Chapter 3: First Wave of Zombies

Han Si was looking at her stats on her personal information page when a movement at the corner of her eye caught her attention. She looked up to see Zhao Mei feint. Han Si caught Zhao Mei before her head hit the floor, placing Zhao Mei on the sofa. Han Si then looked back at her personal information.

"Name: Han Yi

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Title(s): Hidden Title: Rebirth; Survival Novice; World Leader; Common Title: Level 10; Common Title: Level 15; God Level Player; Common Title: Level 20; Common Title: Level 25; Common Title: Level 30; Common Title: Level 35; Common Title: Level 40; Common Title: Level 45; Common Title: Level 50; Common Title: Level 55

Strength: 245

Agility: 290

Endurance: 280

Intelligence: 288

Vitality: 288

Mind: 288

Luck: Max

Experience: 2050/3000

Level: 59

Attribute Points: 305"

Han Si knew her multiplier would be a pain so she clicked on her hidden title and once she clicked on it several things popped up. However she cared about one: "Disable Multiplier effects? Y/N"

Han Si clicked Yes as she knew this would make no sense If she continued to keep it enabled. Once she disabled it she saw her experience multiplier go back to base. She knew that once the title "Survival Novice" upgraded to "Survival Pro" the multiplier would become multiplied by ten. And that would stack with her hidden title which she didn't want. Anyways we skip to when Zhao Mei wakes up. She is looking at her personal information.

"Is this for real? Please Sister Si tell me this isn't a dream."

"It isn't a dream Mei. Its reality."

"I can't believe it. And my weapon is god tier? I'm in heaven."

Han Si told Zhao Mei that she'd be out gathering resources so she shouldn't stray too far and if possible upgrade her attributes. Han Si then left. It took Han Si several hours to collect resources from the surrounding area. In the meantime she killed the zombies surrounding her city. And Although she didn't need to she did it to have less troubles.

Once she got back to her HQ she unloaded the supplies and went to shower. Since she cleared the city all utilities worked. After her shower Han Si sat in a house eating dinner with Zhao Mei who was excitedly talking. Although Han Si was half listening the rest of her attention was on the Chat Channel.

"Has anyone tried to get into contact with Han Si or tried to join her?"

"Brother upstairs, my team and I have tried to get into contact with her to accept an alliance, but she hasn't responded."

"What do you think Han Si and her residents' levels are?"

"To be honest I just want to be a resident of her's for the weapon level. I'm stuck at a Ordinary Crossbow."

"Does anyone know who is part of her residents cause the voice said residents she may have. Also what level is her HQ cause I'm only at level 1 with mine."

"Is it possible to at someone here?"

"Lemme try. @HanSi"

Seeing her name in blue once it was atted she answered.

"Hello everyone I got a notification for an at. What would you like?"

"Me and my team were curious what your level was."

"I was curious about what you HQ level was."

"It actually worked. Han Si could I be a part of your HQ? I can give you meals every night."

"Can I be a part of your HQ? I can give you a fun time every night."

Han Si seeing all these questions simply stated, "My HQ level is 5, but I am not accepting any new residents currently. When I am I'll let you know. As for me and my resident's levels: We are over level 50. All titles you gain from level 10 and above don't have any multipliers and the titles are gained every 5 levels starting at level 10. Also currently I would like everyone to kow that If you're level exceeds the max level of the wave you would recieve 100 experience. We are only over level 50 because I have a hidden title that multiplied my experience gain by a thousand, but I have disabled it and it is currently private. Also this title is not able to be obtained by anyone and no one can take it as thats not how hidden titles work."

After Han Si said everything she wanted to say she continued to watch the chat channel. After a time no useful information was given so she went to the trading hall as she has been ignoring that. Once there Han Si saw that the things on there were mostly daily necessities being exchanged for various materials. Han Si traded as much basic materials as she could for the things she was missing and then she put up 10 servings of roasted beef for blueprints. She didn't expect to get any blueprints, but as soon as she put the meat up the trade was successful.

