When Luca came back home that evening he was in good spirits that he took his time to tidy up the house a little bit including his room, since his mother was not here yet he took it as his time to prepare dinner because he is in a good mood of course. Usually when he comes back he just locks his soul away in the room and even forgets dinner but thanks to his mother who drags his ass out of bed to make sure he's well fed but today he'll be doing the feeding.

"Don't you want me like I want you baby"

"Don't you need me, like I need you now?"

"Sleep tomorrow, but tonight go crazy" .....

Luca sang gripping the wooden spoon in one hand as if it were a microphone even adding a little dance sway to it while he carefully prepared the dinner from one direction to another.

"Oh someone's in a good mood" he flinches at the voice almost falling over his butt when he notices his mother who has been standing there for as long as he knows "oh....." she chuckled walking to his side with a bright smile with a mixture of amusement in her voice "your glowing, oh my... Something good happened" Luca only smiled cheekily a guinea, deep sound that felt foreign even to him not forgetting to check on the food "uh...not really just the usual, am in a good mood that's all, and I wanted to make us dinner" he shrugs it off with a smile "well.... continue jiggling that none existence ass which am Joking by the way" his mother was even more wild as she joined the song Luca was dancing and now both of them were dancing in the kitchen with no care in the world just bright smiles. Laughter spilled from both of them, a melody that seemed to chase away every shadow. Luca let himself be swept into the moment twirling his mother back and forth as the food bubbled behind them.

When they finally slowed catching their breaths, the moment hung in the air like the scent of fresh noodles and warmth. A silence settled between them one of them comfort and connection, she squeezed his hand gently before letting go "it's good to see you like this" she whispered. Luca felt his chest tighten, warmth spreading as if he had been waiting his whole life for this kind of peace "it's good to feel like this" he replied.

Miss Hayes could only feel immense happiness seeing his son for once smile it comforted her in some way, after everything they had been through this was a good change.

They both returned to the meal their laughter echoing softly filling the house with a rare beautiful kind of magic, for the first time in a long while home felt like home.



When Luca later returned to his room, he let the hooded figure's cryptic words roll off his shoulder as he shuffled through his closet looking for his pajamas "seriously what kind of fortune cookie nonsense was that?" He muttered mockingly kicking his shoes off.

But still the encounter left an odd weight in his chest, a question he couldn't shake no matter how hard he tried. It didn't help that every time he glanced at the silver ring on his finger, it seemed to catch the light just so almost like it was listening. He rubbed his thumb over the band, it's smooth surface oddly calming "at least you're not mysterious and broody" he murmured to the ring smiling faintly.

Unknown to him moonlight spilled through the window as he prepared for bed casting his room in silvery hues, it watches like a silent guardian or...conspirator, but Luca is too immersed in the ring that he doesn't even look around him in fact he doesn't care about anything as long as the ring was with him he felt safe.....

Sipping the ring off, he placed it on the night stand for a moment "I should probably stop talking to inanimate objects" he mumbled. Yet the quiet hum of comfort the ring brought him was undeniable. When he slid it back onto his finger after contemplating for a while something shifted in the air. Looking around himself it was just as normal as it looks but why did it feel different though "I must be tired" he sighed.

He decided to lie down and before his head could hit the pillow, the world tilted and he was falling "what-" the sensation pulls him down or perhaps up, he wasn't falling onto his bed but into something firm and....warm?

Luca blinked rapidly his brain scrambling to process the situation, his cheek rested against something firm, yet strangely soft and it wasn't his pillow. The air around him carried a scent of embers, dark spice and something electric. Something like strong arms draped casually but possessively around him

He froze.

His heart stutters.

Luca dares to glance up and finds himself staring into eyes that burn with molten gold and a face carved from shadows and fire the man's smirk is lethal, dangerous and far too beautiful.

"Well" the stranger drawled, his voice a low velvet murmur that sent shivers racing down Luca's spine. "Falling into my arms already, how bold of you"

"Who....are you?" Luca's breathe hitches "I think you know" the voice continues to speak to him. He tried to scrambled back realizing he was still very much sitting in the man's lap, his hand flailed as he tried to push himself off but the stranger's grip was firm. Luca looked at him in confusion as the man hadn't yet answered his questions. The man tilted his head, his smirk widening "you are wearing my ring aren't you?" Luca glanced down at his hand instinctively, the silver band glowing faintly against his skin "w...what does it have to do with anything?!"

"Everything little dreamer, I've been waiting for you"