Chapter 18: Marriage

On the way back, I apparently had a gloomy expression the whole time. "Boss, how long are you going to be depressed? It couldn't be helped." "That's right, Han isn't responsible. Please don't be so down." "That's right." "I understand what everyone is saying, but I just can't cheer up." "I guess it'll take time." "Try to think that way. Leave me alone for a bit."

Everyone's concern is truly appreciated, but I can't help feeling downcast. I feel like I bear some responsibility too.

"Nothing to be done, let's leave him alone for a while." "We won the battle, but somehow I can't get excited about it."

I made my way home feeling depressed.

The feeling didn't go away even after returning to the mansion. "Welcome back. Congratulations on your great victory," Jung greeted me with a beaming smile. "Ah, thank you." Jung seemed to notice something in my expression and didn't say anything more. At dinner too, there wasn't much conversation. But even then, Jung acted normally.

After I entered the bedroom, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." The door opened, and Jung slowly entered. "I'm sorry to say this, but your attitude is clearly not normal. There's only you and me here. Could you please share what's on your mind?" "Jung..."

I couldn't remain silent any longer. I told her everything—that I had proposed the winter equipment, that Lord Schwartz had used it to plan the enemy's annihilation, and as a result, the entire enemy force of ten thousand men had frozen to death. After hearing this, Jung had a very gentle expression.

"I don't think I can ease your mind by saying this isn't a big deal or that you shouldn't worry about it. That would be disrespectful to those who died and go against your own feelings."

"But I believe I can stand beside you and support you, sharing your burden together."

"And by sharing the burden together, I can reduce your load and perhaps lighten your heart a little." Jung looked into my eyes intently as she spoke.

"Would you allow me to always be by your side and support you?" I returned Jung's gaze. Then I knelt down and took her hand.

"Jung, will you marry me?"

"I gladly accept," she replied with a smile as beautiful as a blooming rose.

The next morning, perhaps out of concern, the three—Ryu, Yang, and Stein—came to visit. "Han, are you okay?" "Huh? What do you mean?" I answered with a big smile. "Hey, you seem brighter today." "What on earth happened?"

At this point, I told them that I had proposed to Jung. "How did you go from yesterday's state to this?" "Well, various things happened." "So that cleared your mind?" "Well, that's part of it..." I hesitated a bit.

"After that, we did it." "Did it?!" Everyone except Stein probably thought to themselves, "So you actually did it." "Huh? Did what?"

"Shut up, Stein, don't say unnecessary things," Ryu covered Stein's mouth. Just then, Jung entered the room. "Oh my, everyone's here. What's going on? Ah, my darling!" Jung came and embraced me.

"So that's how I cleared my mind." Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Well, I'm glad you're feeling better. We'll be going now." Everyone left with dejected expressions.

"I guess it's good that he cheered up." "We worried for nothing." "What did they do?" "You be quiet."

"Jung, let's have the ceremony soon. We need to contact your parents too." "I'm so happy. I'll contact them right away."

Two weeks later, the wedding ceremony was solemnly held. It was a normal wedding with nothing particularly noteworthy, except that Stein got magnificently drunk.