"What am I going to do? It's a real balloon and he said it's a 9 CUP Original....?" Budi muttered while swallowing his saliva from seeing a real live scene without filters and barriers like he had seen all along.

"Wait! Am I really going to do it here?" he muttered while looking at Salsa who was already in a state of resigned lying down waiting for Budi's treatment to finish their bet

"Hey fool! What are you doing? Are you going to stand there like a fool?" called Salsa who had been waiting for a while.

"Not that. I mean..." said Budi nervously stammering with a flushed face and trembling body because he didn't expect to be in his current situation.

"Am I really going to become a real man? Am I going to let go of my virginity?" Budi muttered to himself.

"Hey little man. Why are you acting like a kid? You can't eat by yourself even when the table is set!" mocked Salsa annoyed at the man who didn't even dare to approach her and then sat on the mattress with both her breasts exposed without a cover and bra.

"I don't know what you're thinking. But if you don't have the guts to do it then I'd rather go home and sleep in my room!" Salsa continued.

"That's not it! I just.... just want to prepare myself!" replied Budi nervously.

"She's right! Calm down Budi you don't need to be afraid and nervous. You have to be brave. I'm almost 19 years old now and I've never even held hands with a woman. This is an opportunity that you won't get next time. It's just a gamble! So no need to think long" Budi muttered preparing himself

Budi began to approach Salsa and climbed onto the bed and began to direct his hand to the mound that had been open for a while.

"I'm sorry!" said Budi then began to bring his hand closer to Salsa's mound slowly and slightly trembling.

"Oh yeah. Sorry I haven't introduced myself yet" said Budi stopping his hand movement

"What a lame guy. Why are you being convoluted like that?" said Salsa.

"Not like that. I'm Budi Setiawan, a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Medicine, IU University Jakarta." Budi introduced himself with a red face.

"My mother said that you should introduce yourself properly to a girl who is willing to give herself to you?" Budi explained.

"Heh? Do you think we're dating? This is your first and last. You little shit. Hurry up and do what you want!" Salsa snapped impatiently at Budi who seemed to be deliberately stalling their time together.

Because their faces were so close and looking at each other, Budi's face became even redder because he felt embarrassed and turned his face to the side.

"Wah hahahahaha. You're so funny. Your face looks cute like that. If it was another man. He won't wait too long to do anything to a woman who is already in front of him" then Salsa burst out laughing.

"You silly man. Up close like this, you're cuter than I thought. Did you know that?" said Salsa seductively as she saw the antics of the man in front of her being shy.

"I'm Salsa Yumi. I graduated from IU University three years ago. Greetings! Nice to meet you!" said Salsa in reply to Budi's self-introduction.

"Well, hello there. I'll get on with it," Budi said and put one hand on the mound.

"Graduated? That means she is my senior. Why is her face so cute and looks young?" mumbled Budi in disbelief.

"huh" muttered Budi who just touched something he never felt.

Salsa was confused to see Budi who only stuck his hand out

"Hey future Doctor Budi Setiawan! What are you doing? If you touch it, touch it properly. I don't even feel anything," said Salsa angrily.

"Ah. Is this what it feels like to touch a woman's breasts?"

"It's so soft and adorable!"

"This is the first breasts I've touched and it's a 9 CUP"

"Have I ever seen such a beautiful breasts in a blue house movie?"

"And this breasts mound is pure white and the nipple is pink"

Budi murmured while enjoying the touch he did for the first time in his life.

Salsa turned her face to the side while enjoying Budi's touch.

"I've become a real man. I'm so grateful?" Budi said and then cried.

"Heh? Is he crying?" murmured Salsa wondering because she saw Budi shedding tears.

Budi twisted Salsa's nipple like he had seen in the blue house movie.

"Aa-aghng! Salsa gasped out of control.

"Huh? Did you just ejaculate?" asked Budi in shock.

"Ah. No-no. It's just the sound made by the breasts" said Salsa evasively.

"Oh I see. So breasts can now make sounds?" teased Budi while playing with his hand which was starting to become skillful.

"Oh yeah. Brother Salsa. Actually I'm not too comfortable with this position" said Budi who was still in a position like a dog

"Then what do you want?" asked Salsa.

Budi immediately changed his position and sat behind Salsa

"Is this okay?" asked Budi because he was right behind Salsa and put his legs so that his body was attached to Salsa's back.

"Yeah. Do whatever you want!" replied Salsa resignedly following Budi's game.

"This position is much more comfortable" while gently squeezing Salsa's two breasts mounds

"Come on, hurry up. Our agreement is only 15 minutes, no more" said Salsa reminding Budi not to get carried away.

"His breasts is much bigger when I'm in this position and holding it directly with my hands" muttered Budi then lifted it slightly with both hands

"Slow down a little asshole!" said salsa because Budi was treating her a little rough

"Me and him are so close right now without any distance"

"I can immediately hear his labored breathing and his racing heart"

"Her hair is also very fragrant"

"So this is the real scent of a woman's body"

Budi murmured admiring salsa. He lifted salsa's breasts a little higher and leaned her body on his chest so he could see her more clearly.



Salsa held her breath while biting her lip to avoid being caught by Budi.

