand," I stammered, the tears finally spilling over. "I haven't done anything wrong! If I have, please, let me explain."
Mrs. Chase's sharp gaze pinned me in place as she threw a folded piece of paper at my feet. "Explain this."
I froze, my heart dropping into my stomach. The pregnancy report.
I stared at it, my mind racing. How had it gotten into her hands? Only one name came to mind. Martha. she must have gone to my room.
"Did a cat cut your tongue?" Mrs. Chase sneered. "Suddenly, you can't speak?"
I bent down, picked up the report, and shoved it into my bag. My hands trembled as I searched for Jason. He had to know what was happening.
"Where's Jason?" I asked, glancing around frantically. "Does he know what you're doing to me?"
Mrs. Chase's nostrils flared. "What does my son have to do with this?"
"He's the father of my child," I said, clutching my stomach.
Her hand flew across my face so fast, I barely saw it coming. The sharp sting spread across my cheek as I staggered back.
"You lowlife," she hissed. "How dare you accuse my son of being responsible for that bastard you're carrying? After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay my family?"
The tears came freely now, spilling over in hot streams down my cheeks. The pain in my heart was sharper than the slap.
"Jason is the father," I pleaded. "We're in love."
Mrs. Chase laughed, a cold, hollow sound that cut deep. "Love? My son would never stoop so low as to be with someone like you."
Her words hit me like a dagger. I'd always known we came from different worlds. I was just a maid, and he was the heir to a fortune. But Jason had told me none of that mattered. He'd said he loved me, that he wanted this baby. Was it all a lie?
Just then, the door opened, and Jason stepped out. Relief surged through me. He'd clear everything up.
"Jason, look at me," his mother demanded, her voice sharp. "Are you responsible for this… this atrocity?" She pointed to my stomach.
I held my breath, the rain around us the only sound as I waited for his answer.
Jason's eyes met mine, and in that instant, I knew I had been played.
"I'm not responsible for her pregnancy, Mother," he said, his voice calm and detached. "I've never had anything to do with her. She must have been seeing someone else."
The world tilted beneath my feet.
"Jason," I choked, dropping to my knees. "Please, tell her you're lying. Tell her you love me, that we were going to be together. Was everything you told me this evening all a lie?. I can't believe I fell for that. I should have known.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Scarlett," he replied, not meeting my gaze.
"You witch!" Mrs. Chase spat. "Get off my property before I call security."
"Jason, please!" I begged, sobbing as the rain soaked me to the bone. "Tell her the truth!"
But he said nothing, turning back inside and closing the door behind him.
I crumbled, my tears blending with the rain. My whole world had shattered, leaving me utterly alone. No family, no shelter, no one to turn to.
Mrs. Chase gave me one last look of contempt before retreating inside.
I sat there, drenched and defeated, until the cook, Maria, approached me, her face lined with sympathy.
"Oh, Scarlett," she murmured, wiping her tears. "Don't come back here. They don't deserve you."
She handed me a key and pressed some money into my hand. "It's not much, but it'll get you through for a few days. The key is to the Cottage at the back. But you have to promise me you will leave there early tomorrow morning, it can't be known you're staying there. I will lose my Job. I just can't see you out in this cold by this time. Take care of that child, my dear. I hope I'll see you again."
"Thank you, Maria," I whispered, clinging to her kindness like a lifeline.