As soon as the blueprint landed in Han Si's hand she looked at it.

"Sniper Bullet Bluepint (Uncommon): Craft Sniper bullets. Manufacturing Requirements: 1 Iron for 10 bullets."

Han Si made a disgusted face, but messaged the person back.

"Excuse me, but I do not need ammo blueprints as I get a constant stream for having a complete Headquarters. I appreciate the thought though. You can have it back."

She sent the trade request with the blueprints not telling the person the truth about the God Level weapons.

In a Pine Forest several thousand Kilometers away from Han Si a young man stood motionless over a dead body, not expecting Han Si's answer. His name was Travis and he was American. Travis had recieved a private message just as he had started looting the Zombie he had just killed with his Rare Hunter's Bow. As soon as he saw Han Si's answer with the trade request with the blueprint in it he stood motionless thinking about what had occurred. He went to his Regional Chat and sent a message.

"Anyone who has a complete HQ. Can you confirm if you get a steady stream of ammo from it?"

Someone answered. This person too was an American.

"Travis. I have conquered a town and managed to make it into my HQ. As for your question, Yes I do, but it's only a crate per day."

"Thanks man."

"Why did you ask?"

"I just tried to trade with Han Si for a sniper bullet Blueprint, but she told me what you just confirmed, though I'm wondering if its the truth for her God Level Arsenal"

"Are you suggesting there may be something she's keeping secret?"

"Well if she has a God Level Awakened weapon and her residents do as well, how much is she getting? Or does she have unlimited?"

"Travis, why not tag her in the World Channel and ask her about it and what type of HQ she has?" someone else had asked.

"That's a good idea."

Travis goes to the World channel and sends a message.

"@HanSi I'm curious as to what type of HQ you have and how much ammo you get for it being complete. Could you satisfy my curiosity?"

Han Si who was out looting got pinged from the world channel so she opened it to see the person she gave the blueprint ask her about her HQ and ammo gains.

She messaged, "@Travis I have conquered the Dragon City as my HQ and it is currently level 5. As for the ammo output: I get 100 box's per minute as that was a bonus for being the first for an HQ."

She told a half truth and looking over at Zhao Mei who was looking at her screen as well told her, "Please do not reveal the full truth sister. If they find out we have infinite ammo we could be targetted and I don't want that."

Zhao Mei said, "I don't plan to share. Plus I know you want to recruit people who you can trust with secrets. And I just thought of someone whom I should never have forgot. What do you think about recruiting our moms?"

"Let's see. Give me your mom's name and I'll invite her. As I'll also invite my mom too."

Zhao Mei gave Han Si her mom's name and Han Si sent a message first to her mom with a friend request and an invite to be a resident followed by Zhao Mei's mom.

"Let's go back to HQ and organize."

"Yes ma'am!" Zhao Mei answered.

As they got back to the HQ both mom's appeared and were instantly dumbstruck by all the messages they got.

All four women waited until the First wave which took two days and everyone had leveled up a decent amount. However since the four women were overleveled and had maxed out everything they just sat there watching the World channel. They all survived, but Han Si knew it wouldn't last as the higher tiered users would survive. As everyone suffered, Han Si and her residents lived perfectly fine. Han Si opened her HQ panel and clicked upgrade. As it upgraded Han Si also checked her Stats and designated her Attribute Points. This was the final result:

"Name: Han Si

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Title(s): Hidden Title: Rebirth; Survival Novice; World Leader; Common Title: Level 10; Common Title: Level 15; God Level Player; Common Title: Level 20; Common Title: Level 25; Common Title: Level 30; Common Title: Level 35; Common Title: Level 40; Common Title: Level 45; Common Title: Level 50; Common Title: Level 55

Strength: 316

Agility: 362

Endurance: 374

Intelligence: 370

Vitality: 364

Mind: 370

Luck: Max

Experience: 2050/3000

Level: 59

Attribute Points: 0"

After Han Si had distributed her points the first wave ended.