Chapter 11 : The meet up

At party

Lisa point of view...

After edward reached where carl was standing. He looks everywhere for me. Then caught me looking at him.

When he saw me. A little smile came on his face.

"Those cute smiles" i thought to myself.

They both started walking towards us.

"Girl!!. You really wanna leave this guy?". Mia asked me

"Yeah. I want to". I replied back to her.

"You know you hit the jackpot here. Just look at him. He's perfect for you". Luna tells me

"I know that. but he's 4 years younger. I don't wanna spend my Life with some immature boy". I replied back to both of them.

"So what!!!" Mia asked me. But when she was trying to ask another question. I stopped her.

"So how did he knew that blue is your favourite colour?". Mia asked me.

"I dont know!". I replied back to her. It's not wrong though he's looking very handsome today.

"Trust me girl that guy is looking at you like you're only thing that mattered to him". Luna tells me

"He only wear it because it's your only favourite colour". Luna tells me

"How do you know. Maybe it's his old shirt". I asked her.

"Nope that shirt is a newer one. Look at the colour glowing. I think he buy it today or yesterday". Luna tells me with a very confidence look.

"But how will he know about my favourite colour!. we don't even talk that much". I asks them.

"Girl if a guy really loves you. He will focus every small details about you". Mia tells me

"Really?". I replied back with a little smile on my face.

"So he is noticing me. Yeyyyy". My innerself telling me.

"Shutup" i thought to myself.

Everyone in the party is looking at him. I dont know why. but i don't like it.

"Maybe he is not that bad. He's cute". I thought to myself

"Yeah he's cute and handsome you should definitely give him a chance". My friends tells me nodding there faces.

"Shit was i too loud?". I thought to myself

"Yeah you were". They said to me again

"I stopped talking!!". After that they both reached to our table.

Edward poing of view ...

"God i didn't know she will also be same Colour as me. It's like we are in couple dress code". My insides are exploding with happiness.

"Hey". I said to lisa. She's beautiful i thought to myself

"Hey". She replied straightly looking at my eyes without avoiding like last time. It's killing me. Please help me god.

"Her eyes are glowing. Even in pure darkness her eyes will light up". I keep thinking about her eyes.

Lisa point of view...

He came to our table and greeted me first without even giving glance at mia and luna. i love it that he gives me his full attention.

"Hey" he said. This guy i wanna make him mine only.

"Hey" i replied back looking at him. I can't take my eyes of him.

He then greeted mia and luna. And sitted opposite of me even though there's a space right beside me.

Then carl also greeted us and sit beside Ed.

They both are stealing the spot light here.

Everyone is jealous of our table. We can see it in their eyes.

After that they all talked. Mia and luna are like bestfriend of edward and carl.

It's like they both meeted somewhere before.

When they all talked i keep glancing at Edward for a long time without even realising he was also looking at me.

Then after sometime later...

The food and drinks came. We started to celebrate.

After sometime later i went to the bathroom.

Mia and luna came with me.

"He's a gentleman,girl!!". Luna tells me which give me a smile.

"Why are you avoiding him. What's the real problem". Mia asked me

"It's just that i feel like I'm using him". I said to them which give them a shock.

"Why did you said that" they both asked me

"After we got married. My dad is being very nice to me and also he's been good to edward also. He acting like he owns the world now. There's something they all hiding from me". I said to both of them.

"And also he's just a kid. He got a good life ahead of him. And i don't wanna ruin it with my problem". I said to them with a low voice.

"That kid is totally in love with you". Mia said to me which give a little happiness.

"How do you know?". I asked her.

" The way he looks at you. His eye tells everything. You own his whole heart. I wish somebody looks at me like that". Luna said to me which give me butterflies in my stomach.

"And also we are not gonna help you. we are on his side". They both said together.

"I feel like he's also hiding something from me. I don't know anything about him. I never even heard about his family". I said to them.

"That's your problem. You never asked him anything. You always avoid him. Then how are you going to find anything about him" mia asked me.

"And also if you've lose that boy. It will be your biggest regret. And I'll snatch him from you". Luna tells me

"NO!!!! He's mine" i shouted and tells them.

"Okay. Okay" they both laughed.

"Is carl single". Mia asked me

"I don't know. You should ask him directly". I answers.

"Wait!!.Did he melt the all famous mia stone?". I asked her.

"Maybe!!". She says and a shy smile came on her face

"He's a good guy and he's perfect for you". Luna tells her.

"Yeah. I think so too". Mia said to luna

"Lets go back". I said to them and they both agreed.

After going out of the bathroom. I went straight to cashier to pay the bill.

I know edward will pay for everything. Even if he don't have enough cash. he'll pay it somehow that's why i gonna pay before him.

When i reached cashier and asked for the bill.

"It's already paid ma'am". The cashier said to me.

"What? Who paid the bill" i asked them in a shock.

"Some men came and paid the bill and also left you a note". He said handing me the note.

I opened it says.

"Happy married life Mr and Mrs Edward"

My eyes widened when i read the name of the who writed it.

From Deluca.

The deluca family?? Why would they paid the bill.

(The deluca family is the most respected and dangerous in the world. They even have connection with underworld. To be recognised by them. It's like a ticket to heaven).

And also it says mr and mrs Edward?. Did he have some connections with them.

It's the first time I'm recognise as Mrs Edward. It's suits me really well right!.

Then i looked at edward. That man is smiling to his heartout. I wish he was like that with me.

"No". I dont wanna ruin his life. I'll just leave him alone.

The i looked at him

"Just who are you Edward?". I said to myself

Then i hear some girl voices.

Some girls are covering edward and touching him.

"Do they wanna die". 

When i was trying to stop them. that's when luna ans mia steped in and saved him.

Then i put the note into my pocket and walk towards them.