The Church...

The little girl enter the church and was about to yell loudly to tell everyone about the tear droplets but immediately went silent when she saw Sister Madea standing infront of another little girl.

This little girl is two year older then her and her name is Izumi Midori her father is not from there kingdom but from foreign place making her completely black hair and eyes quite unique.

She came to the church when she was only two year old after the death of her father, her mother remarried but didn't took her to her new family and leave her in the church.

Well in the kingdom of flower there's a rule if both parents refuse to take custody of the child they had to pay child support but this happen incase of divorce.

If one of the parent die and the other one remarry but refuse to take care of the child they had to pay not only to child but to church also.

This type of child are also known as goden child but how much they had to pay depend on there background or job.

Incase of housewife her new husband job will decide the amount but incase of them being farmer they only had to pay 10 copper coin 5 copper coin to child, 5 copper coin to the church.

Midori mother also had remarry a farmer so she only had to pay 10 copper coin every month unlike child like her.

Who had been left behind on the door of the church, this church is not very rich just keeping them from starving.

This is one of the reason why even though she is three year old she looks like two year of she had big head and small body making people feel worried about the child health.

There are not many child's in the church only 13 children but since it's build in village where no one is very rich enough to donate some money to the church.

The only time the church receive huge donation is only on the two days one on mage day when whole country celebrate holiday and read the history of the mages.

Second one is the Magic day when all people go to the church of goddess of magic Tamira people tend to donate money on these days.

The church had gaint statue of goddess Tamira a small door which lead to the place these kids leave.

When cross the door one will find themself in the small kitchen and dinning area just infront of it, step step ahead another door lead to the bedroom of the kids.

There are five room,each room had four bed theres also bathroom outside of the church the backyard had been turn into vegetables garden there was also a shed where they used to keep a cow which was one of there main source of there food.

But last winter the roof of the shelter fall which result into few children catching fever cause of the cold luckily no one was injured from the fall of the shelter.

But this force sister Madea to sell the cow to repair the roof along with the medicine from the kids but now without the cow they can only relau on the vegetables garden.

With the cow to used to get milk every morning which was the main source of nutrients for the children sister Madea secretly had cried about the misfortune.

The shelter is known as happy house which was the only church and shelter among the six village there's also a church in the town which is much bigger and in better situation.

Sister Madea had tried to talk to the church to target few kids there but the reply was same they can't handle more kids.

There are not many kids like Midori,among the 13 children there are 7 girls and 6 boys in the church of diffrent age and Midori is only child from the foreign region.

The child name is Nero who had seen the tear droplets scene today, the girl had turn three year old few days ago.

She already had gone under the magic efficiency test few days ago but looking at Midori who is going under magic efficiency test again.

Sister Madea is holding a small stone as she pour her mana in the stone when the stone was warm enough she place the stone on Midori head, Midori already had gone through the test.

So she already know what she needs to do, when the stone was placed on her head she close her eyes and let the stone suck her energy sister Madea then pick up the stone and place it on the little blue plate.

The stone is pinch black in colour with tear shaped mark in light blue colour on the surface, the blue plate had small stone with diffrent number on it and symbols.

The small stone are as big as marble when the big stone was placed on the plate the tiny stone start moving and form a number along with other symbols.

These symbols represent element to tell about the element efficiency both things are diffrent but they are very important in the life of a mage or best master.

Sister Madea beast is actually water type best a venom star fish, this beast whole body is poisonous one need to be careful around it.

But when a person got a best that is poisonous they develop curtain level immunity towards it which can be very good thing although having a beast is good thing.

But for the church which is having trouble feeding children the problem of feeding beast make the situation much more worse.

Not only that but some kids are trying to get duel beast so they can go much higher in the field of being beast master.

Being water type beast venom star fish needed to be hydrated every hour but when the beast master reach certain level the beast can live without the water.