Chapter 4: Bizzare Night and Explanation

When I was about to go to sleep, I heard the noise of Akari's room opening.

What could she be up to this late?

Should I check? I don't know, but my heart says that I should.

So I made my way outside the room, and right in front of the kitchen area, I saw Akari.

She looked at me, but her eyes were closed.

— "Hey, Akari? Stop kidding around. I'm not afraid of these tricks anymore," I said before going to her, but my leg bashed into a chair, and I fell on top of her.

My hands were on her Chest, and my mouth was as close as her lips…

Was she sleepwalking?

She was slowly opening her eyes.

Please don't wake up. Please don't wake up…

She wakes up completely and looks at me, then down at her chest.

When she realizes the situation, she slaps me so hard I fall over besides the table. She quickly gets up.

— "You pervert! You were taking advantage of me?! I knew it!" she shouted.

I'm on my knees, looking at her before saying—

— "You got it all wrong! Let me expla—"

I was about to defend myself before getting interrupted by—

— "SHUT UP!" she yelled before storming into her room and locking it.

Shit… This is all messing up. This is the thing I was worried about. I wanted to stay away from her, but now everything is ruined. I don't know what to do… How should I explain?

The telephone in our room rings from the hallway side. I quickly go there.

— "Who could be calling this late? And at such a messed-up time…" I said to myself before picking it up.

— "Hello?" I said.

— "What in the world is going on up there?"

I recognize this voice. It's Uncle Mashira.

— "Oh, Uncle, it's you. No, it's nothing… It's not that serious," I said to him.

— "What's all this noise about? Can you explain, kid?" Mashira asked.

— "No, it was just… Akari was so hungry she screamed." I couldn't come up with anything else.

— "Seriously? For hunger?" he asked again.

— "She didn't eat anything the whole day. I guess that reaction makes sense," I said.

— "Poor girl must have been starving. I had some rice balls left. Tell her if she wants some?" Mashira asked.

— "No need, Uncle. I already gave her a cup of ramen," I said.

— "Good! You two are getting along. That's good to hear. Six months will go on comfortably."

Getting along? Things have gone way farther than that…

— "Yes, Uncle. I think the same way," I said.

— "So go to sleep, kid. It's already pretty late," he said.

— "Yes, Uncle. Good night," I said before hanging up.

It felt so bad lying to him, but I had to. I still remember what he said to Akari earlier today—

— "If he ever does something wrong to you, just tell me. I'll kick him out of this house myself. But I don't think he's that kind of person. I trust him. He's a good kid."

He made a promise to Akari. And most importantly, he has faith in me. If he hears about this, everything will be ruined.

For now, I need some rest. I'll try to explain the situation to her tomorrow.

This night was way too bizarre for no reason…

Next Day

The morning sun finally shines after the most disastrous night of my life.

I wake up, lift my head from the pillow, and the first thing that comes to mind is the event that took place last night. I lay on my back before muttering to myself—

— "Yeah… so it wasn't a dream. I did touch Akari's balloons… What the hell am I saying?"

I punched my own face.

— "Even though it was a great experience—Wait, did I just say 'great experience'?! Ughhh…" I groaned.

Oh shit, I'm talking to myself again. If she hears me, she'll definitely think I'm a creep. I don't want her to think of me as something I'm not.

I jumped out of bed and went outside my room. As I unlocked my door and turned right, I saw Akari stepping out of her room at the same time. We both stood there, looking at each other, until she scoffed—

— "Hmph."

Then, without another word, she walked away toward the kitchen.

I quickly followed after her. She glanced back at me before speaking.

— "So now you're going to follow me like a creep? Maybe that's the only side of you I didn't see last night."

She looked a little down… Of course, she's a girl, and I know she's embarrassed about what happened. I understand how she feels, but I have to explain myself.

— "Trust me, please! It was a mistake. You're misunderstanding me right now," I said, stepping closer.

— "Yeah? I was on the floor, your hands were on my boobs, your mouth was inches from my lips, and you're telling me I'm misunderstanding? Huh?" she said boldly.

