'You must unlearn what you have learned'.


I don't know how I reached here, am not even sure what is even happening but one thing for sure is I know why am here. Everyone was creating chaos shouting on top of their lungs as if I stole anything of theirs, is this how earth people live? pathetic!

I tightly clutched onto the book my best friend bestowed to me I had finally found it and some peasant is saying I stole it. A bunch of dirty men held onto me tightly and by their angry looks I knew it wasn't gonna end well like they were planning to kill me straight away but what's mine is mine.

"This thief stole one of my properties" the old man whose been shouting on top of his lungs like a hungry hyena spoke up making me angry. "You see that book he's holding onto he took it from my stall without paying" he went on further blubbering nonsense as I got what he was on about, everyone was throwing daggers down at me now.

"Do you know what to read in there?" I challenged while the men beside me manhandled me quite a reason to break their hands off me. Everyone looked at the old man who with a smug face approached me and took the book out of my grasp. He looked at a few pages and I could see him start sweating under the hot weather but unlike now it wasn't because of the weather.

I knew the book would only be written in a language no one would understand unless it's the person written to and the author themselves, it was a code in the sun city, just another way to keep your documents private. "you can't read can you?" he threw me a glare when I mocked him. "Everyone this is my book why do I need to read for a nobody" he snatched it away and walked back and a second later everyone was siding with him again, is it me or are humans really stupid.

"Stone him to death!"

"Stone him to death"

They began to chant as I was forced to go down on my knees 'fuck I don't have my ring' I groaned to the humiliation, am a prince for God sake. I have never felt helpless like I did right now, while I watched everyone pick up the stones that lay carelessly across, if I had my ring... I closed my eyes and waited for the impact cuz what else could I think of. The first hit cut my brow making me groan maybe for this once I'll let go of the situation and let it flow how ever it can.

I didn't feel anything coming for a moment which made me open my eyes only to be met with smoke covering my entire vision. It was foggy everyone was running around in panic and the people who held me down I felt them fall to my feet "what-" I was confused until I felt someone grab my hand. It happened so quick and felt myself pulled away from the scene and into the woods but not far just away from the smoke to hide.

"Are you crazy?" the person who pulled me away from the crowd asked as I looked dumbly at him. I couldn't see his face because he had it covered with a black mask that has silver threadings at its borders. I still couldn't fathom his questions as I remembered something and my eyes snapped at the old man that had held my book shamelessly, thief!

I was just about to go for it when I was held back yet again and now I couldn't hold my anger anymore "leave me alone....I can't leave it there it's important" I didn't mean to snap at him but I didn't like someone meddling in my affairs if I want the book I will have it.

"You are really crazy aren't you" he snapped back angrily holding me back "if you go back there they'll kill you!" I don't care "are you even listening?" my eyes wouldn't leave the book Rion gave me at least it's one of the things I have remained with and need to treasure it.

"I need to get it back it's mine" I don't even know why am explaining myself to a stranger. Ever since I landed here no one seems to listen to me like am speaking a whole different language here.

"I know it's yours and those people are crazy" I wasn't expecting that, he took off his mask and looked at me with a smile, wait he's familiar...."you believe me?" I know I sounded like a kid but at least one person was on my side "of course I do, it's that green book right?" he asked and I was quick to nod. He smirked as me and snapped his finger once then twice "now they see it, now they don't" he grinned as I was left staring at him dumbfounded. Just then there was a commotion again "it's gone the book is gone" I heard the old man scream again "here it is" he had a wide smile as the book was held onto his other hand "how-" I was definitely confused not because am new to magic but the fact that a human who I know don't possess any magic pulled off that trick

"Now we run" he warned and he ran off as I followed behind I don't know who he is but I just found myself running along, those people were crazy and sick in the head.




After running for about what? an hour!, I found myself flopping to the ground as I caught my breathe funny how I quickly got tired this is not so me, I could barely sweat back at the kingdom but now look at me. I looked at the guy who lead me here he was like we just didn't run along way here "you good?" he asked while taking his cloak entirely off and grinning at me, he must be used to running off here.

"Don't tell me you don't remember me?" he asked and I looked at him to see if it rings any bells "you left my door open how rude" I could see he was pouting! do men pout and why did he kinda look cute doing it?

I zeroed my eyes around again and it was making sense now, the dark pit I remember that, I was looking for my belongings like a mad man before running off to nowhere only to end up in a so called market finding a man selling off my stuff and wanting to steal from me.

I stood up and took a breathe again, he's the guy I found on the ground the moment I woke up I don't know how he reached there but it looked like it was my fault I must have hit him, I wanted to help so I tried picking him up only for something weird to happen and the next thing I knew I could speak like him, talk about unfiltered language, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Am Dal-min by the way and this is my wooden house and who are you, this will be a proper introduction" he asked standing right across me. Now I could take a proper picture at him, he was obviously short compared to me, his clothing is weird, he looks mysterious and hiding a lot of secrets. As a man though his skin was really glowing and had these crescent eyes reminding me of the moon, wait the moon??

Yes my mission! Look at me, I barely can fight having absolutely nothing on me to use. I don't know where I am, how the 'humans' act towards indifferent people like me. How was i supposed to fit in that quick it's harder than I thought.

"Uh.... your name?" he asked and I snapped out of my thoughts only to realize I didn't speak anything "call me Ha-Jun" he nodded while taking a closer look at me. "Where are you from I don't think I have ever seen you before" he made a thinking face and I looked for what to say, where was I from? can't just tell him where am from I may look crazy to him. "You won't believe even if I tell you" I sighed while picking up my book "try me" he said. Dal-min or whoever he is, is very curious I can tell he's trying to dig in any information from me and I can't let that happen.

"Look thanks for helping me out there but the rest is none of your business so I will be heading out my way" not be rude but I don't like to be questioned at all. Just as I was on my way to nowhere he called me again "I wonder whose is this" I looked back and widen my eyes "my necklace" I mumbled.....