"She will definitely make a sigh sound if I touch her nipple" budi muttered to himself then touched and pressed it


"Correct my guess. This is a woman's sensitive zone" mumbled Budi in his heart with confidence because he was an aspiring doctor who understood and understood the structure of the human body.

Budi continues to play with Salsa's nipple which makes salsa have to hold her sigh

"Hnng" sigh salsa then bent her toes

"Hey Bud! 5 minutes. You have 5 more minutes!" Salsa reminded him

"Alright. To finish, can I suck on your breasts?" asked Budi.

"What...?" Salsa was surprised and jumped away from Budi

"Didn't we agree in the bet that I can do whatever I want to your breasts for 15 minutes?" replied Budi remindingly

"So using my lips still counts too!" she continued.

"Ah. You fucking asshole. I didn't expect you to think that far when you're still virgin...?" said Salsa getting worried.

"I'm begging you. I may never get this chance again in the future!" said Budi pleading and prostrating himself before Salsa.

"To hell with you. I can't even believe what I'm hearing right now is real" replied Salsa irritably.

"Alright! A promise is a promise! We made a bet and I have to accept all the consequences! But remember it's only 5 minutes" Salsa replied while reminding the time.

"Ok. Well, thank you for understanding!" said Budi happily.

"Shut up and do it, you jerk!" replied Salsa annoyed at having to follow Budi's wishes.

Budi started touching Salsa's breasts with his hand then brought his lips closer to Salsa's breasts and licked her nipple

"Hnngt" Salsa was surprised and sighed strongly

"What's wrong with you? Is it hurting?" asked Budi who was surprised to hear Salsa's voice.

"Ah. Ha-ha-ha. Sorry-sorry. It happened because I haven't done this in a long time!" replied Salsa embarrassed.

"That idiot didn't hurt at all," muttered Salsa to herself.

"What are you doing?" Salsa asked Budi as she stopped her movement.

"Time is running out. Don't you want to continue?" asked Salsa then pulled Budi to her and lay down in front of him.

"You only have two minutes left. And you have no more time after that. Damn virgin!" while wrapping her arms around Budi's shoulders and winking her eyes to tease him.

"This woman is she still the same woman who made a scene at the internet cafe?" muttered Budi in disbelief seeing Salsa's sweet behavior and then buried his head in Salsa's breasts.

"Haaa...." sigh

as budi sucked on salsa's nipple

"Hnggg" sigh

Budi plays with Salsa's nipple gently



Salsa's breath caught in her throat.

"Well that's good. Use your lips like that" Salsa said while enjoying Budi's treatment.

Budi directed his hand to her bottom as he was carried away by the atmosphere

"Wait! What are you doing? Where's your hand touching asshole?" Salsa was angry because Budi's hand was creeping downward

"Oh sorry. I didn't realize. I got carried away" said Budi and stopped his hand that had entered salsa's underpants.

"That's dangerous!" replied salsa

Yes, I'm sorry. Can't I go there?" asked Budi with an innocent face.

"Are you really serious about that?" replied Salsa with an embarrassed tone.

"That's right. It's dangerous. I'm so messed up." Budi muttered to himself and closed his eyes in embarrassment.

"Go for it" said Salsa allowing

"What?" Budi was shocked in disbelief.

"Just do what you want and feel the sensation. Damn virgin!" put on surrender mode and was ready to receive Budi's treatment.

Budi inserted his hand and pressed one finger into salsa's @p3m

"It's warm and slippery and wet too!"

"Does she feel good now?"

Budi muttered to himself then looked at Salsa's face who was squeezing while biting her lips

"What are you looking at?" Salsa was embarrassed and turned her face away.

"It's nothing. I just wanted to see you up close, and it turns out that you are very beautiful and cute" Budi replied teasingly and complimented.

"Of course. When I was in school I was the best model" Salsa replied, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

"Wow, how unexpected" said Budi while continuing his activities.

"Asshole, are you starting to tease me ha? If you're still talking nonsense I'm going home!" she called out to Budi so as not to prolong the time.

"It should be your lucky day. When it's over I have to wear the same clothes because I didn't bring a change of clothes. So I don't want my clothes to get dirty and wet. So just take it off if you want it!" pleaded Salsa who had started to horny with Budi's treatment.

Not missing a chance, Budi swiftly took off all of Salsa's clothes and revealed her stunning beauty with her thick white wet @p3m and pink lips.

"Woah" Budi's eyes widened

"Why are you silent? Is this your first time seeing a woman's look without a fashion? You poor thing. As an aspiring doctor but this is your first time seeing something like this. Maybe you've only seen things like this in the movie Blue House" said Salsa teasing Budi who was silent.

"Oh. Well by the way why don't you take off your clothing?" he continued asking Budi.

"Huh?" budi's spontaneous response was shocked

"I can see that my Joni is about to explode in there! Your pants are already wet! Don't you realize that, little man?" Salsa taunted back.

"Ackh! Hahaha! Sorry, I was too excited and didn't realize!" said Budi, scratching his head that wasn't itchy.

"Because you've seen it all! Isn't it my turn to see yours?" Asked Salsa

Budi was confused and felt strange

"Wow! You really have no ethics Bud!" shouted Salsa annoyed by Budi's innocent reaction.

"And also there is still a second bet that must be fulfilled right?" she continued while spreading her @p3m in front of Budi so that Budi could see clearly

"Ho?" budi's head was spinning.... ....