— "Yes! You are misunderstanding, and I need to explain! I don't want you to think of me as something I'm not!"

— "Why do you care, huh? Let me think whatever I want about you. You don't need to clear things up like I'm your girlfriend or something."

— "That's not the point! I'm not that kind of person—not just with you, but with anyone in this damn world! I can't let anyone think of me as something I'm not. So I have to explain. I need to."

I was getting out of breath.

Akari's eyes widened. Why is this guy going so far just to explain himself? It's not like I'd kill him or anything… Well, I wanted to after last night, but still. He could've just ignored me for the next six months, but instead, he's here desperately trying to clear things up.

His eyes… I think I can trust them.

Akari looked away, crossing her arms.

— "Okay. Explain, then."

I sighed in relief. Finally, she was willing to listen.

— "Jeez, thanks. Now listen—"

— "Just say it already! Your voice is annoying," she interrupted.

I smirked slightly, annoyed, but sighed before speaking again.

— "Alright. Let me start."

— "Do whatever, just do it quickly," she said, rolling her eyes.

I took a deep breath.

— "So… last night, when you were sleepwalking—"

I stopped mid-sentence when I saw her face suddenly turn red.

— "Hey? Are you blushing?" I asked.

Her ears turned bright red as she quickly covered her face.

— "H-Huh? Who's blushing? I'm not blushing! No one's blushing! Just say what you were saying already! And stop noticing everything!" she said, flustered.

— "So you were blushing. I thought you caught a fever or something."

— "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?! I'M NOT BLUSHING, YOU MORON!" she shouted, getting out of breath before sighing again.

— "Just say what you were saying already…"

— "Right. So, when you were sleepwalking, I thought you were just kidding around—"

— "Why did you think I was kidding around?" she interrupted.

— "You used to do that back in elementary school."

— "We're not kids anymore, playing ghost or whatever," she said, crossing her arms.

— "Well, I thought maybe you were still like that," I replied.

— "I don't even remember those days, and I don't want to."

— "I see…"

The atmosphere suddenly got quiet before Akari spoke again.

— "Whatever. Just say what happened and get it over with."

— "Right, so I thought you were joking around, so I started walking toward you and—"

— "And?" she asked, curious.

— "And I fell."

— "You fell?"

— "I fell."

— "Oh."

She was silent for a few seconds before suddenly shouting—

— "YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT CRAP?! How do you just fall on a clear surface?!"

— "Jeez, listen to the whole story before making comments!"

— "You weren't saying anything, idiot!"

— "Well, you should've asked how I fell, then!"

She looked at me, frustrated, before sighing.

— "Ughh… Fine. How did you fall?"

— "Perfect," I said before explaining, "My leg bashed into the chair, and then I fell onto you. I didn't have any control over my body, alright?"

— "You really are an idiot, aren't you?"

— "I don't know about that, but I'm definitely not the person you thought I was last night. Think of me as an idiot, a moron, whatever you want."

— "Those all mean the same thing," she said flatly.

— "Whatever! Just don't think of me as a guy who'd take advantage of someone."

Akari sighed. He got so worked up over this… I think I can trust him—for now.

— "Okay, I trust you for now. But if this ever happens again, I'm telling Uncle Mashira," she warned, pointing at the floor.

I need to keep a lot of distance from her now…

— "It won't happen again," I said firmly.

— "And also, don't come anywhere near me if you see me sleepwalking again," she added.

— "Wait… that means you sleepwalk often?"

That question caught Akari off guard. Her face turned deep red.

— "T-That's none of your business! And I've wasted enough time on you. I need some peace of mind," she said before storming off to her room and slamming the door hard.

I sighed.

— "Does she have to slam the door after every conversation with me?"

Either way, at least I managed to fix the situation.

But now I'm starving.

Checking the clock, I realized—

— "Shit, it's already 9 AM… I have college at 11."

I guess I'll eat something first then finally begin our new journey…