A messenger arrived from the battlefield. The messenger was breathless from rushing, but his face was glowing with excitement. "A crushing victory! We've shattered the enemy!" "A message from Lord Schwartz: We have completely annihilated the enemy. Our losses are minimal. We will now proceed toward the liberation of Romulus." Cheers thundered throughout the royal palace. "As expected of Lord Schwartz!" "A commander among commanders!" "To think he would completely destroy the Imperial army!" "The kingdom is now secure!"
More detailed reports arrived. Of the Imperial army's 32,000 troops, about 30,000 were either dead or captured. It was essentially complete annihilation. In comparison, our army suffered only a few hundred casualties and injuries combined. An overwhelming victory. Cheers erupted throughout the nation.
Lord Stein had crushed the invaders—who had been considered an immense threat, incredibly cruel, and formidably strong—with a single blow. The people of the royal capital couldn't stay in their homes and flooded the streets to celebrate the victory. Everywhere was in a festive mood. "They say our side suffered almost no losses while crushing 30,000 enemy troops!" "A legendary commander!" "There's an even more impressive title than what was used in the previous battle!" "A hero like a god!" "That's it—the Divine General!" "Divine General Lord Schwartz!"
The enemy army collapsed, with a few thousand remnants fleeing westward. Since Shenlong had already left, our 2,000 cavalry pursued them. As we approached Romulus, it seemed the news of defeat had spread, and the remaining enemy soldiers were in the process of fleeing. It would be impossible to defend the vast Romulus with that small number of troops. So they were retreating, joining the defeated soldiers and heading straight west. "They're surprisingly quick to run." "Well, the enemy is desperate too."
However, news of the Imperial army's defeat had apparently reached various parts of Italica. Italican volunteer forces were emerging from everywhere.
"Kill the invaders!" "Revenge for our families!" Bloodthirsty civilians were blocking the retreating army's path.
With nowhere to go, the defeated army was driven into a small castle in western Italica.
This was the castle that the Imperial army had used as a base for their invasion of Italica, and it seemed they had stored food supplies there. However, with no reinforcements coming from anywhere, they were completely isolated. But it seems they knew they wouldn't be pardoned even if they surrendered, given the atrocities the Imperial army had committed in Italica. If they would be killed anyway after surrendering, their only option was to hole up in the castle.
Italican army and volunteer forces swarmed from all around, forming a siege force of about 100,000. "At this rate, we're not even needed." "Retreat orders should come soon." "The retreat orders have come! The Burg Kingdom forces are to return." "Alright, let's head back too." As we were preparing to return, a messenger came from Lord Schwartz.
"Lord Han and Sir Hans are requested to come to headquarters." When we arrived at Lord Schwartz's headquarters, the place was bustling with preparations for withdrawal. "Lord Han, there's a request from the Italican army. They want assistance for the final siege. The enemy is cornered and unpredictable. They're asking if Sir Hans' siege engines could help. What do you think?" "Well..." As I hesitated, Hans spoke up. "Please leave it to me! I'll show you how to pulverize that small castle!" Hey, don't just commit like that. What are you going to do? "I have several strategies. Please leave it to me," Hans said with gleaming eyes. Come on, this is going to get out of hand again. I don't want any part of this. "I'll entrust the final siege to Lord Han. Fulfill your duty." "Yes, sir." Well, whatever happens is not my responsibility.