The next day Jessica got invited to Lesley's house along with her friends to talk about what happened, however Jessica has been asked a lot of questions...
Alucard: how did you survive that non-sense??
Lesley: why didn't you answer my call?!
Isabel: what happened there after we left?
Markus: where is your shield and stuff??
Jessica: okay calm down i will answer all of your questions, okay there was a guy named Simon he was 6'0 or 6'1 feet tall i don't know his exact height strong, brave and kind of handsome there was a demon lord or something attacked me while i was killing everything, dropping my shield knocking me to the ground and almost killed me but thankfully he showed up in time, took my shield crushed some demons, hit the lord and pushed him away and helped me survive the rest, we escaped from the third floor. and i almost forgot, thanks Lesley! you could have killed us there because a large fat demon was in the room with us when you called!
Lesley: I'm so sorry...
Jessica: it's okay and yeah he took the shield and the sword i was using i don't know why i didn't take it but hey we got the paralyzing gun and a laser one was with Alucard right?
Alucard: yeah but in my basement
Markus: yeah with the kids he kidnapped
Alucard: brother for the love of god stop i don't have any kids in my basement!
Isabel: here we go again... anyways what are we going to do with that school like call the cops or what?
Jessica: i was in fact going to call the cops but Simon stopped me and told me they would detain us instead of actually helping
Isabel: and you listened to him? to a strange man?
Jessica: what do you want me to do? he saved my life i should totally trust what he says because maybe who knows what he said would come true
Markus: so after all this blah blah blah, what are we going to do?
Alucard: watch the news... because i heard that they are going to destroy the school to build a hospital or a police station before we arrive so...
Jessica: well... okay
Jessica opens the TV to watch the news as he said, there was a horror movie on before they switch to the news...
Jessica: uh... Lesley? why are you watching this?
Lesley: i got bored so i thought watching a movie would help...
Jessica: so you chose a horror one?
Lesley: y- yeah? what's wrong?
Jessica: *sighs* nothing.....
Broadcaster: we have breaking news an off duty police officer called David was driving back home when he noticed the old school's windows broken with red light coming out of it and a part of the school is destroyed so he called for backup to investigate... and they were brutally killed by unknown force and the only one survived was obviously David, with only one arm left... he recorded the incident and showed it to the police department and they called for military right away, apparently a group of people had broken into the old abandoned school "AI Studies" to explore it and they accidentally unleashed what is called the end of our race... switching to the field reporter Alexander, Alexander can you please tell us what is happening right now
Alexander: .... we- need he-.....
Broadcaster: Alexander can you hear me? what is happening?
Alexander: no... no!
Broadcaster: what??
Soldier to Alexander: SIR YOU HAVE TO GO! NOW!!
several gun shots followed by explosions can be heard in the background...
Broadcaster: Alex tell us what's happening!
Alexander: this... is what is happening...
camera switches from pitch black to the scene to find 4 tanks 7 armored vehicles and a lot of soldiers fighting hundreds of zombies and monsters coming out of the school like it's their last stand
Broadcaster: holy... god!
Soldier #3: copy that an we will send you help in 10 minutes i repeat we will send you an air strike in 10 minutes
Soldier #3: there is a backup coming after 5 minutes containing 2 tanks and 6 armored vehicles with national guards
the soldier broke the camera and ordered 2 men to take both of them away and *signal lost*
Jessica: oh no... what have we done?
Broadcaster: Alex?! do you hear me? .... we lost him, switching to John... eh... please John can you record but far away from the scene so you don't get hurt...
John: alright i was already watching far away.... done
John switched to the school viewing soldiers being eaten flying monsters, lots and lots of different kinds of monsters and large bugs coming out non-stop... the camera switched back to John as he was trying to at least explain that the end is coming...
John: there are a lot of deadly creatures coming out of that school and they are not stopping! and... and.... oh dear heavens...
Broadcaster: what?!
The camera switched back to the school only to view our.... "inevitable death"
Broadcaster: D- DEMONS?!?
The demon lord and his squad containing 25 very very strong demons with very strong equipment such as red colored armor and burning swords and some of them had some kind of a whip made out of pure lava and they had spiked thorns on their armor and 7 hell dogs with chains around their necks and their body was covered with chains and spiked thorns made out of lava and their mouth was full of lava and had way too many teeth for a dog and their eyes too had lava in it... the soldiers switched to the demons thinking they are the ones who control the monsters firing bullets and throwing grenades hoping they can kill at least one to prove their belief... only to hear this
The Lord: ha ha ha ha your PATHETIC bullets won't work on US!
and suddenly one of these demons dropped his whip and started shooting laser out of his left hand! destroying everything around him! even the backup was nothing to him... he was like cutting a butter with a very sharp blade! finally the air strike arrived containing 4 aircrafts loaded with air to ground missiles and machine guns with high caliber, they managed to kill all the zombies and the ground monsters but they sadly couldn't do much to the demons only gave a scratch to 1 dog and didn't even hurt any demon before they fall to their inevitable death... and suddenly the demon who was shooting laser turned his head 90 degrees to John's face who was hiding behind a large tree 2 miles away from the soldiers! smiling he was... and then fired a small ball of laser it was moving so fast John couldn't even blink! and got killed along with the camera man and again *signal lost*
Broadcaster: .... this is the end... i can't continue no... we are ending the breaking news....
Isabel: it's over...
Alucard: it was all... our mistake....
Jessica: Simon lives near the school.... i have to go to him but i don't know his house.... he can help us kill them...
everyone said: IS THAT ALL YOU CARE ABOUT??
Jessica: well he saved my life and he knows how to kill these demons and also he has the shield and a sword that kills demons in one swing of his arm what else do you want me to say? and of course we are not staying here watching the world getting destroyed while we can do something right? we got paralyzing gun and a laser one and we got ourselves... and him
Lesley: wait... how do you know it's paralyzing?
Jessica: cause i used it against the fat demon and it stopped him from moving anything even blinking he couldn't do it... or maybe he didn't want to blink... or maybe he doesn't blink..
Lesley: oh... makes sense... a little
Alucard: okay but how are we going to help? they are roaming the north and since the military couldn't stop them how can we??
Jessica: it's simple we got some weapons from that portal which are very strong! we can easily fight the demons in a fair fight and of course we will need some help from Simon and the military
Isabel: and how are we going to get help from the military?
Jessica: well.... i don't know....
Lesley: how are we going to even find the guy who saved you? who knows he might be dead already!
Jessica: no no no i don't think so he has got a shield and a devastating sword and he got skills and i remember he lives near the school in the west and i believe he lives like four or five miles away from the school so we are going there using bicycles and how are we going to find some bicycles? well basically i have 3 and don't ask why, Isabel, Lesley and i are going to get these bicycles, Alucard will get the large laser weapon from his basement and Markus will go to his house and try to get any possible information that can help us alright? and after that we will meet at 10 pm and then leave at 11 pm is everything clear?
Markus: yes but... how can we ensure our safety? like no shield? no armor? nothing?
Jessica: well yes.... but don't worry we will definitely find something that will help us i believe...
Markus: we are digging our own graves aren't we?
Alucard: yes we are...