'Changes starts in your thoughts...'


I slowed down while running almost coming to an abrupt stop when I saw the dark pit, at the back of my head I knew I should ignore and ran away as possible but my curiosity wanted to pry more, what exactly fell here. I must have been out of my mind to even notice that something else was going on in my body which I still quite not to know yet.

My breath was getting heavy by the minute while I panted I felt the suffocation like someone is clawing at my neck it was getting unbearable. I was sweating all over my body yet it was chilly at the night under the full moon...

"Full moon....." and that's when I noticed a very different night of the forest. I usually come here and watched the moon from below as I enjoy it's melody but..."it's full moon" I started panicking but seemed my legs had their own mind that they headed to the pit.

"This might be crazy but.....shit am going in" life is too short to think 'or it's gonna be short for you' my conscious nagged at me but I barely listen to it, maybe today I will make the biggest discovery "let's hope this alien doesn't actually kill me on spot" I got chills.

The dark pit surprisingly didn't have anything on it "damn it!" I was disappointed at the moment, i wanted to rediscover things like usually but all I got was a damn "necklace....." I eyed the sun made necklace that actually got my interest, at the weight of it I knew it was real gold but that's all I saw nothing else "whatever let's get home" I groaned as I made my way up but just then I felt a sharp pain on my spine making me trip over the tree branches and falling to the ground "urgh....." It was painful like someone was burning my back, I didn't know what was happening but it was painful to handle and then suddenly it stopped. "The hell..." I was now confused, this whole thing was very confusing I knew I need to get out of here asap, but my legs ... wouldn't move at all.

But then I understood the whole situation, it was full moon, the air would be charged with a mysterious energy awakening the sense, usually I don't go out during the full moon because I have been warned

'Never be out during the full moon' my grandfather had warned me so many times.

During the full moon the old wives' tales speak of the moon's pull affecting the body, much like it governs the tides of the ocean, and then there are legends passed down through generations.

"I was young, he sounded crazy" I whispered to myself but now I can clearly see he wasn't kidding about this one. I heard howls and it was no secret those were wolves of course they transform during the full moon, creatures of myth said to emerge under the full moon's power.

Also the full moon is the time the veil between worlds is thin and magic is said to be strongest a night of spells and enchantments.

My breathing got labored yet again as the thoughts of what's worst ran through my mind continuously as I remembered all the teachings my grandfather left to me "he was serious was he?" I groaned yet again felling weak explains why I can't move a limb.

I had to shelter myself immediately even if it meant crawling under the stone caves and that's what I did before another sharp pain struck on me yet again and this time it was ten times worse "arghhhghhhh" a horrified scream left my mouth as I felt like my soul was leaving my body. Suddenly it was like I could see through the darkness of the forest. Seeing the eyes of the predators hungry for the blood of their preys and I was their prey at the moment. In that moment of pain I could feel them come closer and closer as I was screaming in pain and some how I managed to crawl under a rock while my heart felt being pulled from different strings in different directions.

I tried as much as possible to stay calm as the pain took a new course. My head hurt like I was banging it onto the rock and someone pulling my hair at the same time, my body felt like it was transforming in the inside explains the pain I was going through at the moment...but I don't think I can hold on, will I really survive the night? Or will I be the prey to the animals in this forest trying to grasp fresh blood...


Dal-min fell onto the ground as his body shook with shock, he was in pain that his mind couldn't register anymore of what was happening at the moment.

The forest almost shook as animals ran wildly trying to find where the screams came from but Dal-min bit his lower lip hard that it drew blood to be as quite as possible but he knows he can't hold on more.

As the moon fully took course he widened his eyes that had already turned to what was shinny grey eyes, his body went stiff immediately as if something was trying to get into his body and he was trying to fight it as hard as possible but he can't hold no more.

His hair turned to bright silver from deep into the roots as it took over his whole head. At this point the wild animals had found him. They had took a surrounding at him, baring their fangs and he felt helpless 'am I gonna die like this' he thought to himself as the predators walked closer and closer. He closed his eyes to feel less pain from the impact but didn't come, suddenly a strong beam of light was formed knocking each and everything out of his way like a protection shield, he didn't see that.....

When he never felt the pain he opened his eyes only to find he was just alone here "was I saved?" he looked around but it was only him "doesn't matter, need ..to get...out of ....here" he managed to stand up and try to ran as fast as possible to his rescue...

Panic surged through his veins as he darted through the dense forest, underbush scratching at his legs and the ominous sounds of pursuit echoing behind him. His breathe came in ragged gasps, the cold air stinging his lungs as he pushed his body to it's limits, desperate to escape the unseen danger just lurked out of sight.

The path ahead was fraught with obstacles, roots threatened to trip him and thickets of thorns stood ready to ensare, but the fear lent him agility and maneuvered through the natural traps.

As Min ran, he felt he was close he could see his house just a few steps further, he smiled he was closer he can finally escape but...

The whole forest began to spin, the shapes of trees and carousel colors blurring before his eyes. He reached out for something, anything to hold himself steady but his fingers grasped at empty air, a wave of nausea washing over him. His heartbeat was a drum in his ears too fast, too loud, drowning out the world as it tipped and turned on its axis.

He felt strength draining from his limbs, his knees under the weight of his own body and then everything was getting closer, he was falling on the ground. There was no pain only profound silence that enveloped him.

In that moment between consciousness and oblivion he might have saw eyes that pierced through his body, footsteps that tried to reach out to him but he was too far gone before he could actually see the person's face but he felt he was there.....





Dal-min woke up face flat on the cold dew grass, birds chirping over his head and singing their morning melodies. He cleared his blurry and tried to get up only to be hit with a headache that immediately made him nausea and throwing in all up beside him "urghhhh.." it was bitter for his liking.

"What even happened?" he looked around, it was just another normal morning, his wood house cabin right in front of him reminding him the memories of the night that he couldn't still reach out to it at the last moments "and am still alive?!" he sat up looking at his body, he was completely ok no scratches on him even though those thorns really stung.

A headache already kicked in and he can't any more remember to what happened, just as he stood up a voice spoke not far from him "you woke?" "Ahhh!!" he screamed his lungs out falling over his ass "who are you!?" he asked horrified.....